The gall of some people

Actually their unmitigated stupidity continues to baffle me. I just cannot understand it, have a look at this:

Baby hurled from window of crash car
A baby boy has died after being hurled from his grandmother’s arms and out through an open car window as the vehicle smashed into a tree. Mohammed Abdulla Anwar Bu Kamal, aged five months, was in his grandmother’s lap when the car, driven by his mother Siham Mohammed Bu Zaid, hit a tree on Al Fateh Highway, near Hoora.

In difference to their grief, I chose not to write about it yesterday, but today I just couldn’t hold myself back, because:

Crash baby’s father to sue over ‘faulty airbag’
The father of a baby boy who died in hospital following a road accident is planning to sue the dealership where he bought the car over claims the airbag was faulty.

Hey you stupid fuck. It is your fucking MOTHER who was using your 5-month-old baby as an airbag. Now you want to sue? Which fucked up lawyer are you talking to? Oooh I could see the car dealership quaking in their boots waiting for the court date, and they will settle out of court with a payment of millions of Dinars to shut you up! What a fucked up bitch this guy is.

The people WE – the people – should sue is the morons at the traffic department who gave your two-celled brain woman you took for a wife a license to drive, and then allow her (and countless others) to breach every single traffic law on the books every single day on these islands in front of the morons it hires without even attempting to take down a car number-plate or penalising them for anything.

How many of us have seen cars hurtling down a busy road at speeds in excess of 160kph?
How many of us have NOT witnessed a horrific accident every single year of our lives?
How many of us is waiting to be involved in an accident?
How many of us says “when I have an accident” rather than “if“?
How many of us have seen cars driving on pavements?
How many of us have lost dear friends to stupid fucks on the road who think they have the right of way for everything?

… and the list goes on.

Well, I can tell you now that the whole traffic police in Bahrain (and yes, in the whole Arab world) are there to make way for kings and princes to reach their palaces, rather than to regulate traffic and protect lives.

Why the hell do governments insist on driving licenses when any two assholes can produce children unhindered and untested?

And this stupid amoeba wants to sue a car dealership because his own mother used his baby as an airbag?

Give me a fucking brake.


  1. km_romio

    Chiiiiillll Winston…


    I can’t believe I was just writing about this a month ago, and now it’s happened… I only hope that people will start thinking about what goes on when they get behind the wheel and the impact of not properly securing someone in their seat… I would really like to see a proper push for more road safety… Maybe friends and familes who’ve lost loved ones in car crashes could band together and create a society along the lines of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers – i think)… As much as I’d like to have the traffic police step up their role and stamp their foot down, there is something we can do… more awareness…


    The dad with his lawsuit will not have the mettle to take on a large Business family Dealership… But like you’ve predicted, they will settle so the father will have a nice bank account to pay for the mother’s psychiatric therapy getting over her loss (waitaminute… they don’t believe in therapy here… sorry..)

  2. anonymous

    The gall of some people

    I have never been so scared driving as I was in the Middle East. I have driven all over the Gulf and places like Beirut and Cairo. The drivers there are insane. Only my experiences in Paris have any comparison.


  3. mohd

    Free Legal Advice

    Generally you would sue the manufacturer unless you have evidence that the dealer was negligent in maintainence and upkeep.

    The guy doesn’t have a case. Even if the airbag deployed, it would cushion a forward blow, the baby flew out the right side of the car. Even if the window was up, his kid would have smashed his head against the glass. If his vehicle was equipped with a side curtain airbag, it could have helped, but then he’d be suing for permanent damage as the kid would have surely snapped it’s neck or sustained something rather horrific.

    Now the public prosecutor on the other hand has a case for criminal negligence. They failed to secure a baby properly and it was riding in the front seat which is clearly against traffic law, regardless of how poorly it is enforced. I remember when that law first came out in the early 90s.

    You never want to be in a situation where the best you can say is “I told you so”, but edu’s right. This was a tragedy just waiting to happen.


    We need more details on campaigns like this.

  4. anonymous

    The gall of some people

    The guy has no case at all.

    Airbags are intended to protect adult sized people, period. Even older children, under a certain height are as likely to be harmed by an airbag rather than be saved by it. Don’t know about Bahrain but cars with airbags here come with that warning and advise that children be placed in the rear seats. In addition, saftety standards approved child car seats are mandatory for all infants and children under a certain size and weight. With nasty fines for non-compliance. Recently the law has been extended to include anyone with only temporary custody of a child who transports the child in a car, such as a grandparent or babysitter. There is no other effective protection for them. The inertia of a child moving at 80 or 100kph, or more, in a vehicle that suddenly stops (crash) or changes direction (rolling etc.) translates into the equivelent momentum of a moving object of up-to hundreds of pounds trying to keep moving in the same direction as the car was travelling.

  5. anonymous

    Dumbasses are everywhere

    Driving in the Middle East stinks. Its shit in Bahrain, its even shittier in Saudi, and its in a state of diarrhea in Beirut. Having studied in the states for 5 years, I actually got used to signalling on EVERY turn and I still get freaked out if I see a white crown victoria, thinking that its a cop just waiting for me to fuck up and give me a ticket. Although its not as bad as it was in the 80s, I do see people getting pulled over more than before, but its still not enough. Another part of the problem is those lone walker motherfuckers who sprint from one end of the highway and slow down in the middle of the road as soon as they see a speeding car coming their way. Move, bitch, get out the way!

    But the best thing so far is the ban that was somewhat recently lifted on women who are now allowed to drive with their fucking burga’as on. When I see a women driving on the road trying to see through a fucking black mask, I just get out of her way. Apparently having a hijab on is not gonna get you into heaven when driving. You must now be blind.

    For the poor baby that was killed due to his parent’s negligence, I think that the government should be imprisoning the mother for vehicular manslaughter and force the father to have a vasectomy. The grandmother should be slapped for being a dumbass.

  6. anonymous

    Another post completely bereft of sensitivity

    … hold your high horses mate before you go around squeeling profanities based on what you read in the GDN…

  7. anonymous

    The gall of some people

    Just hope the court will toss this case out and others like it. Frivolous lawsuits as you know cost billions to defend. Costs that get passed right back to you and me “Joe 6 pack consumer” in higher insurance premiums and product cost. All for the stupid behavior of some people and the lack of personal responsability.

    As for the dipshit lawyers that take these cases I have lots of ideas of how to deal with them.

  8. anonymous

    Re: Another post completely bereft of sensitivity

    If the child would have been in a “Childs CAR SEAT” this tragedy would probably not have happend. Let alone AIR BAGS are not a substitute for seat belts and from the article it seems the child was be held in the front seat which is another problem. Yet of course it isn’t THEIR fault this happend. It is the evil autos fault. God forbid if anyone takes some personal responsability.

  9. anonymous

    The gall of some people

    if the morons at the traffic department were doing their jobs properly, then this accident would have never occured in the first place, before we start talking about changing the traffic laws which I agree is a must, we should first change the attitude of the people who think that wearing a seat belt is silly.


  10. anonymous

    The gall of some people

    incredible what we see on our country’s roads on a daily basis, but when it all comes down to it , i still dont believe that everybodys and idiot. they just havent been provided with all that is neccessary to qualified drivers, the driving schools need a major make over ( im sure everyone whos bin to Bahrain’s school for driving excellence would agree with me) education is the major problem , look how the Saudis drive , then wonder how they learnt to… think about it , its somthing that is to be learnt, like most things…

    Deviant Behaviour

  11. 7alaylia

    The gall of some people

    Seatbelts really do save people’s lives. I totalled a brand new Honda a few years back in England. I was late and driving a bit too fast for the 2 lane carriageway I was on and got cut off by a lorry. I flipped the thing a couple of times and rolled. I walked out with a few scratches and bruises because of the safety belt.


  12. [deleted]0.01191600 1099323613.647

    The gall of some people

    If that accident had happened here in the UK, the driver would be liable to face a criminal prosecution for transporting a baby without the use of a correctly adjusted approved booster seat. I reckon that is probably true throughout the EU now. Also as babies are especially susceptible to serious injury from airbag deployment, the booster seat has to be fitted in a rear seat, with no airbag. This parent doesn’t have a leg to stand on. All the adults in that car were criminally irresponsible.
    Incidentally, I agree with Malik’s comments about the motorists of Paris. They are incredibly aggressive, I hate being a pedestrian in Paris.

  13. anonymous

    The gall of some people

    Re: Driving in the Middle East – As an American woman married to a Lebanese guy, I nearly passed out from fear the first time we drove from the Beirut airport to their flat in Mar Elias. Even in Kuwait, I was amazed to see people pull up between two cars (on a two lane road), and try to squeeze through, all the while, the maid is in the back with three or four kids climbing all over her. I don’t get why car seats and seat belts have not caught on over there. As recently as two years ago, even my educated in-laws were still letting the baby ride in someone’s lap, rather than just putting them in a seat. I don’t get it. Forget the fact that there is absolutely no rules on the road in Beirut–I still have to close my eyes when we go through a traffic light (what’s that for anyway, LOL?) It’s not like car seats are that expensive–why risk your kids’ life?

  14. mohd

    The gall of some people

    Meanwhile, breaking news out of Michigan shows that you can never start too early to teach your kids how to be a menace on the roads.


    At first I thought the kid was just plenty smart, quite resourceful and had the biggest pair of brass ones on the playground. But of course it turns out that the mother has been TEACHING the four-year old to drive, even though he can’t reach the pedals.

    Of course in Bahrain, we just drive LIKE four year olds…

  15. [deleted]0.95776700 1099323586.392

    Re: The gall of some people

    I heard this on the radio yesterday morning. What was this mother thinking? Teaching a four year old how to operate a car is an invitation to catastrophe. If she is so intent on setting the table for disaster she should also show him where the liquor is and how to switch off the safety to fire any guns in the house.


  16. anonymous

    The gall of some people

    Jesus, I can’t believe I am reading this. What a complete dickhead for sure.

    As I was driving in Muscat yesterday I followed a local chap, there was a small kid stood on the front next to him and FIVE kids in various positions on the back seat, two were looking at me!!! and guess what THE DRIVER WAS THE ONLY ONE WITH A SEATBELT ON.

    Say no more!!!

  17. anonymous

    The gall of some people

    Lawsuit is groundless, because the airbag is designed to *not* be serviced. They are also activated by an inertia switch (its not the action of hitting the tree, but the large jolt) although hilarity can ensue when a defective switch causes the airbag to deploy the first time you have to panic-stop (as has happened). Skull fractures are consistent with having the impact of a crash cushioned by a wall of fabric rushing at your face at 250 kph.

  18. Abu Arron

    It is, without doubt, any extremely tragic event and, although of their own fault, I do have some sympathy with the family at this tragic time. Mahmood has simply vented his feelings, which pretty much matches everyone elses – we just don’t have the balls to put such vitriol in print!

    However, the standard is pretty much the same wherever I’ve lived in the M.E. There are some individual exceptions to the rule, but generally speaking the attitude towards road safety is the same – somewhere between non-existant and negligible. As for Saudi, have they actually heard of the words safety, common sense, etc?!

    I know that it is only going to make an awful situation even worse for the bereaved family, but I sincerely hope that a prosecution is brought forward as both a test case and a warning. Such idiots really must learn not to play russian roulette with the lives of their children.

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