What does violence get you?

Burnt police car by demonstrators in Bahrain
Whoever did this should receive the maximum punishment permissible by law. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to continue to burn tyres, rubbish bins and most certainly there is not one single reason in the world to throw Molotov cocktails at police cars. This is a criminal act, regardless of political motives.

The country has been suffering from a small band of criminals especially on the Budaiya highway and Sanabis going on rampages almost every night. Every road in the area carries the pockmarks of burnt tyres. Innocent people in villages were suffocated by the burning tyres smoke and then tear-gas lobbed at these pricks by the police to try to control a situation.

There are 30 or so people apprehended, some received jail sentences and others are awaiting their fate in the next few days: the first lot demonstrated at the airport, the second and third and probably fourth lots were “demonstrating” to demand the release of those originally, and then subsequently imprisoned. And pray how are they “demonstrating”? Why by resorting to violence, burning things, stopping people from enjoying their evenings or going shopping and then this, burning police cars.

There is no doubt in my mind – taking the coordinated nature of these riots – that they are all coordinated, and some ass hat is “directing” these morons on where, when and how to demonstrate.

Well, I don’t have any sympathy for them and hope they rot in jail for all I care. To hell with them. If quite a number of community leaders have beseeched them to demonstrate peacefully and they didn’t heed the advice… well, let them live with the consequences of their actions. For a very long time.

So we have Salafis supporting bin Laden and being ultra-sectarian against the Shi’a, and we’ve got these twits who are most probably Shi’a on the other side burning and “revolting” against the government. The rest of the people of this country which (I hope) constitute the vast majority who are against both these extremes are caught in the middle, and nothing will release us unless we ALL stand against both of these extremists.

Violence is not the way forward. Especially at this critical juncture of our history.


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  2. Anonymous

    If people have no loyalty to the country, no sense of citizenship, no sense of belonging, then they will have no sense that what happened in Abu Saiba was wrong. If the government builds a road to the same village through – I kid you not – a 2000 to 3000 year old temple, then they also clearly have no sense of shame. Bahrain is a country that is riven between Shia and Sunni, between rich and poor, between urban and rural – and it is simplistic to assume that the groupings are always the same. It is probably too late – but maybe what is needed is an emergency course in citizenship, an awareness of what it is to be Bahraini, an understanding that you and I may disagree but that should not be a complete block to friendship. We need more listeners, and less talkers.

  3. Hal

    This is awful, and you’re right, whoever is behind this should be obliterated. People who cause so much harm to their country and their country’s image, as well as their people, their beliefs, their religion, are the ones who should pay the highest penalty because it is the harm they cause that upset the balance of our existence and it is the violence that remains in people’s minds, not the positive aspects of this or that. Sorry to hear this is happening, had no idea! But then again, where in the world is this nonesense NOT happening???

  4. Anonymous

    I wish everybody here would go to the temple site ,and if anybody can do anything about this, please do it. Last time I went I saw an English lady with tears in her eyes. I’m depressed and feel like crying too.

  5. %50

    you can’t compare between a pure criminal act (here) and a well known terrorist group (qaeda and wahabi’s)

  6. mac

    I fully understand – we have the same problem in Rome, more than 100 cars and motorbikes have been burned in the last year or so. Most of the people they caught were bored kids. Ah, if I only was their father…

  7. tooners

    You know… this will continue until the govt gets tough on crime and stops this stuff, which will mean coming at it from many different avenues.

    I agree w/ Mahmood, I think it’s being organized.

    I saw the pics from the riot that happened at Dana Mall and, really, I felt sorry for the police officers. At first, I felt sympathy for the rioters but after seeing five guys ganged up over one cop – kicking him and stomping on his head and torso – I couldn’t feel sorry for these criminals any longer.

    Then, I saw pics of the guys who had been beaten by the police officers in the hospital – they had their families around them – it disgusted me. These guys were not seriously injured… yeah, they had welts on them from being hit w/ the battons, but they deserved it. Some had small amounts of blood coming from their heads (way less than you see during that bloody ritual here in Bahrain) and you would have thought they were dying. Here they go out and beat their chests until they bleed, cut their heads w/ swords and continue hitting themselves until they are covered in blood – but a few welts and they act like they’re dying.

    I believe that when you get mixed up in this crap, you deserve what happens to you. (ever heard the old saying – when you play w/ shit, you get it all over you)

    The thing is.. the families (as well as many other ppl) support this crap. They go to the hospitals and cry for them, stage rallies outside the various ministries and such demanding for their release and justice. BUT… where is the justice in what these hoodlums are doing?

    I agree w/ Mahmood, they need to rot in jail. Their parents should have to pay for their actions – there needs to be serious consequences for these criminal acts and until then, NOTHING will happen. It will keep happening.

    Plus, it’s giving Shi’a’s a bad name… and it isn’t deserved or is it?

  8. bahraini4eva

    “you can’t compare between a pure criminal act (here) and a well known terrorist group (qaeda and wahabi’s)”

    If this isn’t a terrorist act Mr. %50, I don’t know what is! These ignorant criminals may not be affiliated with any terrorist organization, but that does not mean they aren’t considered terrorists! Any person who resorts to violence putting the lives of innocent people at risk to send a message (whether it be political or for any other cause), to me, IS considered a Terrorist! These morons need to be punished immediately, and justice MUST be served!

  9. Anonymous

    I’m glad my contract here is over the end of May. So I’ll soon take my wife and son and get out from this “peacefull” country.

    P.S. Regional financial centre… lot of opportunities… friendly environment…NO THANKS! enjoy all of that yourselves

  10. Post

    I must confess that sometimes I feel exactly the same as you do. Too much fluff taken for substance. We have really serious problems that we need to be brave enough to tackle… but the takers are so few and far between.

    Bon chance and bon voyage. Thank you for spending a little time with us.

  11. Zainab Alkhawaja

    Hi Mahmood

    I hope you’re well.

    I agree with what you wrote except for one thing. The people who are arrested and have been arrested in the last months are not the same people who are burning cars and tyres. SOme were taken from their homes, whith no evidence against them, others were arrested at peaceful demonstartions, which were permitted by the government.

    The goverenment is using this as an excuse to go and arrest anyone they dislike. For example Moosa ABdAli, who is now in jail. And they have tld him that his sentence could be anywhere between 2 years and life imprisonment.

    If we had a just legal system I would be with you. But when innocent people have to pay the price…. that is the real problem.

  12. Post

    Welcome back Zainab.

    I agree that without an independent judiciary, no country can progress, and obviously justice will not only not be served, it will be seen as not being served.

  13. Anonymous

    7 cars burnt in sitra today….

    Will there be anything left in Bahrain when i come back next year?

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