Unfortunately, you are unable to purchase TENGA outside Japan at this moment. We are now planning to export our products to all over the world. At the first stage, we will export TENGA (same-size as Japan) to Asia within 2006, and then after we develop large size products, we will start to export TENGA to the rest of the world around spring 2007.
The Arab world must be deep markets for these products, and I wonder how long it would take to issue a favourable fatwa on it, especially if you consider that we’ll have a lot less stressed individuals around because of it, I can tell you! Think of the ramifications for peace in our territory! π
Via BoingBoing
It’l be nancy ajram all over again……
Except with 10x more riots!
π π
I was feeling a bit down this afternoon; you gave me a good laugh.
I liked the bit about “we will export TENGA (same-size as Japan”.
was just wondering if your kids read your blog? =0
informative read! are tenga-like products already available in Bahrain? Pray do tell me where? =P pretty please.. :yes:
ahahahahahaha!! Oh. My. God. hahahaha! π
Jesus – a “deep throat cup”?! π
Ahh…I would NEVER get this..
…(has anyone seen my visa credit card by any chance)… π
M, with your wandering mind……you are a kindred spirit….hahahahaha…yr back pain does not stop you from keeping hope for the future……..
<admin edit> removed part of the post due to obvious reasons! Sorry Mav.
Every new MP should have one.
Its not a new product, I guess I saw a “flash light” version. Only this TENGA wants to bring adult toys into the open, and become a high street store. like “NEXT” for example.
… or … Virgin…? π
No probs M. I have no idea what was unpalatable in what I said. In any case it is your prerogative…..This is not to bad. In a polular pharmacy in Bahrain there is a P**** enlargment device being sold with a video on display. Atleast there was a few months ago. There is also a sex aid being sold by a reputable company in the same pharmacy.
Male retarding sprays etc are being sold as well. These are S** Aids. I see no big difference. Unless someone thinks it will keep the men away from women. Actually I think that I will solve many problems that people tend to face and may save people from embarassing situations.
So what is wrong with the above aparatus. It is really haram according to Islam. I am curious. Please enlighten me.
I really have no idea where Islam stands from devices such as this, and I’m not that interested in finding out. These things are best kept between the person and his/her conscience as far as I’m concerned.
I am surprised about the devices you say are being sold here! I didn’t know that. I shouldn’t be that surprised really, it is a basic instinct and it will be satisfied regardless!
I know I was mortified once when I was asked by a customer to Saudi a few years ago to bring him back a case of “retarding sprays”! Needless to say I told him that if he needs that many he actually requires a shrink more than those sprays, and he’d better come and get them from Bahrain himself! π
the japanese arent crafty…this is just their version of FLESHLIGHT which is much much older…
Man I feel out of it now.. so that’s what RedBelt was talking about above as well… I ain’t goin’ searchin’ though! π
Well…thats interesting isnt it!
Ummm…just out of interest…what kind of google search revealed that page to you?
All is all, you gotta hand it in to the Japs to package the product looking like a deodorant bottle so as not to tip off any customs official.
It actually looks like a red colored Versace Perfume bottle. :yes:
Those Japanese aren’t crafty, they’re desperate!
They also have “lap pillows”, thats a pillow the shape of a woman’s lap, with a mini skirt, or something along those lines…
Read the BBC article if you’re interested, comes with a picture! π
Desperation has nothing to do with is naddooi. It has to do with recognising the needs of some individuals and capitalising on this need and making money.
It is neither a handicap or desperation. It is like wanting to drink and coe or a pepsi, when you know there is something better out there like fruit juice. I would rather have my wife’s lap or nothing. Some men don’t have that option being single, separated and look for non-harmful comfort. It beats going to an unknown and possibly contaminated source of pleasure (to look at it practically).
Yes you may choose to call it desperaion. Some are desparate for money, for house, for comfort….etc…but I prefer to call it a human need…some provide a solution at a cost….some like to drink and forget….
Have a nice day……
π π
I believe that in Japan the prevalent pattern is for women to get married later, or not at all. This is mostly due to the “tradition” of a wife, waiting for the husband from work, serving his every whim, etc. The Japanese women have realised they just don’t want that any more, they want a careers, something more, and most of these Japanese men want traditional wives, who don’t work! Hence the late, or non existant marriages.
As such, the way I see it, these men do not want to compromise, hence they end up alone, lonely… [insert rhyming words of your choice here]
And instead of compromise, and combating the social issues, they go off and invent short-term, combat the symptom, solutions (I can just see the population numbers dwindling).
Just thought I would add a bit more background to the Japanese social situation. π
It’s a good thing they called it tenga instead of tanga, because Filipinos the world over would get a kick out of the name (Tenga means “ear” in Tagalog, tanga (accent on the last a) means “idiot”, “stupid”)
The Japanese are rather strange, and I think that sexually, their gadgets are just an extension of their love for anything new, novel, and strange.
Thanks for the social update naddoie…but as you can see, it seems similar to life in Bahrain too……
no worry tenga not coming to malaysia,at least i can get the arabs there.