Hyacinth blooming

Hyacinth blooming

Hyacinth blooming, originally uploaded by malyousif.

Hope and beauty!

This is one of the bulbs I received from Patty a couple of weeks ago, they’re all doing well and some have already started to show signs of blooming, like this little guy.

I’ve planted them all in pots and lined the breakfast area’s wall with them; they’re certainly a nice sight to see first thing in the morning.

Although Bahrain is quite dusty today, don’t get the dust get your mood down. I’m off to the Garden Show (which is disappointing, but more on that in a blog later) to grab whatever I can from the single stand that is selling somethings worth acquiring.

Have a wonderful Friday my friends…


  1. Butterfly


    I doubt you will find anything interesting in BIGS. I was there yesterday and was very disappointed.

    I don’t know why they insist on calling it international when most of the exhibitors if not all are from Bahrain! and I don’t know what got newpapers and perfumes to do with a Garden Fair? Honestly, I think they wanted to fill the empty spaces.

    The most outstanding area of the exhibition in my opinion the one belong to the Ministry of Municipal and Agricultural Affairs.

  2. k

    on a completely different note – did anyone) who went to see marcel last night take pictures? i want to seeee =

  3. Post

    I agree Butterfly. I was disappointed too and agree that the Agricultural Affairs display is very nice. I’ve taken some pictures of it and put them up on Flickr. I too don’t understand what newspapers (all of their stall were unmanned when I was there) and perfumeries have to do with the Garden show.

    The only people exhibiting are the Syrians and the French. The Syrians were over-priced (Al-Khair on the Budaiya highway has the same stuff for 30% less!) while the French (Pepiniere Issa) was outstanding and very much underpriced!

    Needless to say I spend a lot of time there both yesterday and today and picked up 9 glorious plants from them which I have spend most of today planting (vlog coming up soon!)

    The others worth visiting are the Agricultural Affairs tent where you can pick up a nice booklet AND a CD about plants in Bahrain, that’s not to be missed (haven’t seen the content yet, but it must be promising else why bother with a CD?) and Ebrahim Ali‘s stall who is a mechanical engineer working at Bapco who designed a fantastic compost maker! He makes them by hand and sells them in Bahrain. I ordered one from him and am looking forward to start my first batch. He’s giving a lecture on compost making and recycling at 5pm on the 4th which should be quite interesting. I’ll try to attend that one.

    But over-all, and according to one source, the price of the plots have been increased substantially which chased away most of the Bahraini garden centres which really hoped to have been there, and of course Al-Sultan from Khobar who was the star of the show last year and I was so looking forward to kidnap some of their plants at reasonable cost.

    Overall, it had the potential to be much better. I hope they will really encourage local shops to participate next year.

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