The iPhone on Bahrain’s networks.. WORKS!

It took some thinkingMachines to crack the iPhone in Bahrain!
click image for the full set

We have pretty bright sparks who successfully cracked the iPhone to work on Bahrain’s networks, both of them! As you can plainly see, though MTC did not change their identity yet, they’re still on their old brand… maybe they should utilise the services of the thinkingMachines to crack that nut too! 😉



    dont tell me ur nuts about this phone too? overhyped mahmood, overhyped… the only cool thing is the touchscreen…

  2. mahmood


    You, are no longer my friend!

    How dare you belittle the spirit of creativity encased in chrome and glass? How dare you belittle the creation of angels?

    Shame on you.



  3. eyad the great

    Mahmood, did you know that one of the HTC devices have the same touch screen technology? however, that device is by far a better phone than the iPhone, well, according to the reviews that is, I haven’t used any of them so I can’t really judge.

    what are the pros and cons of this thing?

  4. mahmood

    cons? What cons?

    It’s an APPLE for goodness’ sake, how can it have cons?

    And what’s an HTC when it’s at home?



    You, are no longer my friend!

    How dare you belittle the spirit of creativity encased in chrome and glass? How dare you belittle the creation of angels?

    Shame on you.


    oh… youre one of those.

    i’m sorry i insulted your religion.

  6. Mohammed Issa

    Lemme tell you the pros and cons of this thing…
    – Big screen
    – Excellent gui
    – Nice browser (not the best in class)
    – 8 GB storage.
    – EDGE
    – Missing very basic features (copy&paste, A2DP, voice dialing, video recording)
    – No keyboard / keys (can be annoying for some)
    – non-removable battery
    – No GPS
    – Flaky OS (WM is not better)
    – It’s Apple, expect to be charged for every single feature, or expect iPhone 2.0 with some silly new features.

    Frankly, i don’t get the Apple cult sort of thing, i mean it’s more fashionable than usable. I hate my iPod, cuz the damn wheel is nice to play with but annoying to use while driving.
    Nothing on this phone really moves me, i’m still extremely happy with my I-Mate JasJar + WM 6.0, my next move will be the HTC Omni when it comes out.
    Some people hate WM because it’s slow and bloated, yes, vendor ROMs are full of un-needed bloatware, it’s better to use a vanilla ROM and add whatever you want.

  7. mahmood

    To tell you the absolute truth, I am in love with the shape and the excellent GUI. That’s about it. I could have bought this on the first day it was released but never bothered simply because I did buy quite a lot of these gadgets over the years in the hope that I would actually use the features (calendars etc.) but I find that I never actually do!

    The only two things I do use quite extensively on my trusty Ericsson K800i are the camera which is excellent and the address book. I don’t particularly care about anything else in there because I sporadically use them but I tend to forget them a few minutes after I’d played with them.

    This is partly the same ideology I adopt in laptops and computers now too. I have in the past “needed” to get a full-featured laptop which is invariably a luggable desktop replacement because I “needed” to do “some real work” with it and I end up not using most of its capabilities. So I’ve switched about a year ago to go for low weight/high battery life and a pleasurable experience over power and oompth. That’s why I am really really happy with my MacBook (not pro) and will continue to use it for a while yet.

    The same go for my K800i.

    All the rave about the iPhone is really genuine, but it is as genuine as me loving babies as long as I can hand them back to their parents when I’m done playing with them!

  8. Mohammed Issa

    Thank you Mahmood,
    That’s exactly what’s happening.
    I liked the animated menus of WM 5.0, and disabled them after a week, same goes with Vista’s Aero Glass, XP’s animation and linux’s Compiz.

    What did you use to unlock the iPhone? soldering? TurboSim?
    My friends in Dubai unlocked it using soldering, but these guys are extreme soldering masters 😉

  9. mahmood

    Mohammed I did nothing. That was a friend’s phone not mine. I understand that the method was something to do with an older generation sim card.

  10. mahmood

    is, but you need to wait for a few seconds for the black to go away… Mohammed, if you want a good editing system, I’ve got them!! 😉

  11. ehsan

    Mahmood I had the first unlocked phone in the Middle East ages ago, and you didn’t do a feature article about me! You call this news? I thought you are my friend! And here I was going to give you a free unlock cause I had an extra one 😉 Oh well.

  12. ehsan

    Mohammed, I have one with a TurboSim and another with Geohot’s method.

    ammaro you’re just jealous, stay away from this thread!

  13. Kris

    Speaking of the IphoneSimFree software unlock method….it works with Batelco.

    I activated my phone in the wee hours of this morning and it works like a charm.


  14. Mohammed Issa

    Good news, Kris…
    I suggest that everyone else waits until IphoneSimFree software is hacked, it’ll take a couple of days or hours 😉

  15. moclippa

    Mabrook Mahmood! I know you’ve defiantly been waiting to get this working on the local networks for a good while now!

    I’m in the US but I’m waiting till September 25th to see if the rumored 3G 16gb version comes out… so a few more weeks for me before I pick that sucker up.

  16. Julie

    Salam mahmood…

    The price must be lowering.. Do you know how much it costs.. what I heard last is BD 365..

  17. Meher

    helo , i want to buy a new iphone 3G , please where can i find in bahrain (manama) ?

    please help me 🙁

  18. mahmood

    go to either Al-Jazeera or Al-Osra supermarkets and look at the notice boards. They have an ad there for someone who might be selling them. Good luck and let us know what you think of it once you get it!

  19. Peacey


    since u have alot of knowledge about this iphone

    do u know any shop in Bahrain that can unlock the sim for me ???

    thank u soo much 🙂

  20. Karthik

    My friend,

    I heard that batelco is now selling iphone 3g. Is it true?


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