with Mr. Qassim Haddad

with Mr. Qassim Haddad

with Mr. Qassim Haddad, originally uploaded by malyousif.

It was a great pleasure meeting with one of the preeminent poets and writers in Bahrain – Mr. Qassim Haddad – this morning, chatting with him, exchanging ideas and sharing a table with him at the "Branding Bahrain" workshop.

This is the highlight of my whole year!


  1. eyad the great

    Hey, that you with my uncle!!!! 😯

    This man have influenced many things in my life, I believe that being some what around him specially that his youngest Boy is my age and I got to be around their place every weekend when I was younger had a big effect on the way I think, see things, and of course my informal education.

    I’m glad you enjoyed your day Mahmood.

  2. Hunyadi Janos

    Mahmood, you are very fat. Your stomch is about to erupt like a volcano. Yuck!

  3. Hunyadi Janos

    Good answer Mahmood. I like your posts. You are very smart, well educated, and you have compassion for the people. In an evolving democracy, people like you are very important to have. That is why your health and weight are important. But in my own experience, it is a difficult struggle with the weight. It’s as if I was addicted to sugary, creamy pastries, ice cream and some foods like fresh French bread with some good butter on it. And like an addict, we must not keep it at home, otherwise I would be pushing it into my mouth with both hands. Well, almost. I am waiting for a pill to stop this kind of addiction!

  4. mahmood

    Weight will only be controlled if you sacrifice a few of your habits, this is the difficult part. And also coming to the realisation that the older the body gets, the less efficient it gets in processing things; hence, you need to change the amount and quality of things that you stuff yourself with.

    It is these two things that I have (had) a problem with.

    For about 3 months now I’ve been going to the gym, changed my eating and drinking habits and lost a considerable amount of weight AND size.

    I’m happy with the change and am determined to carry on to make going to the gym and eating better my new habits.

    It’s bloody well difficult, but that’s what makes it fun too – having a stronger will.

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