He’s not off the hook yet

Bandarite AttiyatallahWhy does it take the House of Representatives five whole months to notify the council that the parliamentary probe proposed by Al-Wefaq into the allegation of ministerial misconduct by Ahmed Attiyatallah and his connection to the Bandargate scandal

Isn’t this a primary abrogation of the elected chamber’s main responsibility of governmental oversight?

has been administratively dropped in compliance with the Chamber’s Bylaws? Isn’t this a primary abrogation of the elected chamber’s main responsibility of governmental oversight? Or was it – as customary to that august institution – acquiescing once again to pressures?

Regardless. The guy is not off the hook, as he should never be, until an honest and deep probe is effected into his self in full view of citizens not to gloat of course, but to set a solid stake in the ground which can serve as a clear and unambiguous warning to corrupt people and with those who live their lives with malicious sectarian intent.


  1. Eyad

    we only wish that the Micky mouse Parliament does one good thing finally, and I mean one Big thing not the small shit they are brag about all the time.

  2. The Joker

    Why do you assume he’s not off the hook yet?

    He’s as off the hook as one can get. The whole government is protecting him backed up by underground and overground organizations.

  3. Post

    It certainly seems so, doesn’t it? The truth of the matter though is that the people – as long as he does not willingly come clean – have already convicted him and no one wants to have anything to do with him or his departments. Hence, he is a nuisance that if the government does not do something about then people will continue to be belligerent and paint the whole government culpable.

    Can they live with that? So far they have, I know, but for how long?

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