Bahrain is now the #3 Sin City in the World!


Update 25.9.15 – It looks like we’re now the Number 3 Sin City in the world, what an achievement! Woot woot!

party-bahrain-sinCurrently in the Middle East and you think it’s impossible to “partay”? You better search twice then because Manama isn’t going to search for you. Manama is just one of the cities where the nightlife is pumped up compared to other Middle Eastern cities. People go here for a couple of reasons and the first thing is: alcohol.

Alcohol is legal in Manama and so is the chance to mingle with the opposite sex. Don’t forget the atmosphere that magically appears when the night strikes and bars and nightclubs flash their lights, accompanied by music that can range from rock to jazz.

Sex, Drugs, and Money: The 10 Sin Cities in the World

  • 10. Pattaya, Thailand
  • 9. Tijuana, Mexico
  • 8. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • 7. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • 6. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 5. Moscow, Russia
  • 4. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
  • 3. Manama, Bahrain
  • 2. Macau, China
  • 1. Berlin, Germany


This should be good teeth gnashing material to our esteemed MPs:

Top 10 Sin Cities
Manama, BahrainManama, #8 sin city in the world?
Welcome to the party oasis of the Middle East. Connected by a causeway to nearby Saudi Arabia, Manama is a popular spot for Saudis to kick back from their country’s restrictive laws. Here they can get hammered, go clubbing, mingle with the opposite sex, and if they’re really daring, they can pick up prostitutes — a practice that’s illegal but widely available. While Manama is still largely a Muslim city, a third of its residents are foreigners, so it has led to a much more liberal culture that gave women the vote in 2001, and let them drive cars. For many Saudi males this proximity to an open culture is irresistible and many jam the causeway and fill flights to the city every weekend.

Do you want to see what happens when Saudis cut loose and leave the rules behind? You may need to get in line.

Other cities who made the cut are:

  • 10. Berlin, Germany
  • 9. Macau, China
  • 8. Manama, Bahrain
  • 7. New Orleans, Louisiana
  • 6. Moscow, Russia
  • 5. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 4. Las Vegas, Nevada
  • 3. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 2. Tijuana, Mexico
  • 1. Pattaya, Thailand

And LOOK, NO DUBAI in this list! We won, we won, we won, for a change!

The criteria for entry into this illustrious list? Well

Sin cities in which you can pursue vice and debauchery have existed throughout history — from Rome’s glory days where you could follow up your bet on a gladiator fight with an orgy to Shanghai where you could float for days on drug and sex highs in opium dens.

In the 21st century, new sin cities from around the world have taken up the cause, and we’ve compiled them all on our top 10 list. The criteria for a locale to make our sin cities list is pretty simple: It has to offer a strong presence of gambling, sex, drinking, drugs, and/or partying.

Maybe this is what the GDN was on about yesterday…

Rock on baybee!
thanks Essam!


  1. Proud Bahraini

    I bet our MPs will have lots of fun reading this.

    LoL We WON WE WON, NO DUBAI hahaha

    That is cool I live in #8 SIN CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.

  2. Pingback: We Like to Party! « Saudi Jeans

  3. Barry

    Yeah, I’d say Tijuana deserves its place 2nd on the list. It’s the place frat boys and other party people go when in San Diego for cheap liquor and debauchery.

    I remember when my university was hosting a group of Saudi Sheiks’ sons. They tried asserting their macho dominance over the women and assumed that girls talking to them were fair game (to hit it, of course). They also all bought new cars and left them behind once they had to fly back. It was HI-larious.

  4. Lee Ann

    Ive been here 21 years and never knew I was so close to such debauchery…I gotta get out more. 😀

  5. Sadek

    April edition = April Fools Day; no other explanation, or the author must have been high on something.

  6. Post

    Sorry Ammar, I should have deferred to you for your carnal knowledge of the seedy side of life in this and other cities. I am ignorant of such goings on. I only came to know of it when it was referred to me by a friend!

    But on the serious side, I don’t know what the authors used as a metric to decide not only the ranking, but out of hundreds of much more worthy cities, they choose Manama of all places! I doubt very much that it even compares to Dubai even on that city’s dullest days of the flesh and party trades.

    Still, I suppose we still have to be thankful for being ranked… no?

  7. ammaro

    yup, as the saying goes, bad publicity is better than no publicity at all.

    and yes, be sure to give me a call whenever you need the lowdown on all that is shady and seedy :p

  8. Rez

    well that ought to get those bearded monkeys and retarded medieval zombies in a hissy-fit for days don’t you think?? 🙄

  9. Hamad

    What a shame people this is realy not good for a countery had the first school on the region . It shows how fast our cultuer going down and how we just look for fast money and joke economic development .

    Gad help us


  10. Pingback: Bahrain is the #8 Sin Capital in the World

  11. Post
  12. Mike

    Supply and demand, it takes sinners to sin, do as I say not as I do……..That darn western influence is at it again.

  13. the black shark

    yo,this is freakin’ wrong,i know i’m only 13 😳 and i’m too young for this stuff, but i have to say… bahrain sucks 😥
    even though i always wanted to go to bahrain.
    by the way.. i’m from kuwait.

  14. Middle Eastern

    Soo, Bahraini’s are proud to be known as a scandalous, wrongdoing, slutty, iniquity and miserable country ?

    tsk tsk tsk

    that’s really sad

  15. ammaro

    no one said we’re proud. we’re saudi’s nightclub, thats all. and everyone knows nightclubs have happy hours.

  16. Sam

    that’s really sad

    There’s nothing to be sad about. This is great news! Were on the ranks with Russian, Germany, Thailand & the Netherlands. This is actually GOOD news. THIS my friend is how you sell a location to the punters! Now lets hope people stop by enroute & spend spend spend!

    foreign investment folks! 😆

  17. Rez

    There’s nothing to be sad about. This is great news! Were on the ranks with Russian, Germany, Thailand & the Netherlands. This is actually GOOD news. THIS my friend is how you sell a location to the punters! Now lets hope people stop by enroute & spend spend spend!

    don’t forget the hundreds of Bahrainis who will benefit from this type of foreign investment

    infact if it weren’t for all the alcohol and prostitution none of these mega projects would come to life

  18. Rez

    Soo, Bahraini’s are proud to be known as a scandalous, wrongdoing, slutty, iniquity and miserable country ?

    who gives a rat’s arse as long as we’re getting money out of this

  19. Barry

    “Soo, Bahraini’s are proud to be known as a scandalous, wrongdoing, slutty, iniquity and miserable country ?

    tsk tsk tsk

    that’s really sad”

    Cause all of those other upstanding nations around the Arab Peninsula are shining bastions of moral purity and chasteness, right? I suppose what you can’t see/are blinded to doesn’t count, right?


  20. RANGER

    Hey jack ass,

    once you hit puberty, then comment. are you even old enough to access this web page? Its people like your dumb ass that talk shit about other countries and visit them religiously because there is a lot of freedom there. You can buy boze for a decent price. you can hit night clubs, and do what ever you want. once your dumb ass grows a couple more inches, you will get tired of roaming the streets in your dumb ass friends car bluetoothing your useless number to the girls in the next car or in the mall. What a fool. i cant believe i just wasted my time tearing you a new one. go look up porn you stupid fool.

  21. Dr. Shrink

    My girl is the living proof that this has nothing to do with Bahrain or Bahraini’s.

    If only women were all created that way!

    May God bless that country for her, and hers..

  22. Eunice

    I am still deciding whether or not I’m surprised by this news 🙂

    How come the Philippines isn’t on that list anymore? 😀 You mean to say Bahrain’s wilder than my country? OK, I’ve decided… I’m surprised.

  23. zoza

    the thing doesn’t relates to the people it relates the country and what it has of sinning facility BUt that doesnt’ presents people chastity or principales. Merci . 😉

  24. Pingback: Global Voices Online » Bahrain: Sin City

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  26. I

    I just wonder if this ‘survey’ was inspired or initiated by the same guy who ‘slammed’ the Banyan Tree resort some months ago?
    What metrics were the surveyors using when they came up with this load of tripe?
    How can you put Bahrain on a ‘sin’ scale higher than Dubai? How can they say that New Orleans is high on the scale after Hurricane Katrina? Where did they get the pics of those girls from? They look like they are at some posh ‘Arabic’ themed fancy-dress party somewhere. Maybe they were brought in for an F1 party. Certainly they don’t seem to be typical of the slappers that are found around these environs.
    This whole exercise does seem a little bogus to me. To pay it much attention is just feeding the troll.
    Yes, Bahrain does have it’s problems. Yes, there are hookers around. Lets face facts, hooking is the second oldest profession. I say only the second cos the first is begging . . . someone had to ask for it !
    It’s a classic case of supply and demand. If there was no demand, they wouldn’t be here. There was an article some years ago by an Irish journalist entitled: “Bahrain, bar and bordello”. It made interesting reading, though nothing new. So long as it doesn’t harm anyone, why not let it be? When it causes trouble in certain neighbourhoods, then get the cops in and clear it out and make an example of some, especially those from over the bridge. If visitors (or anyone) are drunk and causing problems, give the cops the powers to lock anyone (including those with ‘wasta’) up and let them stew a while. That will sort them out. Otherwise, bring in a ‘points’ system like UK and now Dubai and take away their license if they rack up too many offenses.
    Still, being on a dubious list will probably cause some of the ‘elected’ band of twits something to rabbit about after Hayfa and witchcraft and before they come up with something else that is ludicrous.

    Off the soapbox now,


  27. Post

    Where did they get the pics of those girls from?

    They didn’t, I did!

    they don’t seem to be typical of the slappers that are found around these environs

    You’re right, I’m sure, as these lovelies are on a spring break somewhere in Mexico I think. The original picture I lifted could be seen here. I hope this puts some minds at rest, rather than crawl all venues searching for them!

  28. Post

    hooking is the second oldest profession. I say only the second cos the first is begging

    Nope, you’re wrong again I. The second oldest profession is second hand car selling. The first is blogging 😀

  29. smartass

    Bahrain is a wondrfull country and i love the people of Bahrain , but bahrain does not need booz or hookers to attarct investment , it just needs to educate its workforce and improve the loacals work ethics . it could truly be the pearl of the gulf.

  30. Da Teacher

    You’re absolutely correct. You need to educate people. I would politely suggest that you educate yourself to use the spell check and get some better grammar. 🙂

    “Bahrain is a wondrfull (wonderful) country and i (capital ‘I’) love the people of Bahrain , (full stop, new sentence, starting with capital) but bahrain (capital B for a country) does not need booz (booze)or hookers to attarct (attract) investment , it just needs to educate its workforce and improve the loacals (local’s)work ethics . it (capital after a full stop) could truly be the pearl of the gulf. (suggest capital P for Pearl and G for Gulf)”

    Da English Teacher

  31. Mohammed

    And the mistakes are corrected by: “Da” English Teacher .. How ironic!
    I wonder who’s really the “smartass” here! ..

    Leave “da” boy alone ..

  32. Teacher

    With tongue firmly in cheek for fear of flaming . . .

    Mohammed, are you implying with your last comment that bad spelling and incorrect grammar should be condoned? 🙂

  33. ammaro

    i think the reason bahrain made it on the charts as compared to dubai and other countries is this… why do people visit bahrain?

    the majority of our visitors are saudis, most of who are looking for booze and girls. no ones really here for the tourist sites, the museum or the forts. no one is really here to do business (most business done is through placement agents in investment companies who come to visit you wherever you are), and no one really comes here to buy stuff (considering were much more expensive than our neighbors), or to bask on our non-existent beaches.

    lets take dubai; people do actually go to dubai for shopping, for tourism, for a day out on the beach, for whatever it is. hookers and booze are not the main aim of the majority of their visitors.

    so technically, bahrain is visited JUST for sin. that makes us a sin city, no? doesnt mean the locals get any.

  34. Quiddity

    OK – so I had to read all 42 posts only to find out that no-one actually posted a list of any of these supposed dens of sin! A girl has to get out more and not that she might be wanting to visit dens of sin she got a little excited that Manama was one of the top 10 naughty spots to be!

    Mind you, I’m not surprised everyone gets up to naughtiness – I’m sitting in the dark on my last dregs of computer battery power because there’s a power outtage A–G–A–A–A–A–I–N so once that goes it’s candles and groping around in the dark!

    So .. back to the list of supposed places that make this such a happening place ….. ??

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