I decided that I really needed a break this afternoon. So I booked a flight to New York!
I’m taking Arif, my son, with me to have some long-overdue quality father/son time.
We’ll be in NY for just 5 nights and back next weekend.
Keep an eye on our Flickr accounts!
Shoot over to Boston while you are here!
Thanks for the invitation my friend. Unfortunately I don’t think we’ll have time this time. This trip (on reflection) is crazy! 24 hours going, 4 days then 24 hours coming. I should right a book (or blogpost) about the experience once it’s done 😉
mahmood tell them the truth i know your only going there to buy an ipad.
I’m so jealous! and i agree, think ur going to get the iPad…!
i cant access flicker at work!
pinky promise you’re gona write a book? i’ve been patiently waiting for a nice blog post from you! i’m sick of newspaper articles!
Enjoy your visit and take plenty of pictures of my dynamic and vibrant homeland!
Safe trip my friend 🙂
You’ve picked a good time. The winter weather has departed and it’s 80 degrees at night in DC. It should be room temperature in Manhattan.
I recommend you go see the Blue Man Group in Greenwich Village, go to Coney Island, see the museum of natural history and the Met at Central Park, go to the Boathouse in Central Park for a drink, passing by Bethesda Fountain on the way.
You might try to go to Robert, a restaurant bar on Columbus Circle, at the southwest corner of Central Park where there is a subway station. It’s about halfwway up a skyscraper housing an art museum. It’s got a great view of Central Park.
You might also go south to Battery Park and take the ferry out to the Statue of Liberty. When you come back, walk over to Wall Street and the bronze bull.
Good suggestions Steve, thanks. All noted.
Enjoy your trip Mahmood! Try to get some rest in the city that never sleeps ..
Great idea… Bissalama. Have a great time.
100407@1700: Just back from the Statue of Liberty island and then the Guggenheim. Back to put the feet up a bit and then Christopher Walken’s play “Behanding in Spokane” if we can get a couple of tickets at this late stage, otherwise it’s the Blue Men…
Tried to go to the Tim Burton’s exhibit at MoMA this afternoon, but for the 2nd day running the tickets have run out!
We’re queuing up tomorrow morning at 10.35 to barge in!
The most amusing part of the MoMA are two paintings by the same artist, one pure black, one pure blue. I wonder how much the MoMA paid for each and whether I could sell them, or anyone, some more.
I liked the old green Bell helicopter hanging in the hall the most. The room with all the well-designed commercial products was pretty good, too. But I really like shopping in the MoMA gift shop.
For what it’s worth, the best tacos I’ve had anywhere (and I lived in Texas) were at the Caliente Cab Company. And I like the spicy Thai wraps at Amber’s.
1406 3rd Avenue, New York, NY, at the corner of 3rd Ave & E. 80th St, on the East Side, about four blocks east of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Central Park. There’s an ice cream store a few blocks away. Just look for people with ice cream cones and go where they’re coming from. Or ask.
For dessert, you might try the Cafe Lalo‎ on the West Side, 201 West 83rd Street, New York, NY 10024, (212) 496-6031‎
cafelalo.com. They filmed some movies there, like Tom Hanks in “You’ve Got Mail.”
Christopher Walken’s play was brilliant! Both Arif and I really enjoyed it.
Steve MoMA’s got fantastic Picasso and other greats pieces at the moment, but what makes it really worth the visit now is the 6th floor special exhibit “The Artist is Here” by Marina Abramovic. Haunting, surreal, searchng, perplexing, mind boggling and should definitely be considered for our 2011 Spring of Culture. That would rule up our so called Parliament no end ;D
Hmmm. May have to go see that. The MoMA is fun. I’m more a history museum guy than an art museum, but I like the Metropolitan Museum of Art much more than I thought I would. I very much like the wing of ancient Greek art, which is astounding that any of it survived. There’s some ancient Greek armor, perfectly intact through rusted green, that really draws me every time I go there. There is also the exhibit of four horses in armor ridden by knights. The alcoves around it display Japanese armor, which is very interesting.
If you would like to have a look at Manhattan before colonization by Apple stores, have a look here:
Times Square used to be a beaver pond.
Alas the lovely and very short holiday’s over. We landed last night after a travel time of about 20 hours. Beat, but happy. Good to be home 🙂
I’ve told Manhattan to leave the lights on in case you want to come back.