
The normal sight in Bahrain for people handling shovels and breaking ground is this:

Photo credit: Gulf News

This morning, we see how this image can easily be transformed for a US$580 million project, the labourers in this case, are of a higher class, uniforms and bishts:

Photo credit: US Navy

Not that the higher-end personages don’t know the value of manual labour or anything like that, but it’s good seeing them do what some might term “honest work” now and again. Even if they use gold-plated shovels in the process.

I’m glad to see that the American Ambassador (middle) seems to be quite adept at shoveling dirt, though he seems to be transgressing on the Bahraini in the process, or is it the other way around? No matter. All seem to be enjoying the experience. A few are definitely at a loss while others are putting far too much into it, thinking maybe that it is this – their effort – is really key to the start of the 28 hectare facility, signaling the intention of the US Navy to stay here ad infinitum.

Welcome welcome!

What say you we have a caption competition on the second picture? Care to share?


  1. Bu Yousef

    ‘Is it this way down?’
    ‘How long before we strike oil?’
    ‘That’s enough, time for another break’
    ‘This is why I said project start should be in January!’

  2. Bahrainiac

    “Arrrg Matey! Treasure here, there be!”

    Interesting thing is they are shoveling sand that was obviously dumped there for the event as they are standing on an asphalt pier.

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