Almanaratain built our patio in the front garden. Here’s the two-day timelapse video of that build. Enjoy and watch the how-to video here. Remember to thumbs up and subscribe on YouTube! Thanks.
I’ve always wanted a small “proper” sitting area in the front garden but never got round to doing something about it. Until now. Thanks to Almanaratain who wanted to parter with Mahmood’s Garden Show and offered to construct it for me using their material, staff and equipment to do so. How can I refuse? In this …
The novel sight of illustrious personages shoveling dirt might not be an alien one to most people’s minds, but 9 of them being pictured in the process certainly illicits a worthy “captioning” competition, so have at it!
But who are they and what are they doing is another story…
Hardly, but a twit at the municipal council is vehemently opposing it for some farcical excuses, wrapped up in Class A Xenophobia. Here are some of Mr. Hameed Al-Basri brainfarts which he is using in the hope of putting the kibosh on the project: it would result in the area being “invaded†by foreigners with …
A couple of things I really came to appreciate today: the first is the wealth of information available on the Internet, again, and the second is those manual labourers who we continuously take for granted! The story is this: I wanted to build a regular red-brick column/plinth in the Zen Garden onto which I would …