In the last hour, the Crown Prince has been given full authority by HM the King to do all that is necessary to resolve the situation in Bahrain. I know that he will take on this mammoth responsibility seriously, and will do his utmost to return this torn country back to the normalcy it deserves.
But in order to succeed, there must be a genuine and honest intention to succeed. People are very wary of promises and view the monorchy with trepidation, especially after the massacre of the Pearl Roundabout.
The political societies leadership must also stay true to their calling and offer real leadership at these troubling times. They must brush aside differences and put their hands in the Crown Princes’ hands to repair this situation. For the peace and future of this country. If the latest information I received is good, both Shaikh Ali Salman – the leader of Al-Wefaq, the largest political society – and Ebrahim Sharif – the leader of the secular Wa’ad political society – and Mohammed Mahfood of the Islamic Action Society, have agreed to immediately meet with the Crown Prince in order to start the work of starting to find a resolution to the situation.
The situation of course is intractable but not unresolvable.
Blood has been needlessly spilt by our blessed martyrs of this uprising, and there are still missing persons unaccounted for. There are countless questions that must be answered and people who have over-reached their responsibilities must be put to trial in addition to various investigations needing to be launched. That, in addition to one if the most important things to be enacted; a national reconciliation effort led by addressing the past in order for us to move on and learn from the experience.
The issues to be discussed are enormous with wide ranging implications. The atrocities  must first be immediately halted, followed by the laying of a comprehensive roadmap to address the form of government, the constitution and other legislative issues.
This country is tired and fed up of the discrimination, the finger pointing and innuendos, of I’m right so you must be wrong, of I’m more loyal than you so you must be a traitor, of you must have a hidden agenda and you look to Iran/Saudi Arabia for your guidance, of your patriotism is to X, Y or Z because you dare to celebrate another’s success or raise a flag other than Bahrain’s simply to demonstrate your pride in a power which defeated a common enemy. We need to be first and foremost Bahraini and believe in each other regardless of any noise. We absolutely need to coalesce together and make this country happen. We need to not look at each other with suspicion and we most definitely need to ameliorate sectarian and other differences. Our forefathers have lived happily together so why can’t we? We need to dig a very deep hole and drop objectification and sectarianism in it never to resurface again; but if they do, let’s ensure that there is legislation which applies stiff penalties on those who practice sectarianism, prejudice or any other kind of discrimination to really protect the good of this country and its people.
While we’re at it, let us also not judge each other based on exclusive black or white issues, with us or without us criteria. Let’s remember that we are Bahrainis first and foremost and that we are human beings who are wired-in to help each other and give each other the benefit of the doubt.
We need to rebuild trust. Let’s work together to rescue this beautiful country.
For our children’s sake.
Kifayeh! Enough!!
La sinni wala Shi3i, BES BAHRAINI !!!!!!!!!!!!
To Shaikh Salman ibn Hamad, Sha. Ali Salman and Ibrahim Sharif, the eyes of the world are upon you. Ignore them.
Tomorrow’s headline will cheer you if you create a temporary peace.
Go for broke, my good sirs. Go for history. Let history be your true judge as those who ushered an era of peace and goodwill. Be the ones who guided our people to reconciliation.
The old rules, the social contracts, the triangulation, they won’t work anymore. Forge a new way forward.
The fate of nation is on the table. Vayo con Dios.
All our hopes are with the Crown Prince,
I just hope that religious fanatics like Hadi Al-Madrasi will not push more young people to their death. Kinda ironic to hear a man that fled his own country for his safety back in the days to tell unarmed civilians to face tanks!
His own heroic bio:
Ùˆ ÙÂيخضم انشغاله بالدراسة، كانت له ثمة نشاطانت ثقاÙÂية وسياسية واجتماعية. ÙÂكانيكتب ÙÂيالصØÂاÙÂØ© المØÂلية لمدينة كربلاء، كما كانيشارك ÙÂياØÂتÙÂالاتها الدينية – الجماهيرية.
Ùˆ ØÂينما انتشر المد الشيوعيÙÂيالعراق، برز سماØÂته لمواجهة هذا الخطر، وبعد ذلك جاهد مند الØÂكم البعثيÙÂيالعراق ØŒ خصوصاً بعد اناعتقلت السلطة الØÂاكمة عدد منعلماء الدينالكبار كالشهيد السيد مهديالØÂكيم والشهد السيد ØÂسنالشيرازي.
ÙˆØÂينما اØÂدق به الخطر، هاجر الى لبنان، ومنثم الى الكويت . وبعد ذلك هاجر الى البØÂرينليمارس مسؤولياته ÙÂيإدارة شؤونالناس الدينية والØÂضارية.. وبقيهناك ØÂتى صار علم منأعلامها، وقائد رساليتنصاع له القلوب Ùˆ تهÙÂوا اليه الارواØÂ.. Ùˆ قد الت٠المئات منالمؤمنينØÂوله لما رأوا ÙÂيه منالعلم Ùˆ العمل، Ùˆ الرؤية الØÂضارية المنطلقة منروؠالإسلام الØÂنيÙÂ.
Ùˆ نتيجة لنشاطاته الÙÂاعلة ÙÂيالبØÂرين، أبعد الى ايرانبعد قيام الثورة الإسلامية ÙÂيها. وبهذا بدأ انطلاقة جديدة، ملؤها النشاط والÙÂاعلية..
Observer you are more mature than this and I believe that there is a part of you which wants Peace and Harmony so please let us stay away from talking religion and politics. I need, You need and everyone else needs to STOP for a moment to think, actions can not be based on Anger or hate. Decisions can not be made with Anger! there will be consequences for actions with Anger for everyone. Once everyone stops we will all start to share our first element .. A PAUSE .. to gasp for air to take in whats happening and see a rational to it, please help me spread the rational for a pause
Well said Abu Aref. God give HH strength and guidance – and all others too.
He is the commander of the military forces and under his commandment he deployed his tanks, military vehicles and soldiers!
And today, the so called protectors of the people “the army” took part in shooting the people! And under all of that he calls for dialogue??? What dialogue you’re looking for when you’re shooting the people at the same time?!
Withdraw all your arms and tanks, than see if there is a chance of dialogue! Thats not politics, thats hypocracy
Anwar Abdulrahmans article in the GDN is a trip into the land of fantasy. How that man is considered a journalist by even the slightest definition is beyond me.
And I agree…how do you propose to dialogue with the people you are shooting at?…and killing.
Check his snivelling one today!!
I didn’t want to spoil my breakfast. I just put the “paper” in the recycle bin.
Dialogue !!! What dialogue ?! People are gunned down by this brutal regime for the past 5 days !!! It is really sad . What will this days be remembered as ?! The victory of the iron fist that crushed the people . A king that kills his own people is no king , he is a mad man , a mad dog even .
“…All men are created equal,…they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
A founding document from a nation who lost its way, forgot what “rights” are (Do YOU know what a right is?), and never figured out that its foundational “truths” are NOT “self-evident” but are, instead, “rationally demonstrable.”
The regime is giving way to the last option on the block. Violent Shiite styled grassroots revolution. It will end up in an Islamic government. So be it. God Save Israel!
I say all in Bahrain should resort to reason. Bahrain is not, by any means, a poor country. There are no homeless people in Bahrain. There are no hungry people in Bahrain. Education in Bahrain is considered one of the best in the region. Basic human necessities are provided for in Bahrain. Why the unrest then?!
Better housing? Better jobs? Bigger bank accounts?! In modern societies, those are acquired through hard work and dedication, not by protesting, not by burning things, and certainly not by getting the youth of Bahrain all worked up against authorities.
Bahrain is a small country full of resources. If it weren’t for the conflicts and turmoil caused by some, Bahrain would have been well into being considered the “diamond in the attic†compared to its neighbors.
Bahraini I disagree with you about certain points. Bahrain is not poor have you personally evaluated the society’s welfare, conditions and so on. We may not suffer from poverty but we certainty have our economic problems. Perhaps our education system is the best but how about our education providers. I will not enter into politics here but I will end this by saying that inequality exists in all countries Bahrain is no exception.
I am listening to Anderson Cooper on CNN. The video I just viewed about the horrific crimes the military have taken against it’s peaceful citizens. I saw for myself the Army shooting Bahrainis in a peaceful demonstration’s. I am praying for Bahrainis. I hope your country will be peaceful once again. I hope all Bahrainis will have a voice now.
Bahraini, wake up and see, visit the villages where you will see poverty and then visit Riffa where you will see over inflated riches.
Bahrain is not a poor country, but obviously there is a problem in distribution of wealth among the people.
YoYo, not everyone considers how the wealth is distributed as constituting a problem. After all, not everyone in South Africa thought apartheid was a bad thing there either. . .
Equal wealth distribution?! Back to square one. So you want the government to distribute money to all equally so that all are wealthy and dandy?!
Difference in wealth and financial stability is part of modern societies. People aspire and work hard to achieve more goals, and yes get rich in the process. It’s in Islam as well. Work hard and you shall be rewarded for your hard work.
Is a welfare system like the one in the U.S. the answer in your opinion?!
I think he means an end to corruption and equal opportunities.
Barring communism, the only way to redistribute the wealth is through accessible education, ambition and a strong work ethic. Are these available to everybody?
This letter is in response to the articles covering the civil unrest occurring in Bahrain.
As a citizen of and believer in democracy, I applaud the efforts of the Bahraini people. Their efforts are similar to what is happening in Yemen and Algeria as well as the most recent revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia.
Believe it or not, one thing that trumps capitalism and political correctness in the United States is the right to have one’s voice heard. This is the foundation of which our democracy is built on. The Bahraini people should continue to defy Sheikh Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa’s powerful
security forces so that Bahraini democracy can begin to thrive. It is unfortunate that the United States compromised on one of its most fundamental values in order to protect its economic interests in the
Middle East; something that happens all too often domestically as well. It is not the Bahraini people that are attempting to seize power but rather it is those currently in power who have engaged in intimidation to prevent the will of the people from being heard. Why else would they stoop to such underhanded tactics to block various means of communication among the citizens of Bahrain? Why is the government in power utilizing such
political strong-arm tactics as the use of violence?
Sheikh Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa, you have had twelve years to lead Bahrain and have failed them by your own choosing. The days of the despotic regime are finally coming to an end as it appears the desire for freedom will continue to sweep among the Arab nations. Accordingly, let the call go forth among all citizens of Bahrain that your brothers and sisters of
democracy from all over the world are with you during every trial and tribulation you may encounter during this crisis. To the people of Bahrain, the trumpet of freedom beckons you to rise in protest and ensure your voice to preserve your sacred heritage, promote your children’s future and obtain the blessings of liberty we all cherish. Sheikh Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa,
let the people go!
Cleveland, OH USA
To everyone, please calm down, we don’t want more blood, enough is enough.
Have a good look at this video, and think if the people would think of a possibility of dialogue:
As a long term resident of Bahrain where I have bought up 3 children and have a precious vault of memories from all emotional wavelengths may I offer an opinion from someone who is vested in this country. Like some 50% of the population of Bahrain I do not hold a Bahraini passport but regard the country as my home. The only property I own is here in Bahrain. I am therefore part of a really significant number of people who cannot simply leave – as often advised to do by those who express the opinion “If you don’t like it here leave”.
Please do not forget us in your deliberations. Do not simply assume that we have no role to play in the future of this country. We have played a significant part in bringing Bahrain to where it is today (good and bad) and whilst we cannot currently vote in National elections we are still a voice that needs listening to.
We are all deeply troubled by recent events – more so because it is not clear at all who is in charge – in the government, the armed forces and the opposition. Such fractured responsibility and accountability will surely lead to increasing tension and a lack of predictability in the future. This in itself will have disastrous consequences for the image of Bahrain in the wider world.
Like all of us used to an inclusive democratic system of government (warts and all) we all stand united with those in Bahrain who believe in a fully inclusive future for the country. Let us pray that everyone pulls back from the brink and maps out a future for this country that includes everyone.
I am very far away in (still-)peaceful Denmark, and I will not commit false bravery on behalf of Bahrainis by telling them what to do. I wish all the best to the people of Bahrain in getting the freedom they deserve, and I hope this can be achieved without more blood being spilled.
Though after seeing videos of peaceful protesters gunned down, I also hope those who ordered live rounds to be fired at unarmed people chanting “salmeya, salmeya” will be punished. Yes, those who did the firing too, but more importantly: Those who gave the permission to even bring, let alone use live ammunition against unarmed civilians, should be punished for their deed. After seeing that I REALLY hope Bahrainis will get the very basic freedoms they’ve been asking for.