Why do most armed robberies happen in Riffa?

Riffa is the seat of power. It is the chosen home of the monarchy. It is one of those areas reserved for the chosen ones and part of the population are barred ownership for some unknown reason. One would be forgiven to think that it should be safe, don’t you think?

But no. Most, if not all armed robberies happen in Riffa!

Here’s the latest iteration. A gun slinger calmly walks into a money exchangers (it being owned by the wrongly beleaguered Jawad Business Group might, might, be a coincidence) points the gun at the cashier and demands (calmly) money, then some more, walks backwards and walks away with BD5,000 (about US$13,260) for his trouble. And all in the full view of security cameras recording all of his moves, his clothes and other identifying details. So it should be easy for the police to nab him, right? Especially if you consider their alacrity in catching de uddar crims.

But will this criminal ever be caught do you think?

Highly unlikely.

Bahrain has certainly become a haven for them, and only those who are actually law abiding, or demanding of their rights, live in perpetual fear.

Criminals? They have nothing to be concerned about.


  1. exclamation mark

    The big question is, where did the gun come from??? Did fall from the sky???

  2. Ahmed Abdulla

    It’s not fair to brand the people of Riffa with this act they are no more responsible for it than you are.

    1. Reader911

      Its not branding the people of Riffa.

      Unfortunately, many crimes occur in Riffa. Why? Its because of the “new Bahrainis” !!

      In general, especially after 2000, crime is on the rise, stories that I thought will never hear in Bahrain are becoming a regular!

      1. Ahmed Abdulla

        Who you call the “New Bahrainis” are part of the people of Riffa, they are our nieghbors and our compatriots. Blaming them for the roberies is xenophobic, and unfair to them.

        Crime is on the rise because the police is burdened with dealing violent rioters.

        1. Reader911

          NO… they are not part of the Bahraini community .. they are a burden
          they are part of the government plan to increase a specific group count against another

          They can not read or write Arabic, than how would we expect their English to be?!

          no they are not part of Bahrain, because they do not have the love of for Bahrain as I do, they do not have its culture nor its heritage they are here for a political agenda

          Xenophobic?? what utter crap!

          The government bring this people.. Passports are ready, Free homes are ready in an instant and they are being used against another group!!!!

          Figure that out “Righteous” buddy!!

      2. Ahmed Abdulla

        Who you call the “New Bahrainis” are part of the people of Riffa, they are our neighbors and our compatriots. Blaming them for the robberies is xenophobic, and unfair to them.

        Crime is on the rise because the police is burdened by gangs of violent rioters. Rioters who burden their communities by rioting in residential areas, bringing the battlefield to their neighbors.

        1. Reader911

          Say that …

          to “Fatima” the girl still missing for 10 years.
          to the 15 year old boy raped by BDF (army) personnel in Isa Town.
          to another boy missing for more than 6 years.
          to the man killed in Muharraq by gun shot while driving in 2009.
          to the Three banks that were robbed six years ago.
          to the Bahraini who was attacked by his “Naturalised” neighbor

          you know what.. I dont care anymore just go.. go and be the slave that you will always be.. it is just unfortunate who the Bahraini life is cheap to you people.

          1. Ahmed Abdulla

            Dear Reader911,

            Attributing the actions of various individual as “typical” for a whole group of people defies logic. Applying this logic to a group that is new to bahrain is the definition of xenophobia.

            As for calling me a slave, I have been called many things lately (Tabal (Drummer), slave, baltajee) just because I live in Riffa.

            Please stop all this hate, where is it coming from?
            We are all sons of Adam

  3. Desert Island Boy

    Wow! I am shocked!

    That’s brazen daylight robbery! Not to mention the use of a firearm, which is explicitly banned by Bahraini law. At least he had the sense to use latex gloves. Hmmm…, latex gloves…., which are available to Medical professionals.

    Ha! I’ve cracked the case! It was an off-duty orderly from Salmaniya Hospital! Round them all up! I have solved our nation’s crime problems!

  4. exclamation mark

    Ahmed Abdulla,

    It is a fact, with the increase of “naturalized” people from Bahrain, that are strange to our culture and traditions, there had been a direct correlation in the number of crimes been committed in the country !! That is a fact.

    The problem is not just with those living in Riffa, but with the people even living in Muharraq, Hamad town and other areas !

    1. Ahmed Abdulla

      Your statement is described in logic as a post-hoc fallacy. It’s like saying the following:
      Fact A: During 2010 the death rate of cats increased by 2%
      Fact B: During 2010 the rat population increased by 10%

      Therefore the rats caused the increase in cat death rate.

      Your false logic is based in xenophobia, this is a fact.

      1. Reader911

        Real Life Facts for a Bedouin

        All naturalized Bahrainis (Syrians, Yemeni, Pakistani, Jordanians, Indians, Somalis, Sudanese) come to Bahrain! Why?

        Is Bahrain like Canada? Heck, Canada will not even accept these people! Why? read below

        They are not businessmen nor intellectuals or even professionals, yet they come to Bahrain work in the Army, Navy, Airforce, Police and National Guard. Why only Security????

        They come here with ready Passports, New Homes and a minimum average salary of around USD 1300. Things they can not dream in their own countries.

        They come here from illiterate backgrounds! Can not read or write even Arabic and no foundation for common sense.

        Where does Xenophobic fall here?? Do not confuse your self… sorry… do not lie to your self.

        1. Ahmed Abdulla

          1) I’m proud to have Bedouin roots, the harsh environment my ancestor lived in gave rise to many core values like hospitality and charity and the importance of family ties.

          Implying that I need to be educated “Real Facts of life for a Bedouin” reflects on you high degree of humanism and tolerance. (Yes I’m being sarcastic)

          2) Toronto (Thornhill, Mississauga) has large enclaves of immigrants many of whom are taxi drivers, labourers, and cleaners. Also many can’t speak english. In many hospitals translators are available 24/7.

          3)Xenophobia is plain and simple: If you antagonize a group of new immigrants and say they are a cause of this problem or that applying it collectively to the whole group this is called xenophobia

      2. Reader911

        Did you know that if you get “Canadian Citizenship” and leave Canada to live back in your home, Canadians will not like you. They will say you become Canadian you should stay here and help Canada.

        Are they Xenophobic than?

        1. Ahmed Abdulla

          No, this is not xenophobia, crack open a dictionary.
          You know what, don’t. Even if you do use a dictionary I’m not sure the meaning will get through to you.

          1. Reader911

            We demand Freedom and justice .. we are branded Terrorists
            We demand Freedom and justice .. we are branded Infidels
            We demand Freedom and justice .. we are branded Non-Patriotic
            We demand Freedom and justice .. we are branded Vandals
            We demand Freedom and justice .. we are branded Xenophobic

            Nothing new..

            Freedom and justice in your terms,, is 100% “un-conditional” submission and slavery to the Al-Khalifas with kisses to the cheek, head and bump in the nose Bedouin Style !

  5. Kiwi Nomad

    They say the best way to rob a bank is own one… in Bahrain’s case you could say the best way to rob a country is to own one…

  6. Ahmed Abdulla


    It’s obvious that you are a slave to hatred. Remove hatred from your heart, unplug your ears and listen to your neighbors.
    Regardless of what you say or do both the Syrian-Bahrainis and the Sunni-Arabs in Riffa will not disappear.

  7. exclamation mark

    Ahmed Abdulla,

    For your unfortunate luck there would be a change… the principle of bringing those people to the country is to use them as a weapon against others.

    example: someone applying for a housing unit since 1992 is still waiting, others “exported in bulks” have their passport and housing ready since last year.

  8. Ahmed Abdulla

    Exclamation Mark,

    “For your unfortunate luck there would be a change”

    So you are saying that your solution to the problem is making the people of Riffa disappear?
    By what? Murder? Civil War?

    You are still living in the 7th century.

    1. Nosey susi

      Not “the people of Rifaa”, not the real Bahrainis, just the imported leaches

  9. exclamation mark

    No one mentioned murder or civil war!! Why jump to such accusations and conclusions??
    I am not surprised though, since you’ve followed suite of the media and other directorates in your Govt.
    In brief, all that had been unlawful and illegitimate would be addressed and straightened up.

    I’ll leave that to your wild imaginations on what i meant.

    1. Ahmed Abdulla

      Exclmation Mark,
      In response to your comment:
      “I am not surprised though, since you’ve followed suite of the media and other directorates IN YOUR GOVT.”

      No wonder talking too you is not getting very far, you are not from Bahrain. Please let our people deal with this issue and come to a solution on their own. If you are interested then by all means keep up to date with the situation but don’t fan the flames and if you don’t mind butt out!

      1. exclamation mark

        The opposition know what they want, but it seems the otherside doesn’t, they want democracy, they say, but still want a person acting as Prime minister for 40 years.

        The opposition and its supported know what they want.
        But the Govt and its supporters still do not know!!!

  10. Anonny

    Dear Exclamation Mark.

    ‘Wild imagination’ is part of the problem. Shouldn’t both sides aim for more transparency and clarity?

  11. exclamation mark

    The Manama Document, a road map to a resolution, not clear enough?
    Bassiouni’s recommendations not clear enough?

      1. Ahmed Abdulla


        I reiterate my point the Manama document was written unilaterally. The opposition keeps talking about it like it was received by them on Mount Sinai and given to the people. Continuing to ignore the other side is the crux of the problem.

        More and more I’m beginning to feel that even if the government gave the opposition the sun and the moon they will not be satisfied.

        As in the words of Issa Qassim it seems the opposition sees only two camps Yazeed or Hussain.

  12. JB

    The Manana document was written by a GROUP of opposition societies, including some quite centrist figures. @Ahmed Abdulla When you say “unilaterally” do you mean not approved by the regime? That is what referendums are for – for the PEOPLE to vote. Let’s have one of those on the MDoc, just as we did on the NAC. Oh wait, what happened to that?

    1. Ahmed Abdulla

      You honestly think you can get a two thirds majority to vote for Manama document, well good luck.

  13. JB

    When a good thing is proposed, the right thing to do is to try and enact it. If a majority votes, fantastic. If they dont, something will develop. Anything along this track is better than where we are headed. If you stop defending and just start from the perspective that it is 2012 and our country is headed for disaster w/o serious structural overhaul, perhaps some solution along the spectrum will become a possibility.

    There are too many people defending the indefensible, and too many people claiming reform when very little is happening, Meanwhile our past is becoming irrelevant and our future is being washed away due to obstinacy and fear. They only people that benefit are those that have already stashed away their millions. You and I? Our future is much safer with the Manama Document.

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