Yoga, first experience

with Yogi Racchana at the Leela

While touring the grounds of The Leela Palace Hotel in Mumbai where I stayed, I chanced upon Racchana who observed me admiring some of their flowers, and we started to chat. I got to know that she is the hotel’s Yoga guru and does free lessons for guests from 7 – 9 am. I asked her a few questions about yoga which she fully answered, and also demonstrated some of the basic and not so basic poses. She even led me through my very first yoga pose and I can tell you, this stuff is hard!

A few days later, today in fact, I had a full hour’s lesson with her. My very first, and I feel stretched, a little sore and happy that I took this first step. I fully intend to take it up when I get back home…

Recommendations welcome!

Enjoy the video and I hope that you too get inspired by Racchana as I have.


  1. Anonny

    I do a short routine in the evening sometimes. It takes away those aches and pains in the lower back.

  2. Fabienne

    Yoga is wonderful. You might recognize some of the poses because they are what you do when you pray (e.g. the child’s pose which is wonderful for your lower back). Yoga keeps your muscles flexible and that keeps you healthier longer. Makes it much easier to train for strength and for endurance.

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