Visiting the Wizard!

Freddy the fish checking me out underwater while adjusting my mask

Blame (dive master) Ant for this title, but he’s not very far from the truth. The underwater world is so different and fantastic that even in the nearly desolate Bahraini reefs, it’s still good times.

An example: I had a problem with my mask during the dive and I didn’t realise that it’s lip was actually resting half-way across my nostrils. Needless to say, that allowed the water to go both into the mask and into my nose. Not a pleasant experience I can tell you. And no, I honestly didn’t realise that was happening. I was happily guzzling air like a champion! What was pleasant is meeting Freddy who came to check me out while I was trying to adjust the bloody thing!

Freddy the fish checking me out underwater while adjusting my mask

Even a few days after that dive, I still smile when I remember meeting Freddy. Diving is like that I guess. You take a good memory out of every dive that will last you for quite a while, allowing you to dive into that happy place regardless of where you are and what situation you’re struggling with at the time.

Good times!

This video is shot in 4K with the GoPro Hero 4 Black. Let me know if you like, actually go ahead and give it a thumbs up on YouTube and subscribe to my channel if you would be so kind! 😉