Got to get this off my chest. I want to start a new company specialising in offering web solutions. No big deal, I hear you say, and you’re right and am in total agreement with you, as this particular activity is prevalent and school kids of all ages are very capable of offering such service …
Dalal, originally uploaded by malyousif. This is my most “favourited” picture on my Flickr stream. As I’m about to head out of the door to the same place I took this one, I thought I’d make this the Mtv traditional Friday Photograph! Have a wonderful – if very windy – Friday my friends… Keep safe …
Kuwait (I know it’s featured in this website heavily over the last few days, but we love ’em!) is invading Bahrain. No, not to help Wagdy pack, but to bring some gorgeous cars and people for a fun weekend at the BIC this Thursday. The track will be open to whoever wants to enjoy the …
Flying Thunder Arabia!, originally uploaded by malyousif. And you thought that cars are supposed to just be on the ground? Well this guy’s got another idea and he tried flying right through Turn One, carried on for a bit on the mile long runoff area and then just got out and walked away! I’m glad …
Speedcar Series babe, originally uploaded by malyousif. [poll=13] I’ve got hundreds of pitbabe pictures from the Desert 400 weekend like the one above, and hundreds more of cars like the one below, which would you like me to process and upload first? Of course I will limit my upload to the best 20 or so, …