Hot Mynah, originally uploaded by malyousif. Shot in the garden earlier today. Have a wonderful weekend my friends!
Filbert getting up to no good, originally uploaded by malyousif. We let him out sometime to fly around the house. This is one of his favourite perches, the orchid frame. Have a wonderful weekend my friends.
Flitty Fred, originally uploaded by malyousif. I was taking pictures in the garden this morning when Flitty Fred was graceful enough to make an appearance! He sat on the arbour while I shot 4 or 5 pictures of him then he just flitted away to a bush. What a wonderful start to the morning! Have …
Bulbul on the aloe, originally uploaded by malyousif. Bubuls love to suck the nectar of the Aloe vera flowers. That’s one of the main reasons I have plenty of Aloes in my garden. This particular plant is in a big pot and is the oldest we have in the garden. It’s huge and suffered a …
Bathing sparrow chick, originally uploaded by malyousif. A baby sparrow having a bath just outside my study’s window earlier today. Have a wonderful Friday my friends…