Food isn’t that important to me any more, I get a much deeper pleasure having it with people I care about. That was the feeling I had this morning meeting up with my friend Karla Solano at Chai Café where we had a semi-traditional Bahraini breakfast, and talked running, amongst various other topics. It was …
Happy to get our daughter back for her uni summer break, we celebrate by the return of a full Friday breakfast. I take you through the ultimate heart-attack food.
Who cares about oil prices? Sure it’s at $139 at close in NY yesterday, but it’s still cheaper than water. The issue I have is not that, it is the complete absence of Weetabix from the local market. How can one have a decent breakfast if there is no Weetabix? Frances has scoured all the …
Breakfast, originally uploaded by malyousif. Rose-ringed parakeets come to our garden every morning for the breakfast we put out to them. They must like it very much and appreciate it as their numbers increased over time. They actually wait on the surrounding trees and make such a racket until one of us gets out and …
Breakfast time!, originally uploaded by malyousif. We have many parakeets coming down for breakfast every morning. And as the weather has been rather cold for Bahrain, they have been ravenous. Together with other birds, the heaped plate of food my wife puts out to them every morning is finished within a few hours. There is …