We’ve spent 13 years in our current home and most of those have truly been the best in all our lives. We made 1813 a place of quiet and safe refuge for us. We love the coolness and tranquility of the spaces inside the house, and the various “rooms” we’ve created in the garden – …
I shot this film this morning before work. Just had a chance to edit it. Loving the cottage garden feel of this year’s planting. Enjoy this one minute of peace and beauty. https://youtu.be/9QpCKgEFD1Y&controls=0&showinfo=0
I love my little pond. It’s always full of life and the sound of the water calms me. I visit as often as I can, even if I just pass by when I arrive home and have a quick look. There’s always life in my garden. Passing by yesterday at lunch, I noticed a couple …
Almanaratain built our patio in the front garden. Here’s the two-day timelapse video of that build. Enjoy and watch the how-to video here. Remember to thumbs up and subscribe on YouTube! Thanks.
It almost didn’t stop today since the afternoon. A lot more rain than we’re usually used to. I even commented how I loved it and became romantic with the smell of rain on fresh ground and all that baloney… well NO MORE!