Tag Archives: islam

Sources of ISIS Support

Where are ISIS supporters Tweeting from?

  The Brookings Institute published a study on where the pockets of ISIS support are around the world. They analysed the sources of supportive Tweets and found that the majority emanate from Muslim countries. It’s no surprise to me that ISIS sympathisers are within our Arab communities. Their major support comes from the land of the birth of …



Prayer, no matter how well intentioned, isn’t enough to defeat terrorists. Every one of us has a responsibility to confront them intellectually and morally at least. Governments with influence on countries which incubate and empowers terrorists and terrorism must act responsibly and take action beyond immediate economic considerations to force them to flush out sources of …

ISIS and Islam are inseparable

ISIS and ISLAM are inseparable

Islamic terror is gripping the world with Muslims now being confronted – rightly – to do something about their own grown extremism. The world would no longer tolerate placebos and political correctness and simple condemnation. They want action. The world has also lost patience with Islamist apologists who maintain their myopic position that ISIS and …