An impromptu flash dance happened right in front of us while in downtown Victoria, BC this afternoon for lunch. It was brilliant! 🙂
Just before having a lunch of excellent Halibut and Chips in the picturesque Nanaimo harbour, I noticed a woman bashing the hell out of crabs, apparently she was either really pissed off with them, her partner or this is how they clean the blasted things. Quite barbaric and grotesque to say the least, and they …
You can’t go to New York without experiencing Times Square at night, so we all traipsed over there and just as luck would have it, Justin Timberlake was shooting a music video to a new song he’s releasing soon I presume. Enjoy a new york minute!
Miss V8, originally uploaded by malyousif. It’s a beautiful day, you all should be out enjoying it, and what better way to do so but be at the track enjoying the symphony of engine music? please click to download the interview with Martin Whitaker. To put you in the mood, I’ve done an interview with …
go to to listen to his inaugural podcast