Waterlily, originally uploaded by malyousif. Another of my favourite flowers in my garden. This is in my main pond just in front of my study. Have a wonderful weekend my friends.
Mr. Froggy relaxing on a rock between the asparagus and the cleaned up pond which is now equipped with a biological and chemical filter to fight the damned green algea and the stink that it creates. We can actually now see the bottom of the pond., originally uploaded by malyousif.
Water lilies, originally uploaded by malyousif. The water lilies seem to have settled in their new home. I’ve got three blooms at the same time now, makes me really happy – especially that these blooms are an affirmation that they didn’t suffer to much from the abuse I subjected their plant to when I decided …
The Oriental Patch’s water feature, originally uploaded by malyousif. Just finished installing the new (old) pond/water fall at its new location. Unfortunately I discovered that the pump has given up the ghost, so I have to go out and find a replacement tomorrow… Nevertheless, I think the water feature really brings out this part of …
New water feature, originally uploaded by malyousif. The plants seem to have settled, and even the impatiens has flowered! Have a wonderful weekend my friends.