Bahrain is not unique in it’s depressed ranking on the just released RSF Press Freedom Index. Many have suffered greatly depressed rankings due to opportunistic and knee-jerk reaction to malleable definitions of terrorism, readily penalising the press, photojournalists, bloggers and anyone with a dissenting voice. This year, Middle Eastern countries have further moved down the index and now …
Here’s a riddle: if you heard the following, which country of region or the world would immediately jump up at you? A female artist and activist serving a 12-year prison sentence is facing additional charges, including “indecent conduct,†after shaking her male lawyer’s hand. South America? China? Belarus? Georgia? USA? No. I bet the region …
And there are no surprises, as far as this region of the world is concerned, and there most certainly is not a surprise as to how our own little island faired: With the current subjugation of various forms of freedoms of expression in this country, and the concerted effort to shut off any form of …
The last two days were very fruitful. I have had the privilege of interacting with an excellent group of people whose main concern is to share their views with the world, and expose the wrongs in their societies in order for those to be addressed and corrected. Although I cannot say that the correction has …
It looks like there is a new admin for this area for RSF… there must be, as their latest press release about Bahrain is a bit, well, unduly strong. I would have thought that they could be a little bit more politically cognizant and temper it down a bit. Saying something like: Determined to oppose …