

Shopping!, originally uploaded by malyousif.

A Friday is not Friday if I don’t go visit some garden centres. Fortunately, as it is “the season” they do have nice things and it is the best time to landscape in Bahrain. The stuff you see in the back on my car all went into the “Oriental garden”.

I spent the whole day out of the house, the first few hours were spent in garden centres getting what I needed (you only see a small part of what I got in this picture!) and then the remainder of the day working over the Frangipani Patch which is now an integral part of the Oriental Garden. I’ll post some pictures of my efforts tomorrow.

Other than the stuff in the back of my car, I got deliveries this afternoon of 1,000 kgs of river stone, 8 big pots, 4 bags of 50 ltrs compost, 175 petunias of various colours and I an awful lot of backbreaking work, and the patch is still not finished!

Have a wonderful weekend my friends… a bit later than usual I know, but I hope you understand.