The sweet sounds of jackhammers

How professional is Radio Bahrain when YOU CAN HEAR BUILDERS WITH VERY LOUD JACKHAMMERS whenever a DJ or news (news? huh!) presenter opens their gob?

Have a listen, please have a listen to FM 96.5, then look down in disgust whilst shaking your head. The irking thing of course is that there is NO alternative! We’re stuck with this dinosaur.

THIS is what our beloved parliamentarians should concern themselves with, rather than accepting yet more red herrings (arabic) from the Government like a law to legalise Khanjars (daggers).

And you know what, the parliament would probably waste the remainder of this term discussing it… the khanjars that is, not the press law, freedoms of expression or Law 56.

Way to go Radio Bahrain, as ineffective and mediocre as you are, you’re still leagues ahead of our parliament.. so I’ll forgive you the jackhammer sounds… I’ll just switch to the CD player for the time being. 🙂


  1. anonymous

    The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    Fucking Radio Bahrain – I can’t stand them!!

  2. anonymous

    The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    Not to be the complaining type, but their arabic djs on the english radio station need to get rid of their “Ahmad Al-Khina” accents/imitations. If english isn’t your strong point and you work as a dj on an english radio show, then you do need to re-evaluate your career path. Except for Sammy the Wammy. . .his voice is a little squeaky but he’s a pretty funny guy . . . the closest thing we have to Howard Stern.

  3. kategirl

    Re: The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    Oh man, Ahmed al-Khinna… whatever happened to him? That brings back some childhood memories. I remember how he used to do this one jingle, or maybe it was a radio commercial, for which his line was “You have all the answers. Now what’s the question?” … but he would pronounce “question” as “quetchion”… and the same for when he would have one of those radio competitions and he’d say “and the quetchion for today is…”

    I remember how he used to have this weekly show where you could call in and give a dedication live on the air, and me and my other stupid friends would call up and start saying rude stuff in urdu/hindi, and Ahmed would be all confused… ah, it was so much easier to entertain ourselves back then.

  4. mohd

    The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    Na na na na
    Ahmed Al Khinna

    strangely enough, Ahmed DID have another career path. Wasn’t he one of the proprietors of the Music Box, that rip-off jip-joint on Exhibition Avenue?

  5. kategirl

    The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    I can’t tell if the sound of the jackhammers is coming from the radio or from the 200 or so construction sites around my house.

  6. ammarlovegod[deleted]1099322617

    The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    Ahmed Al Khinna runs a nightclub in London called Splash !
    Let’s all meet up there one summer 😉

  7. mahmood

    Re: The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    Man you’re on the pulse!

    sorry I missed the meeting the other night… you should’ve told me that hubby was around as well and I would’ve exerted more effort! next time, inshallah…

  8. ammarlovegod[deleted]1099322617

    Re(1): The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    Will do… trying to coax him to agree to come next time 😉
    I will convert him.. you don’t worry about that.

  9. mahmood

    Ahmed Al-Khinna

    I last heard that he was a very successful DJ in London! He might well have owned that shop you’re talking about.. I seem to remember hearing that too.

    I personally DETESTED the guy. Doesn’t have two brain cells to rub against each other. Boring, loud, uncultured, wannabe, extremely bad English all come to mind if and when I think of him. I happily forgotten him until bloody Chan’ad brought him up! 🙁

  10. anonymous

    The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    I cant stop laughing, its just so unbelievably unprofessional its almost camp.

  11. Al

    Mahmood where art thou?

    2 days and no new post ,, !!!?
    Salaamat ,.. hope everything is aright….

  12. anonymous

    The sweet sounds of jackhammers

    radio bahrain is somthing you would come up with if you were writing a soap and wanted it to be anoying and as for pitting that fucking joker on TV…. please am i living in the 1950’s and thick…i dont think so bahrain needs better it a fuckin joke it makes me sick that these rejects are still employed if you sent them back home they woundnt find work even on hospital radio and why have the bahrainis copied them go out and find yourselves you can be so much more

  13. el

    one, two cha cha cha.
    i LOVED ahmed al khina.
    and i think he briefly had an equally camp show on btv, too.

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