Here’s some Good News™ for a change:

Lawsuit - health oversight board

A new authority that will investigate medical errors and award licences to private hospitals in Bahrain is in the pipeline.

“The new authority will regulate health professionals and services and ensure that all health practices are in line with international best practice examples,” he said.

He added that it would be the duty of the authority to set up, monitor and enforce national standards for health institutions, health professions, drugs and pharmacies, health insurance, diagnostic facilities, clinical research and medical devices.

“Over and above this, the authority will also be responsible for ensuring that relevant information is provided to the public,” he said.

It will also deal with issues related to regulating the establishment of new private hospitals and clinics, quality-assurance factors at medical centres, the skills and performance of doctors and the rights of patients
Trade Arabia :: 30 Nov, ’06

This obviously means that with this board we will ultimately have better and more professional medical services. Initially, a lot of people will probably sue until they’re blue in the face, which is good, as that will force medical professionals to become more professionals rather than using their patients as pin cushions and training cadavers!


  1. Observer

    Is it good news really?? Or is it part of the ongoing campaign by the current health minister to show that she is actually working???
    If you notice that since the news of a possible ministerial change that did not have her name in the new cabinet, the PR in the health ministry have made it a point of having a positive story about her accomplishments every day. Go back to the archives and see for yourself ….
    The real question is: Are they really her accomplishments???? She keeps saying that she inhirited the ministry with all its problems … but then she never mentioned that all these accomplishments were inhirited as well …
    Speaking of the current matter … if you check newspaper archives, you will see that this monitory body was proposed by the outgoing healthh minister Dr Kalil Hassan and it was discussed in the cabinet and parliment under the name bahrain medical council …. its just that the paper work has just finished now …
    Is it fair that she is takiong the cridet for it??? Or does one make it their idea by merly changing the name??? You tell me …
    In my opinion … all what the ministry got was a PR person rather than a manger ….. and all what she did was to keep things as they were wether they were good or bad …. mostly bad if you ask me …

  2. Hajji Zaal

    The mirage by which we are irrigated (figuratively speaking) is that Bahraini ministers are really more of glamorized clerks and less of ministers. So, it does not matter who goes or who comes. The hammer in the cabinet falls after obvious unanimity is arrived at all too quickly all the time.

    The evidence is the fact that there is not a single incident of a minister resigning since so-called ‘independence’ in 1971.

    Gentlemen do you still remember that, indeed, one, now the late, ex-minister of information entered and stayed into an interval of such denial that he kept returning to that ministry in disbelief that he was no longer the minister there, until he started to be pulled from those embarrassing demeanours by his wiser relatives.

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