The Bahraini Knights

The Wa'ad Nights, the saviours of Bahrain

These four gentlemen have sacrificed more for this country and its people than the whole bunch of Salafis and Muslim Brotherhood candidates and MPs ever have, or ever will. To even start to list the good that the four gentlemen have done so far would fill volumes, while all the Islamists gave us is veiled drivers and bearded police and military personnel.

Without Wa’ad and their allies we would not have known of the transgressions of government and influential people; therefore, we would have never been able to put a stop to those transgressions and start to demand what is our right as full citizens of this country.

Who exposed hidden chapters in the national budget?

Who exposed the the GOSI fiasco?

Who exposed the illegal appropriation of land?

Who exposed grafters, cheaters, thieves and the bribe-takers?

Who continues to fight for ALL of Bahrain?

Who is fighting tooth and nail for Bahrain to live a non-sectarian life?

Who are loyal to the people of Bahrain first and foremost?

Who are the forces of darkness – the Salafis and Muslim Brotherhood – terrified of?

Who are the moderates?

Who are the ones who will act as buffers against sectarianism in the forthcoming parliament?

Who are going to ensure that parliament does not descend into a sectarian pit?

Who else but the four gentlemen above?

Do you really think that the Islamists will protect you? Didn’t you have enough of their restrictive and draconian laws? Didn’t you already suffer at their hands? Didn’t they already rob you of your own freedoms? Didn’t they inculcate Orwellian practices at every facet of our lives?

Do you really think that Islamists will allow you to live the life you dream of in Bahrain, in peace and tranquility away from sectarian strife?

Only these four gentlemen can save us now, all of us, and ensure that our freedoms are protected and increased. Only they will force parliament to put the Bahraini citizen at the forefront of any laws? Only they will continue to expose corruption and deal with it.

Not the Salafis nor the Muslim Brotherhood, the forces of darkness.

This Saturday, go out and vote for Bahrain. Vote for Wa’ad. Vote for the Promise of a better life.


  1. Just me

    Do you really think that it is you or the voters who decide,

    3azeezi, on Monday, it is Khalid bin Ahmed Alkhalifa who will decide!!

    أحب عبدالرحمن النعيمي وأكره عيسى أبو الفتح؛

    أحب سامي سيادي وأكره ناصر الفضالة؛

    أحب إبراهيم شريف ولاشعور حيال عبدالرحمن بو مجيد؛

    أحب عبدالعزيز أبل ولاشعور حيال عبدالحكيم الشمري؛
    أحب من أحب وخالد بن أحمد آل خليفة سوف يدخل إلى البرلمان من يحب!

  2. anonymous

    الله يسمع منك …. بس Ùˆ الله تمنيت دخول الدكتورة منيرة بس انشالله الجايات اكثر 🙂

  3. lizardo

    good luck wa’ad .. lazim 3alla ala8al 3 from waad win ! atleast 50% from the oppisite .
    allah kareem

  4. milter

    4 out of 40?

    I hope I’m not being too cynical, but that doesn’t sound like a good basis for the prospects of a more democratic and liberal future for Bahrain. When you add up all the figures from the election it looks more like the issue was one of “Who is the true successor of the Prophet?” than “What kind of future do we want for Bahrain?”

    Those four gentlemen may become menbers of the parliament but, to be honest, I think a person like Munira Fakhro will have more effect in the long term. Once her ideas gather momentum in the young, female population things will begin to happen.

    I’m afraid this election will only mean that morality and vice issues will become more prominent issues in the next four years.

    I hope I’m wrong!

  5. Ibn

    I agree 10% is a low percentage Milter, but at least there is someone (or some people), who not only have a valid and just platform, but are already entrenched in Bahraini politics.

    I wonder, what is the main difference between the Wa3ad and Haqq movements? They seem similar enough for me to join up… I dont know.


  6. Ahmed

    Salam Mahmood.

    I really admire your posts and blog, you are a very versatile and erudite person. You also seem to be very open minded and not the judgmental or racist person, or this is what you are trying to show and become in your posts. However, when it comes to politics and stuff related to your country its so SO so SO obvious your choosing shea only and bashing Sunni indirectly. I am from Kuwait and I can assure you that I have never ever met or heard of a shea brother that will ever support or choose a Sunni over shea, no matter how good or bad. Also sunnies will do the same as a reaction to that. So why shea are not as honest as Sunni, we boldly say that we do not trust shea due to there many acts of loyalty to IRAN. and please am not accusing anyone here, this is a proven fact even if long time ago but still they need to regain there countries loyalties through trying to unite not to divide as what’s happening in my country and in yours. anyway’s my point is why are you a hypocrite (please prove me wrong as I really admire your personalty and thoughts)you say you only look for the best person or the most qualifies, but I don’t see that am sure there is at least one good sunni guy. Please do not take it personal as I love the shea Math.hab and I totally consider them to be no less muslims than I. but I just want to see thoughts of well educated people like you.

  7. Post
  8. Ibn

    Haq is an Islamist party (both sects) whose main demand is to reformation of the constitution (to be much closer to 1973) before they would consider participation.

    Ack! I stand corrected.

    Thats what happens when you skim a page without properly reading it. 🙂


  9. Hajji Zaal

    I voted them in last Saturday; and will go again to do the same tomorrow, not that i believe in the game (sham) but solely in order not to watch my vote expire without recording its worth not so much in favour of who gets it but more against the others.

    Now that it is 1:10 or 4:40 as Milter already noted, it matters still less. But a duty has to be performed. And my guess is that it will have to be done again in one year from now. If Dahrani takes the hammer this time too, it is possible that the new majlis survives 2007, but not for the good of the Bahraini public.

    Joke from last Saturdays voting.
    The man behind me in the polling line had parked his car next to mine. As we both opened the car doors to leave, and noticing that I wear a long haired beard, he pays me the courtesy of wishing that Islamists won. I threw my arms in the air gesturing to return the courtesy.

  10. Haq is not islamist

    Hi Mahmood,

    If you see who the members of the Haq Party you will not it is a mixture of all oppositions. For example, Ali Rabia.

    it is wrong to say that they are islamists

  11. Loyalty

    I am fad up from the saying that the Shiat are not loyal to the country, but to Iran. This is a stupid argument brought by everyone who has a sectarian bad breath.

    Remember that it is the Shiat who brought the royal family to the thrown, without their support AL-Khaleefa would not exist.

    My argument is, that AL-Khaleefa are loyal to the country, because they are selling it to the Bedowins very cheap. They are not loyal to the country because, they are steeling its wealth, they are not loyal to the country, this is what Bandergate report proved. They are not loyal to the country because, they illegally own 90% by land, while the general population own 10%.

    WHoever is loyal to this behaviour, is not loyal to the country, being Shia or sunna. “BAS BAHRAINI” is the only way forward. In stead of spending millions of dinnars on false journalism, they should promote such activities. Be Loyal to Bahrain for once!

  12. The Joker

    Ahmed from Canada, all the gentlemen Mahmood was promoting are sunni. Just because they weren’t wearing dishdash you assumed they were shia probably. Now stop making an ass out of yourself.

    Thanks for bringing exposure to this topic mahmood. Ibrahim Sharif needs EVERY vote. He is the best candidate in my opinion in wa3ad and in the run to elections, but his way to the chamber is uphill. Most of the voters in his area (um il hasam) are in the army and their votes are predetermined.

    As a matter of fact, if he does not win in the elections, and the news reports about appointing a new prime minister are true, I wish the king would consider him for that post.

  13. adel marzooq

    صديقي العزيز محممود

    يؤسفني ان اطلعك على نتائج الدور الثاني قبل أن تجري، واعتقد انه دقيقة بنسبة لا تقل عن 99% ، على أن 1% المتبقي هو لظرف طارئ كأن يتوفى الله أحد الفائزين

    راجع مدونتي لتتعرف على الفائزين..
    من التيار الوطني الديمقراطي سيصعد عزيز أبل فقط لا غير

    محبتي لك وتعازي الحارة

    عادل مرزوق

  14. Post
    عزيزي هل تخمينك مبني على إستطلاع رأي علمي أم أن هو إحساس فقط لا غير؟

    إن صدقت – Ùˆ كانت تخميناتك السابقة في موضعها في الأغلي – فإن الأربع القادمين سيكونو سوداء فعلاً… لكن على الأقل إنهم سيوعون الناس البسطاء الذين سيصوتون لطيور الظلام عن بؤس خياراتهم Ùˆ إن شاءالله سيوعون في ٢٠١٠

    يمكن أن الحكومة على إدراك تام بهذه الخطط… فأعطت السلف Ù£ سنوات لتدمير البلد، فيمكن أن تفكيرها الآن لنعطيهم تعصب شيعي مقابل سنى لأربع سنوات قادمة لتلقيننا جميعاً أن لا للإسلام السياسي مكان في الدنيا الآن فتنتخب الناس العلمانيين Ùˆ اللبراليين في ٢٠١٠ لتجارب أربع سنوات كذلك!


  15. adel marzooq

    عزيزي… توقعاتي تخضع لبعض من إستطلاعات الرأي المدعمة بالتحالفات السياسية التي شهدتها الساحة السياسية خلال الأسبوع الماضي، خاصة في دوائر المحرق، قد تحدث مفاجآت، لكن في الغالب سيكون للتوقعات التي قدرتها أن تكون دقيقة وبنسبة جيدة، إلا انها تبقى توقعات، اما بخصوص أننا سنجرب الإسلاميين لنقتنع أن لا فائدة منهم فاعتقد ان المكون الديني لدى المجتمع البحريني كبير جدا، ومن الصعب تقويضه، فالأمر يتعلق بمستويات ثقافة محددة وبتاريخ طويل، كما لا ننسى أن إلقاء اللوم على الحكومة في شتى القضايا سيخفف من وطأة الرأي العام على الجماعات الإسلامية، اما عن كبت الحريات الشخصية، فلنعترف أن الجمهور الذي إنتخب الإسلاميين سيكون سعيداً بذلك، أربع سنوات حالكة تنتظرنا، اتفق معك تماماً.

    عادل مرزوق

  16. Jasra-Jedi

    Ahmed from Canada ..

    There are two types of Shia in bahrain. Arab Shia (Baharneh) and Persian Shia.

    When you state categorically that the Shia are not to be trusted, are you referrring to the Arab origin Shia or the Persian Shia?

    Or, do you not consider anyone that is not from the tribes in Arabia to be Arab?

    And, if so, what would you recommend that we do in Bahrain? Follow the Kuwaiti policy of ‘bidoon’ and just not grant passports to bahraini’s because we cannot trace more than 6 (or is it 8) families as being ‘aseeleen’??

    For the love of God … it would be nice to know that we, as Arabs, or as people living in the Arab world, actually spent some time thinking about what we say before we let stuff out of our mouth that kills whatever little intellectual integrity and honesty that we have left. I hope to god that you are not in University in Canada Ahmed, it would be such a waste of tuition money.

  17. Ameena

    Although I support Wa’ad 100% I don’t think that the government will make them succeed and enter the parliament..
    And to keep their tracks clean they will make the defenses force vote against these loyal and honest people
    When I think about A.rahman Al-Naaimi and Isa Abulfatah I remember what happened four years ago when Dr. A.Latif Al-Rumaihi was running against him in the 2nd round of the elections the military forced it’s defense force to vote againset the Dr. may god rest his soul in peace ..

    I wish all the luck to them 2morrow and inshallah my whole family will vote to Sami Syadi ..
    Man I wish I can vote but am still 18

  18. Sadek

    What a hypocritical society. One reads of guys addressing each other as brother, but then they say the most obnoxious things. Take “Ahmed from Canada”, after cutting up a sect he says “Please do not take it personal as I love the shea”. Another character from another topic cuts up Mo, but calls him brother. The double faced, no good hypocracy – why not go straight to the point instead of dressing it up with this holier than thou garbage.

  19. Soyanera

    Dr. A.Latif Al-Rumaihi ….. may god rest his soul in peace!

    Oh, does this mean he passed away? when? How?

  20. Ameena

    Oh, does this mean he passed away? when? How?

    Dr. Al-Rumaihi passed away before one year or two I can’t remember precisely when
    His wife also passed away before him with couple of months and they left two small children’s behind them
    After depression and the injustice he got from the government, and after a dirty game played by the government he lost the elections to Isa Abu-alfatah
    May Allah rest his soul in peace

  21. Soyanera

    Thanks Ameena, sorry to hear. May Allah rest his and his wife’s souls in peace and protect their children.

  22. Sarah

    Hi everyone, just stumbled across this article so I thought I should comment.

    Although I do agree with you that Dr. Abdulaziz Abul, Mr. Al Noami, and Mr. Seyadi are men that have sacrificed a lot for Bahrain throughout the years, I really do not see how you can compare Mr. Sharif to them. While it is a well known fact that Dr. Abul’s, Mr. Noami’s, and Mr. Seyadi’s political activity can be traced to many years ago, even before the violence of the 90’s, Sharif’s political activity lacks when compared to them.

    Also, to whoever said that Sharif is the best candidate from Wa’ad ; I hardly think that is the case. What about people like Mr. Kamalaldeen?

  23. Post

    With all due respect to all of them, Kamaleddin did not even get passed the first round of elections and if you had went to his electioneering tent, you would have seen friends and relatives mostly attending the little functions he mounted, while thousands appeared at Sharif’s.

    As I am not that familiar with their particularities, would you kindly let me know why specifically say that Sharif is not the best for Wa’ad’s leadership?

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