I was a guest of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Adliya this morning. I was called yesterday and asked – very politely – to present myself at the CID’s Anti-Economic Crimes Unit “for a chat and some tea” which I accepted with alacrity and with not a little trepidation. The fear; however, was unfounded.
I was received in a professional manner and the gentleman chatting with me – I can’t call it an interrogation really, there were no plastic hoses in sight and I was offered tea and sat on a comfortable sofa in his office.
The questions were like those received from a journalist or a friend: when did I leave Gulf Air, why did I do so, how is the business doing and that sort of chit-chat. The the questions came into the “libel” area and how I understood the law concerning libel, needless to say the warning bells increased in intensity at this point! I asked the captain where he was going with this stream of questions and if there is actually a charge being levied against me, by whom and why.
After a few minutes more of chit-chat about the law and how we should all respect each other, and that practically I should understand that the level of freedoms we enjoy in Bahrain – although not as high as Europe and the States – they are still high enough but we should also understand when to stop. We also have customs and laws against besmirching people’s reputation, etcetera.
I agree, I said. Those were all facts and my understanding of the law – although superficial – is still solid enough to understand the conditions of libel. For instance, if you claim that someone is a rapist, you better have the proof ready to back your claim up, otherwise you should be penalised in some way for besmirching that person’s reputation. That’s all common sense, otherwise we will have chaos. For the life of me I cannot fathom what the captain was going about, I have become a lot more careful how I write in this blog, because whether I like it or not, it has got some degree of fame and following and I strive to be more responsible in my writing and even think in a journalistic sense. It’s not as fun as the early days of course where I can rant and rave like the best of them… but I learnt the hard way that showing respect to those you write about, even if I do not agree with them, packs a stronger punch than calling them names.
I also hope, as I have emphasised time and again, that public figures – especially – should accept criticism, no matter how hard that becomes, because people are actually criticising the position more than the person himself in most cases. Over-sensitivity of public figures is uncalled for and counterproductive. Just imagine for instance if HH the Prime Minister or HM the King responded with libel cases for every time they came under harsh (and sometimes very impolite – to say the very least) criticism, the courts will overflow with these cases, would they not?
Well, a public figure has taken umbrage with what I have written against him, and rather than contacting me to complain, or even entered a public comment refuting what I have written, he went through the legal route and lodged a case against me with the police, which is fully his right of course; however, that is not going to change the subjectivity of calling someone “stupid” or any other adjective used to describe someone or change the fact of his performance in the previous Shura council nor the fact that he has had business cases levied against him at some point of his life.
I am rather disappointed with this situation of course and I am unsure what The Right Honourable Minister His Excellency Mr. Mansour bin Hassan bin Rajab, Esquire, is going to gain from this. This action to me is nothing more than trying to shut his critics up by force of law – if any of these cases actually go to court in the first place – waste the courts’ time and efforts as they do have much more important cases going through them that take years, or at best terrorise his critics into submitting to never criticising him again! Well, this ain’t gonna work with me! I criticise to better this country as a concerned citizen, and shall continue to do so regardless of these frivolous cases.
And why pick on me? Well, I am known! Hence, I am an easy target. I am sure I can bring out several comments and posts written by anonymous persons in the multitude of fora within and without Bahrain which he just could not touch; but Mahmood Al-Yousif, ah! he’s exposed! un-anonymous! known! and we have his full contact details, his family and his points of views, so let’s attack him! Let’s make an example of him!
Further, I have suspected that ministers of the realm do not have the time of day to scratch an itch, let alone cruise websites and personal blogs routing through them with fine tooth combs looking for perceived libelous material against their exalted personalities. Judging by this incident, I know now that I am sorely mistaken. But as I have criticised other ministers over the lifetime of this blog, and none bothered to take me to court or lodge a complaint against me with the police, let me revise that assessment and not generalise but specify that maybe, actually in all probability, understand that only this particular minister is not being kept busy enough! Mr Prime Minister, can you give him more “portfolios” to fill his time? Please? Maybe then he would pay more attention to his job, better his ministry and staff to get them all (including himself) to provide the necessary services to the community with alacrity and expeditiously.
Driving back from Manama an hour or so ago I was caught in an almighty downpour. I am sure he could utilise his time (stop reading here Your Excellency and get your job done!) and provide the necessary services and funding for the municipal councils or contracted companies to remove the resulting stagnant waters, and maybe use your position to think of practical solutions to utilise this precious water rather than wasting it as usual in a country suffering from virtual drought?
I shall present myself at the Public Prosecutor tomorrow morning at 8AM promptly as instructed, and it will only be my pleasure to talk to the assigned person to this case and shall come back and write about my experience so that people will see how you personally have contributed to the “betterment of Bahrain.”
Your Excellency (I know you are still reading this) accept this as advice from a concerned citizen: concentrate on doing your job and do it well and wealth of reputation will come to you uncalled for and unbidden. Pursue your differences with opinion writers (professional or normal concerned citizens) and all you will do is damage your already frayed reputation.
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I admire your courage, Mahmood, to keep speaking your mind. Hope tomorrow’s meeting is the last you have to see of that bunch.
When are these idiots going to understand the concept of a BLOG. You aren’t forcing anyone to read your website. You’re free to say what ever you want but no, not in Bahrain. I hope you forward this post to all the press mahmood.
On a related matter of the CID trying to control the internet read the article in today’s Bahrain Tribune. The idiot officers think that the auto IP recognition on websites are actual adverts.
Sites abusing Kingdom’s name
Foreign-operated Internet ads giving bad publicity to Bahrain
By Sandeep Singh Grewal
Staff Reporter
The increasing number of people visiting porn websites and online dating has caught the attention of the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation.
The General Director of the CID, Brigadier Farooq Salman Al Moawada, told the Tribune: “There are some porn sites with the name of Manama operating from outside Bahrain and featuring indecent images of girls who don’t look like Bahrainis.â€Â
The Directorate is calling the public to stop browsing porn sites, especially those that promote bad publicity against Bahrain.
The Ministry of Information in the past has blocked websites but more sites crop up everyday which makes it difficult to filter the content.
Waheed Al Blooshi, an IT expert said: “The pop-ups that feature these girls are basically advertisements that is being given to the websites. They provide space to use their website to post porn advertisements. The link further leads to registered services where the user has to provide vital information and pay using credit card. Even after all this the user does not get the services that are offered.â€Âhe said.
Bahrain Telecommunication Company ( Batelco) which has a monopoly in the telecommunication and Internet services had started a service where individuals could provide details about websites that had inappropriate content or were sensitive and action would be taken.
“As far as I know, this service has been stopped. They used to have a proxy where one could complain online and they would block the websites.†Blooshi said.
The Ministry of Information made it mandatory for all websites and blogs to be registered with the government.
Al Moawada said: “The sites were being blocked by the Ministry of Information through the concerned body and new ones keep coming up, therefore such sites were being regularly monitored. Controlling porn sites from outside the Kingdom is a difficult task as the concerned body in the Kingdom cannot block them.â€Â
According to Al Moawada, the problem of porn sites would continue unless the individuals have self control and try to stay away from such sites.
The same views were echoed by Blooshi who said: “The best solution to tackle this issue is not blocking the website but educating the people. Let us be realistic here, technology can be breached but by creating awareness through campaigns and advertisements we can make a difference.â€Â
Al Moawada also called on the public to report porn sites to moral police to enable the CID to carry out necessary actions with the help of the Ministry of Information.
“The Internet is a useful communication tool, therefore Internet users should wisely use the services and avoid practices against Islamic principles,†Al Moawada added.
Many believe that the filtering system in the Kingdom is low compared with other countries. In a survey conducted, out of the 36 porn sites only three were blocked by the ministry. The malicious comments and the pop ups can be stopped if a strong policy is implemented which does not affect an individual but is effective.
Bully!!!!! :w00t:
Very well written Mahmood. You have do nothing wrong. If ministers think that they are perfect then there is no need for a goverment because we are all saints then. :whistle: 😎
May Allah be with you and guide your heart and tongue as you forge ahead and stand your ground and fight for truth, justice and freedom to ask for what is right and point out what is wrong.
:ninja: 🙂
so start making a button for you like the others you post at your site 😛
if i was you i would have something like terror warning , red for arrested , yellow for questioned , green for normal day :biggrin:
btw hows their tea? incase i ever go there.
excellent! 😉
A well written piece, I went back to read if you could have caused offence by your original blog and can’t find anything in it a Minister could complain about. Disappointing really – so I think with the recent rain he was just a bit touchy.
In my experience those who are given authority and responsibilty sometimes go overboard in the beginning – time will calm him down, maybe you can tell him you are sorry that it offended him and offer to print a retraction.
Of course you don’t know who is winding him up either and it may be someone else trying to emabraas the Minister indirectly – you know ” Did you see what Mahmood said, you’re not going to stand for that are you, if it were me I would have that man thrown into jail and lose the key.”
Anyhow that’s what makes Bahrain and the Bahrainis delightfully interesting people to watch in action.
I can imagine all the “can’t wait to blog about this” thoughts going through your head during the interrogation!
I liked the way it’s written here, he’s probably regretting what he’s done now. Was he complaining about a page? Pages are ahead now, lol 😉
I admire your courage in standing up for your rights, its a tough one to pull of in the society youre living in, so thumbs up to that!
I agree with AJJ in that you said nothing libelous to the minister. I doubt he’d be able to read english, so maybe one of his boytoys misinterpreted the translation from english to arabic?
It is great that you have revealed all these details ….. it seems to me that your story is one that will be repeated in every country where bloggers voice their opinion.
I must say that the Bahraini Criminal Investigation Department (CID) seem quite civilized.
Good luck tomorrow!
The whole thing sounds dubious… get a team of lawyers, and double-check every step he takes against you.
The higher up you get, the easier it is to use leverage to get your way. Even in the EU, this is proved again and again… so follow the proceedings carefully, and have someone look carefully at the law before you accept seemingly “kind” gestures!
Good luck!
Best of luck tomorrow. You are truly a pioneer with this wonderful blog and a fantastic example of constructive and friendly political analysis. I see nothing unduly incendiary or inappropriate about your blog. Bahrain is a modern, diverse society and the sooner the government ministers realize that a looser grip on the media will actually cause less instability, the better. Alas, certain ministers are “old school” and think that they can only maintain power through a tighter grip. Such paranoia is misguided and fails to see the good you are actually doing by providing a forum for debate and an exchange of ideas that is open and peaceful! That being said, keep in close contact with your lawyer and human rights groups just in case this gets further out of hand. I am sure that most Bahrainis, and the international human rights community, would wholeheartedly stand behind you. Let your blog followers know if you need back-up! We’re ready!
All the best,
You have our support mate, if this case goes any further, I’m sure we can collect hundreds and if not thousands of names and details of those who are willing to criticize people like him and have it on his desk early in the morning and then wait and see if he’ll take us all to court! Once again, you have our support mate!
Ed: the following comment was sent to me by email from Mr. Gary Brown, my teacher and friend, who unfortunately had a problem posting from his location due to one of the spam blocking engines I use. I apologize, and post this on his behalf.
Speaking truth to power has always been a tricky business especially when that ‘power’ lacks either experience or a sense of security.
It can’t be all that easy to serve as a government minister, depite the prestige and associated perks. They have to direct people, many of whom are not always ‘with the program’ to put it mildly. The buck, however, stops with them as the proverb says and so they are frequently caught between an intransigent set of lower officials and a demanding public.
Nevertheless, one must expect, even welcome, constructive criticism and not waste everyone’s time by crying ‘foul’ each time it happens. To institute a court case is simply immature and beneath the dignity of a government minister, who is, after all, a servant of the people.
This will be a real learning experience, Mahmoud, and one that will require courage which you seem to have in abundance. May God grant you strength, understanding and wisdom in the days ahead!
Thank you all for your unstinting support my friends. I do appreciate it and feel, once again, humbled by your friendship and support.
I shall of course let you know what transpires in my meeting tomorrow, and hope that good sense will prevail.
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Well, take that picture along with you to the hearing tomorrow when the little bugger whines. Then throw it in his face and demand his resignation; on second thought, maybe you should hand it to him and ask for his resignation. :biggrin:
Hang in there.
مرØÂباً Ù…ØÂمود..
هيÙÂعلاً كما قلت موجة تهويشية لإخراس كل رأيØÂر، لكنباستخدام ما يسمى قانون.
مجرد قراءة سريعة للمشهد الØÂالي:
ها هما Ù…ØÂمد سعيد ورÙÂيقة ÙŠØÂكم عليهما بالسجنلأكثر منعام.
وها هما مشيمع والخواجة يقبض عليهما ثم ÙŠÙÂرج عنهما (بضمانمكاناقامتها) بعد ضغط جماهيريكبير.
وها هما الصØÂÙÂيانالسوّاد والعرادييقاضيانبتهويشة بندرية ولا ندريماذا ينتظرهما..
وها أنت (أيها البلوجزي) تتعرض للمسائلة والاستجواب لمسّك ذات Ø£ØÂد أعوانالØÂكم الØÂمقى (لا ذات الملك ولا ذات الØÂكومة ولا ذات الدولة..)
اللعبة اليوم ليست قانونأمندولة، بل قانونيؤمّنالدولة ضد أنتكونØÂراً ÙÂيكلمة..
أتوقع هذه الØÂملة المنظمة ستطال الكثيرين..
تØÂياتيلك ضد ØÂمقى السلطة وأغبيائها..
I’m not sure the what the “honourable” minister wants to prove by this. That he started hounouring his debts to his creditors?
The minister has this great opportunity to salvage a bad reputation of his and -more importantly- a strong negative reflex to his family’s name by doing a good job at the ministry, but instesd resorts to suing the region’s foremost blogger?
And if he is claiming nobility, did he know he is suing a Sayyid?
What a beautiful country!
ÙˆØÂدها الأشجار المثمرة منيطلق عليها الصغار ØÂجارهم بغية إسقاط شيئاً منلذيذ ثمرها وبعض الØÂمقى يكسروناغصانها ليطالوا ما يريدون. Ù…ØÂمود كنواثقاً بانك على الØÂÙ‚ ولا تباليÙÂالله دائماً مع الØÂÙ‚
Mansoor is an idiot! Everyone in Bahrain knows that. Even Al-Wefaq made a comment about Minister’s with a 5th Grade Education! oh please, another stupid case. So what’s he pissed about “Brainfart” or “Stupid”??? absolute idiot! This guy has a stash of cases lined up against him. And, they want to return the Planning Department to him. Yeah, great lets do that give Planning to a Corrupt Idiot. There are two things you never want in a public official Stupidity, and Corruption. This man is a rare case, where both these traits exist.
Your work is well written and insightful. Been reading it frequently for about 2 months now, and it really provides level headed analysis and rationality that I know that when I leave your site, I will be refreshed or happier or both. I see no reason you should be “Brought in ” for “questioning” that is, to speak truthfully, to be interrogated.
Technical note – I see this site is monitored for content by someone)
Good luck tomorrow Mahmood. If it’s any consolation, The Right Honourable Minister His Excellency Mr. Mansour bin Hassan bin Rajab
doesn’t look any more distinguished or brighter on the latest picture than he did in you first post.
They had better rethink this line of attack as you have a truly international following.
Mahmood, you’re one of the more thought provoking bloggers out there. Your words are elegant and never vulgar.
I hope your government sees that your an asset to your country, not a hindrance.
Be cautious tomorrow.
Who knows, maybe he’s jealous of your beautiful garden. 🙂
Mahmood, did you get any biscuits with your tea? 😉
I for one am not surprised ministers monitor your blog – I’m sure you’ve got even more illustrious readers.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow – this is not an easy or pleasant position to be in, but, as you see from this small sample offering of support from everyone,there are lots of people behind you and ready to support you.
Yes, it is much easier to attack you because you are out there – but the beauty of that is also that you’ve got people who read and listen and will rallye in support if need be – so go forth, be strong and may Allah be with you.
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.
Martin Luther King
I was not surprised about this move, since the bloging is a new concept and it prove how strong the bolging power.
I wish you all the best in this exercise and come out safe from it, and I hope you will speak to one who now the Internet, Bloging and not a dinosaur.
It took our Minister of “Brain Fart” more than a month to translate your blog Mahmood. He must have had hell lot of free time on his hands besides eating his “shashlik” looking at his health..no doubt about that,
Seems like his debt is to his neck, and he has turned to people like you to squeez money out of you for writing truth abouth him and pay his debts..how sad..people like him piss me off make me sick :sick: :angry:
hello from poland! i found your post on global voices and wrote this:
one question, with all the focus now on blogging, how will free speech take root in an actual real public sphere? don’t we need people to speak freely on street corners and cafes too? how will blogging do this?
While wishing you all the best and extending to you my full support, my expectations are unfortunately very little. When your website was blocked few weeks ago, I felt really disappointed when an MOI light blow made you change your position in order for the block be lifted. So, will the same situation be repeated? I hope not.
Good luck!
When will these people ever learn… thats just sad…
Ah well, at least we got a blog post out of it…. *crosses fingers and tries to be optomistic*
Keep at it Mahmood, we need more voices that are constructivly critical or we’re going to be stuck in a quagmire of fingerpointing with no basis or discernable solutions presented.
Instead of using this scare tactic he should have actually incorporated you in trying to figure out why your criticisims are justifiable. or at least why he might think they are not, and how he could adress some of them, rather then just attempting to shut you up and shut himself off.
A sad state of affairs indeed.
Geez Mahmood…
… one cant thank you enough… you’re definately taking one for the team.
PLus I thought this heckling ended last time when they tried to censor your blog – what, does the interiour minstry have nothing better to do now than play hearts on windows and pick on Mahmood’s Den? :biggrin:
Its times like these that I would like to personally thank you Mahmood, for what you have done. We need you. The Arab world needs you – even if those in power do not realise it yet.
Just one question Mahmood, Does his excellency know how to read English?
Good ‘luck’ tomorrow. Be safe!.
Allah ma3ak mahmood. As these events unfold, I am even more convinced that some of our “esteemed” ministers have nothing better to do with their time.
Mahmood my new friend, Just take a few seconds and ask God/Allah for His help of both you and the minister in question. You both need His help, and He shall give it just for the asking.
I liked above two messages the most. 8 and 16. I like Bahrain and the Bahrainis I met very much. And you both want a healthy and prosperous Bahrain, I am sure. And a ministers job is very difficult like someone else said. People who work for them and have worked in government are not the real go getters sometimes. It can be a very frustrating job. And that’s what a minister has as his resource, while getting plenty of shots from above and from peer competitors. They are not as free as you, and cannot be as outspoken as you. Protocol, protocol, protocol. You know?
I pray to God/Allah that you both become friends in a way and help each other to develop a better Bahrain each and every year. After all, that is what everybody wants I bet. That is what is most important.
Best wishes and God/Allah bless you both tomorrow my friend.
Well he has a point. All his life he has been known as a thief.. now you tarnish his reputation and call him stupid? I’d be offended too :dizzy:
But OMG. Does that mean I’ll have to stop calling a shmuk a shmuk and a bozo a bozo? Or should I thank god that I’m still insignificant :whistle:
Really good luck. I can’t say more. I won’t say reason with the idiot because I don’t suppose anyone can. If it gets bad, though, try convincing him that brainfart is a complement.
Not siging my name this time. Akhaf yez3al minni ana ba3ad :tongue:
You have my support Mahmood.
After all, I think calling someone stupid is not an inslut, it’s just a word to describe their acts or their low intelligence. :getlost:
:ermm: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=stupid
It is assuring to know that this honorable minister is so dilligent in serving our country. Oh wait, he is too busy suing bloggers for reporting the truth! :blink: Instead of fixing the problem (and doing something about the lakes of disgrace), he follows the typical Bahraini MO: try to silence the outspoken witnesses. SIGH
On a side note, when I informed my younger sister that friends from the US are coming to Bahrain for a visit, her response was : After living in all that greenery, I will not miss the look on your friends’ face when they visit Riffa and realize they are stepping on literal s*%#!!!!!
Best of luck, Mahmood!
Explain to man the “Who’s Your Daddy” post has absolutely nothing to do with him.
Simply two of gods creatures doing what comes natural.
The world’s eyes will be on you and him until this is over. That must frighten him something terrible.
Strange that an issue like this can go througfh a legal route so quickly.
What about the 52 drowned people from the dhow disaster – where is their justice?
I agree with you Mahmood that there are many useless officials in our country, yet there should way a proper way of addressing our criticism.
Unfortunately we Arabs, still look with an envious eye to others personal achievements that we could not reach. As a result, we start throwing our accusation arrows at them right and left without having a proof under our hand.
I have been dreaming for having a proper freedom of speech in Bahrain, yet what you did, I do not call a freedom of speech. You cannot simply talk indecorously about others (Mansoor or anyone else) the way you did, otherwise we will be living in a jungle.
Finally, I support the legal action against you so that it will be a good lesson for you and other bloggers not to publish anything unless a valid proof is attained.
Every one in Bahrain knows about this stupid guy, Mansoor is like a puppet, he is a big fat lier, and a suckup to the goverment heads, for instance look at his house in Isa Town, its like he gets paid to make sure that he is the only Bahraini who loves this country with the signs and boards that surround his house, or maybe better (Being and minister that will do nothing plus getting paid) he thinks he is untouchable, but wait and see what he will do to the ministry, people are suffering, people are getting sick of bad response to drain out the water from the roads, and whe they do they will spread the desiess in another place. Again in my opinion he is a stupid fat BRAINFART and it fits just well on him.
Mahmood Look at the above comment by ASKAD, although it did not from you, you are still liable for it as it is published through your blog.
I really think that the government should punish you and not let you off as usual in order understand the meaning of respecting others.
You know what Mahmood, your mate’s gone and opened up a can of worms for himself. I wished he had approached you directly…..we all know that most officials have a hidden skeleton in the closet some where. Time to nail him. :biggrin:
what happened mahmood? please write
No Mr.Highlander Mahmood is not liable for whatever he did not say, its true that i used his site but im the one responsible for what i said not any one else, again Mr.Highlander did you ever hear about something called freedom of speach?? I was born free & will die free, not a follower like some people. 😎
By the way Mahmood, please update us on what happened, and if you need support you will get it. Best of luck.
Please understand that this is a blog, an open forum where you cannot filter every and each comment. Mahmood has already pointed some rules and guidelines about comments in the legal section of this site. The minister is a public figure which we all, including Mahmood, respect, but have the right to critisize him and evalute his capabilitis and performance. By sueing whoever comment or critisize the minister, you might end out spending your valuable time sueing everybody. I hope that you’d take the initiative to advise the minister to stop here and end the subject. Otherwise, this would be a live and desired subject for 100’s Bahraini and non-Bahraini bloggers who are always ready to write. You might end out making it even worse, instead of making it better.
I don’t necessarily agree with everything you say Mahmood.
But I applaude your will to say it.
so you can’t critisize the king, you can’t critisize the prime minister (and we have seen what happens if you do), and now you can’t critisize ministers. great; why doesn’t the government publish a list of all the people we as bahrainis can’t talk about or critisize their preformance or lack of it.
OOoh, Mahmood the “criminal”! Can you lodge a libel case against the minister for besmirching you? :devil:
Can you have coffee instead of tea at their offices?
And where IS Mahmood? His last post here was yesterday… We are all waiting with apprehension for updates on the latest “interview”!!!
Sounds like you feel Mahmood is throwing “accusation arrows†around because he is envious of said minister and cannot reach the personal achievements he has. Do you have any proof of that or are you going to just throw accusation arrows around? Pretty much sounds like libel to me.
Perhaps Mahmood should publish your name and IP address so he knows who to sue and all those many useless officials in Bahrain will know the high regard you hold them in.
What is that way, if I may ask, in your assessment?
I thought this was a legal issue of defintion of slander? Last I checked, respect was earned, not forced through legislation.
But, It would be interesting to try and figure out what it would take for someone to respect himself …
That was the first brainfart of the year 2007 as you mentioned, Mahmood. hhhhhhhhhh
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every arab is an uneducated loser of the world. If I had my way you all would go the way of the jews in world war 2(if you even know what what was) I hope you know that everything that happened in the last 100 years was because of you and your stipied believes(great job) munich… do you love your accomplishments? If i was weathy i would move to england stock pile a lot of weapons and make it a person point to destroy every one of you i saw. you treat women like shit, ever conflict in last last 1\30 years has envolved your dead of an excuse of a religon. thank you so much for your contrubution to world history you did a fantastic job
Ed: this twerp’s email address he chose for this tripe is deano_b3@hotmail.com and his IP address is: whose location is in the UNITED STATES, the great state of MISSOURI, the city of INDEPENDENCE and is using PERRY-SPENCER COMMUNICATIONS to spread his evil, malicious and racial thoughts. I am sure he does not represent the good people of the United States of America and is an isolated sorry excuse for being a human being.
What an utter classless piece of shit. I know of no other way to put it. It is truly a shame there are nimrods who espouse these kind of racist attitudes. The “devil” in me feels like signing him up for every spam list I can find! :devil: :angel:
I want to ask a question for your readers. Does any Muslim in the Middle East think that the American Idiot posing as a president is trying to start world war three in your part of the world. Consider that he lied to invade Iraq, and he is going to start a war with Iran, over Iraq. Soon, shia will be fighting sunni, brother against brother. Does this not sound like a plan this administration has hatched to inflame you. Consider how the white man causes war for there own greed. This is about your oil and nothing else. Democracy in the Middle East is a joke. It doesn’t work in America, so how will it work anywhere else. Democracy was set up by the white man to plunder the wealth of the average citizen. Politicians steel all the money and we keep paying and paying for no services. Get rid of Hypocracy of the white man and run your countries the way you see fit. American military should not be on your land, so ask them to leave, before it’s to late. If you wanted your army on American soil to protect your interest, do you think you would be able to. I say no, what about you?
Slick in Chicago
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Mahmood, as far as I know, public figures are not entitled to the protection that this minister is seeking in his action against you under English law based legal systems. you know very well the brutal criticisms that politicians are bombarded with in practically every country, many times false things.
So for us this is very strange.
Best wishes Vic
Donth you think since he IS a minister he might have been presured to do so?? :wassat: but anyways its a really good discription to whoeven waist good time on such little personal problems.
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