Vlog 36: It’s Friday again!

You know me, it can’t be a Friday without me doing something, and this weekend once again I attacked another part of the garden. At the rate I’m going, I’ll have to buy the neighbour’s house and kick them out so that I have more garden space!

Remember I went to the Bahrain International Garden Show on Thursday with Frances and got a few things from the Pepiniere Issa? Well, I was at the gates of the exhibition centre at 10 on Friday morning to continue my shopping. I’ve spotted a few more things I wanted to get – yes, if I had an unlimited budget I would have cleaned them out! Some of the exotic cactii, aloes and other exotic plants they have are breathtaking. I ended up buying 9 plants, and naturally, I spent Friday preparing their new homes. Most reside now in the Frangipani patch where I installed a new trellis for the new passion flower (Passiflora quadrangularis – Giant Granadilla) and put the rest in various places around the garden. The majority in the new cactus patch by the old lady (the old Frangipani).

You could view all the details in the vlog above which I hope you will like. The new (technical) thing about this video is that I bought a cheap microphone (about BD7 I think) and used that to record my voice, the difference is astonishing! I’ll have to dig out the two lapel mics I bought but never used and if they provide sound as good as this I’ll be happy. I’ve also dug out my DV camera (I thought you guys deserve better quality than my regular phonecam videos!) and spent part of this morning editing it.

Before that, I did a little bit of gardening. I’m trying my luck in planting seeds in trays. I planted a new type of gazanias, chrisanthimums, tomato and dahlias. Let’s see how those grow. Summer planting should start now as I think I left the others a bit too late late… gaining experience I am!

Okay, what did I get from Pepiniere Issa I hear you ask? I got a Passiflora quadrangularis (Giant granadilla), Capparis Spinosa (Caper), Aloe Ferox, Aloe Zebrina (Zebra Leaf Aloe), Aloe Marlothii (Mountain Aloe), Crassula ovata (Jade plant/money tree), Erythrina crista-galli (Cockspur coral tree), Hesperaloe parviflora (Red yucca) and Palargonium (Stellar Red Dancer).

I bet you’re waiting to see these beauties in full bloom!


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  2. Bernie

    That should look lovely when it grows along the trellis. Some good photo opportunities.
    Video quality was excellent, next thing you’ll be making documentaries. 🙂

  3. Post

    I actually started! This is the new activity that has been added to my company and we’ve got our first commission!

  4. Barry

    I hope your passiflora doesn’t pull down that trellis! At the Cathedral here, there is a 50 foot wall totally covered in passiflora coccinea. It got bitten by the cold in January, but they always come back (even if it is from the roots!)

    lovely choice of plants you’ve got, especially the Hesperaloe, something I’ve never seen sold in Nurseries around here (and some of ours have pretty exotic plants!)

  5. Laurie

    Nice selection of plants. I especially like the Aloe Marlothii. It should add some nice color contrast when it’s mature.

    Really good video quality, too.

  6. Abu Arron

    Excellent video Mahmood. You’ve obviously got greener fingers than I.

    Tried growing a few perennials on my balcony in Juffair, but it’s been a total disaster. I have been informed that it’s important to stimulate the Climatis quite frequently, but I haven’t got a clue how to!

  7. Post

    I’ve not been successful with the Clematis either! I nursed it for a long time and all it produced was a single flower then it withered and died.

    clematis flower

    Now that you remind me, Clematis would look very nice on the front porch or around the pool in its own big pot!

    Thanks all for your compliments. I didn’t do much other than put stuff in the ground and set the watering times!

  8. Cerebralwaste


    Clematis like a slightly alkaline soil and cooler root temps along with good drainage. I am pretty sure your PH is ok along with your drainage, based on the amount of soil prep you have undertaken. But I wonder if it isn’t just to darn hot for the roots? Have you mulched the pants well? Say 2 to 3 inches to provide some insulation? Just a thought.

  9. Post

    Mark you could be very right. We had the clematis in a big pot in direct sun.

    I have to make more shady parts in the garden until the trees grow!

  10. Cerebralwaste

    How much Peat Moss did you blend (if any) into the soil. I ask because on second thought there is a slight chance you may have bumped the soil to the slightly acidic side. If you think there is a chance of that, a little lime or wood ash should do the trick.

    Still I would bet it is just to darn hot for the things and providing them some shade will probably to the trick. Especially when you mention you had them in a container.

    I hope you can get them to grow as clematis a beautiful plants that I think should be in every garden.

  11. Post

    In those days, I hardly blended any peat moss with the compost!

    I now do 1/3 compost to 2/3 peat and that seems to do the trick with most things I pot.

    But I agree with you, I think it is the heat that killed it. The picture I took above was in November and at that time it was very promising but soon gave up.

    I am so happy that the passion flower continued to struggle until I put it in the ground. Now it covers most of the North-facing wall.

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