27th Bahrain Bloggers’ Gathering – 5 April, ’07


The 27th bloggers gathering is coming up next week. It will be held at 7pm at Al-Bareh Cafe. Everyone is welcome. Please give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the venue as the roads will be busy (judging by the last time) and you need to start making tracks at least at 6.30 to arrive at 7.

The Agenda:

  • Welcome & introductions – Mahmood (5 minutes)
  • Highlight of Bahraini blogs discovered over the last month – any volunteers? (5 minutes)
  • Themed presentation and discussion – we need to decide on the topic, please enter your suggestions in a comment (15 minutes)
  • end of formal side of the evening

  • Chat, mingle, drink, eat and be happy for the rest of the night! (or at least for another 1 hour and 35 minutes!)


  1. Silver Girl

    Yooo! I’ll be absent again this time :cwy:
    There’s always something happening on Thursdays elmishkila! :pinch:

    Enjoy.. I’ll see you all in May!

  2. Post

    No worries, we’ll have another one just in your honour, and call it 27.5, the only .5 in history! :wub:

  3. nurox

    hemed presentation and discussion – we need to decide on the topic, please enter your suggestions in a comment (15 minutes)

    We could have a discussion about the possibility of forming a society for bloggers, its pros and cons and what its objectives should be.

  4. moodz

    I say let’s all bend the rules on this one and push it in to the 12th.

    The more bloggers the merrier right?!
    Who’s in for the 12th?

  5. Post

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