The Cauldron, originally uploaded by malyousif.
My friend Rami, who owns a foundry. got a three of these cauldrons cast in aluminum; the original order was for a christening bowl for a local church and as the mold was done, and it’s a one off, it would have been a waste to waste it, so he did a couple more of these beauties: one for him and another for me. Strangely enough, all of them will be used with water in mind!
Rami put a beautiful fountain and plants in his, I’ll use mine to put some water irises and dog-weed and maybe some fish. I will have to use a small pump to circulate the water a little but haven’t decided how yet.
Anyway, if all else fails, our dear MPs can use it to create some witches brew or boil them in it, I’ve got the wood ready as you see, and I’ll use Filbert to try it out!
Remember Mahmood, simmer Filbert to maximize the flavor of your broth! That’s a pretty bowl.
Filbert on a font – very cute!
Get your minds out of the gutter. This is big enough to use as ahot tub!!!!!!!! 😎
You can’t imagine how much we’re in need of that to store water these days in Oman
I’m sure Balqis, inshallah everything will get back to normal soon and may Allah save Oman and Omanis from harm.
Maybe you want my Child Soup recipe?
1. Get big aluminum cauldron of at least 1 meter deep by 1 meter diameter
2. Get small delicious-looking baby of not more than 3 years of age
3. Put in said cauldron and get them to play
4. Pour some water, light the fire and add seasoning to taste
5. Enjoy a wonderful child soup, preferably served with bread and a nice mild red wine.
Where to shop for items:
1. Child: Dana Al-Yousif, somewhere in the environs of London at the moment
2. MEBA (Metals of Bahrain) for the cauldron