I rescued this rose-ringed parakeet a couple of years ago when it flopped from its nest in our garden. She turned against me for some reason and now does flying attacks at me whenever she gets a chance. This film is proof that these bloody green vicious things are intelligent and never forget!
Filbert getting up to no good, originally uploaded by malyousif. We let him out sometime to fly around the house. This is one of his favourite perches, the orchid frame. Have a wonderful weekend my friends.
In this one, I introduce my initial experience with Zain, my new broadband supplier, I talk about the government’s decision to rescinds its order requiring decent transport to be provided to workers and Filbert makes an appearance!
Hi-res here Away from the doom and gloom encompassing the world at the moment, here’s a moment of lightness for you.. The weather in Bahrain turned to the better since last weekend. It’s still hot and sticky, but at least the wind has picked up a bit, which prompted me to take my pet parakeet …
Just testing the new toy… [MEDIA=1]