“Martyr’s Day” commemoration death

I’ve just received a report that a Ali Jassim Mohammed, a 31 year old, was taken to the International Hospital about two hours ago in an unconscious state due to tear-gas exposure fired at a demonstration in Jidd Haffs.

He was one of many taking part to commemorate the contentious “Martyr’s Day” which the opposition wants to commemorate annually on the 17th of December, a day which has been inaugurated by the authorities as the “King’s Ascension Day”. The Ministry of Interior apparently issued a press release in which it stated that Ali’s death was due to a heart attack rather than tear-gas related. There are currently serious riots going on at the mortuary between the demonstrators and the police.

Ali is reportedly recently married and was awaiting his first born soon. May his soul rest in peace.

Ours; however, will probably continue to be tormented by this ridiculous push-and-pull relationship between some elements of the opposition and the regime both of whom so far have failed to resolve their points of difference. Their dialogue, if at all it exists, can’t be anything but like a conversation between two deaf and dumb people with neither side prepared to listen.

If they really want to get this tiring situation fixed, I suggest they both read Wa’ad’s National Day declaration [translation], turn it into a manifesto and work toward its accomplishment. How difficult is it really to recognise our shortcomings and work together toward an equitable resolution?


  1. Rashid

    Allah yerham il jamee3

    Inshalla things die down no pun intended and everyone goes and sits down for a nice quiet eid with the family.

  2. milter

    My lack of knowledge of the Arab language makes it impossible for me to understand what Wa’ad’s “National Day declaration” says.

    I feel sad to read about somebody (anybody) dying just because they were present at a political demonstration. I feel sorry for his/her family and it certainly doesn’t help anybody in the process of establishing “friendly relationships”.

    But, why are so many activities, opinions, demonstrations and political activities based on conceptions of former “injustices”?

    I accept that injustices have taken place, I accept that some people have the right to feel unjustly treated, but, is that the right basis to form a new society on? Won’t it just lead to new conflicts?

    Isn’t it time to wipe out the memories of the past and look forward instead?

  3. underthedatetree

    Thoughts and prayers are with Ali’s family. There seems to be no end to this, what I can only describe as sectarian devide and bitter hatred towards those who govern. Our village looks like a war zone tonight. A very sad end to the night indeed.

  4. milter


    Do you live in Jidd Haffs?

    What’s the feeling among people there right now? Do they want somebody to die to get even with those that were responsible for the death of Ali Jassim Mohammed?

    And do you believe that “an eye for an eye” and “a tooth for a tooth” is the solution?

  5. Princess

    Allah yir7ahem Ali, what a sad story to tell.

    Milter: I agree that it’s time to start working towards a new future, a new Bahrain, and that’s already in progress as we speak.

    I think one of the main reasons people look back at the injustices that occurred during the 1990’s intifada (uprising)is to due with the conflicting laws that currently govern Bahrain (to name one: calling to the end of secretarian conflict on one hand and mass neutralisation on the other), as well as royal decree 56. From a cultural psychology point of view, if we place Bahrain as an honour based society, an incident which brings on shame to a person (such as the incidents of torture in the intifada) can only be resolved if the person who trespassed upon your rights admits to it and sets about to change what has happened. Royal decree 56 stops individuals from what they see as their rights of bringing justice about, and as such so long as it’s in place, people will continue to look back in anger and we will continue to move forward at a snail’s pace.

    This is no reason to stop trying to move forward, and no reason to create new problems, but perhaps just a way of trying to understand why Bahrain stands as it currently does.

  6. Salman

    Inshalla, the oppressed with emerge victorious over the tyranny of the oppressor. It is inevitable.

    يد الله عللى كل يدا ظالمة

  7. Pingback: Global Voices Online » Bahrain: Demonstrator Dies

  8. LuLu

    God bless his soul.

    This is not the time to be passing judgement on the tragic event, especially since we don’t know all the facts, but as far as I can tell, there is so much anger, and not just in Jidd Hafs.. It doesn’t help that the Ministry of Interior is calling it a natural death and refusing to acknowledge any guilt on the part of its officers..

    Someone sent me this 2005 Al-Wasat article in which el mar7oom Ali Jassim himself was speaking of his grievances with the system..

  9. Pingback: Global Voices amin’ ny teny malagasy » Blog Archive » Bahrein: Mpanao fihetsiketsehana maty

  10. waish

    if ppl dont want to get kiled..they shouldnt participate in those kind of stuf
    لا ترمون انفسكم في التهلكه

  11. Lee

    It seems humans have a penchant for comitting violence against each other…we are unlike any other species in that we kill just for the hell of it sometimes.

    btw please visit this blogsite(I hope its allowed to post such things here) this is a public service announcement to the people of Bahrain that may know this man and have children that they wish to protect.


  12. underthedatetree


    No I live a stones throw away. Jidhafs, Sanabis, and Daih are in very close proximity to one another and whenever trouble breaks out in one, it usually spills over into the other villages too. I tried to inspect an empty tear gas canister last night – but i was swiftly approached by scary looking policemen and was asked to leave.

    You ask if I believe that “an eye for an eye” and “a tooth for a tooth” is the solution?

    Absolutely not!

  13. Pingback: Global Voices بالعربية » الأرشيف

  14. Salman

    Can tear gas do this to your body? I know that inhaling it is very irritating to the eyes and even causes a sharp pain in the back of the head, but I never knew it could bruise your left chest so badly, especially to the left of your heart.


    The Ministry of Interior will cover it up as usual. I wonder how much “freedom of speech” we are allowed if we cannot voice our personal opinions, or even remember those who sacrificed their lives for a better Bahrain in which we all live in, comparing it to the 1990’s.

    Someone should be held responsible for this and brought to justice.

  15. underthedatetree

    @waish – A very insensitive comment to make.

    @Salman – Tear gas can kill you. Those with underlining respiratory conditions are more susceptible to complications through excessive inhalation of tear gas – this is even more so when you discharge canisters that have passed their expiry date. The MoI have been guilty of this in the past.

    The riot police here do not hand-launch their CS canisters – they are shot out of a gun barrel instead. Imagine being hit by a tin of coke traveling at 60km/hour !

    Fact is – nobody deserves to loose their life over a political demonstration, setting fire to a rubber tyre, or a rubbish bin for that matter!

  16. Rashid

    Its petty to think of this conflict in a case by case basis, there will always be painful memories and there are victims on both sides i happen to think the police officer that got stabbed in the eye a while back also deserves justice for what happened to him.

    The whole system of thinking needs to be changed and both sides. Violence is never the answer…

  17. Salman

    I do not deny the fatal effects that tear gas can have on a humans’ body. But from the circulating pictures of his body at the morgue, show clear signs of heavy beatings to his body. Its a sad thing that this young man had lost his life, and that his family had lost him.

    But for those who have never been in a demonstration or march that had turned into a riot, it has always been the riot police who bully the protesters. The people go out with a peaceful intention to voice out their opinions and remember their lost loved one, and the only thing they get in return is being battered and bruised.

  18. dibujante

    heh .. same old story .. do what ever you want .. and when get hurt blame the riot police …

  19. Jett

    Salman..you strike me as someone who is not very smart. You should research or more importantly have a sense of pride in yourself and learn to read. Everytime you post about how everything is some sort of conspiracy and only you are “smart” enough to figure things out better than everyone else it proves to all of us how moronic you really are.

    So I looked at the picture you posted and came to my own conclusion. But I will not post my own idea of what happened..thats tragic enough. But in just checking around medically here is something you should read. Now I am sure you are going to start typing away about how superior you are and that you know more than medical journals and medical FACT..but type away..it amuses me.

    Look again at the picture and then read this medical fact.

    First of all let’s look at what happens to the human body at the time of
    death and soon after. At the very moment of death the heart stops
    beating and the lungs stop breathing. This means that the cells in the
    body will no longer receive blood and oxygen. Since the blood is no
    longer being pumped through the body it will drain from the blood vessels
    at the top of the body and collect in the blood vessels on the lower part
    of the body. The upper part of the body will become pale and the lower
    part of the body will become dark. If the person is lying on their back,
    the front of their body and face will be very pale or even grey while
    their back will be much darker and look almost like it is bruised. This
    is called lividity or liver mortis and is one of the first things that a
    scientist will look at to try to determine when someone died and if they
    were moved after death.

  20. underthedatetree

    “proves to all of us how moronic you really are.”


    By all means educate us on postmortem lividity – but in the process, do so with respect to those who have made a contribution to this thread.

  21. Salman

    Jett, how many protests have you been in that have turned into a riot, in Bahrain?

    If none, then can you please grace us with your silence?

    When you do attend one and witness how it had turned violent, then can you please come and prove me wrong? I have been in enough of them and every single one turning violent the same way, is not a coincidence.

    Thank you.

  22. underthedatetree

    The police have completely sealed off Sanabis tonight – no cars allowed in, no cars allowed out. Something rather serious must have happened for them to take such measures! The police helicopter has been hovering around for hours, there’s a lovely scent of burning rubber in the air, and we have heard 2 gas cylinders explode, and the sound of tear gas and rubber bullets being fired. I bet you this wont even make the local press tomorrow! 😡

  23. dibujante

    They burnt a police patrol… stole machine guns …seriously injured a policeman on duty. BUT hey remember its always… always riot police’s fault… pathetic.. waiting for national guard to take over.

  24. Yousif

    They burnt a police patrol… stole machine guns …seriously injured a policeman on duty.

    Oh really? Well according to the official statement released by the Ministry of Interior there was no mention of what you state in the post above.

    Statement available on the BNA site:

  25. mahmood

    On the flip site, I received this in the email:

    URGENT Press Release

    Bahrain: Many Arrests among Youths and Increase in number of Injuries

    Wave of Protests and Confrontations Spread in Over 18 Villages

    Aftermath the mourning of Ali Jasim in Jidhafs, confrontations spread in many villages in the northern, western, central areas as well as the Capital and Muharraq.

    In the northern area, eruption of protests started in Jidhafs, then Daih, and later into Al-Sehla, Al-Qadam, Karranah, Saar, and Maqaba villages, expressed in the form of blazing tires and garbage containers, and clashed with the Special Forces. Furthermore, security members with civilians clothes were observed walking in Daih area with rifle guns.

    In western area, Haman Town, Malikeya, Dar-Kulaib, Karazakan and Demistan witnessed severe protests and clashes.

    Columns of blaze coming from burning tires and garbage containers were seen from a distance in Buri, Al-Eker, and Sitra the central area.

    Sanabis was besieged by the Special Forces, while tires were seen blazing in Karabad in the Capital. In Muharraq, tire blaze were observed in Al-Dair (near Bahraini Airport)

    There were many injuries as a results of the Special Forces (from Baluchestan of Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq) directing rubber bullets and dispersed tiny metallic billets against protestors. More than one case reported to have been hospitalized, but failed to remove the tiny metallic billets. Alwasatnews photographer, Mohammed Al-Mukharraq was admitted to hospital as a result of suffocation because of the huge amount of chemical teargas used against the villages and protestors.

    Arrests of youths have been from the above villages, those known are:

    – Sitra: Hasan Ahmed Nasser

    – Karrana: Ibrahim Abdulla Makki Dalal

    – Dar Kulaib: Mahmood

    – Al-Sehla: S. Ali Mohamed Saeed Taha, S. Husain Mohamed Saeed Taha, Ghassan Ali Madan

    – Malikeya: Hasan Ali Abdulla, Ibrahim Khalaf Ibrahim, Mahmood Aowm Hassan, Hesham Jassem

    Sadeq Ali Al-Mutawa, Ali Kathom Saeed. Several were arrested, but released later as they appeared to be wounded: Ibrahim Ali Abdulla, Ameen Ibrahim Khalil, Mansoor Ali Mansoor.

    – Sanabis: Muntathar Mohamed Abdulla, Hesham Abdulghaffar Al-qaffas.

    Yesterday, Akbar Jaffar Jassem (19yrs) was reported to have been arrested in Daih after receiving dozes of beatings and torture in public.

    It is to be noted that this wave of protests and confrontations were triggered after thousands of mourners attended the third day of mourning to the demise the young Bahraini Ali Jasim (30yrs) who died on December 17 th as a result of severe beatings by armed Bahraini soldiers in Sanabis.

    December 20, 2007
    Time: 11:45pm GMT

    For further information contact Dr. Abdaljalil AlSingace – Director of Media and International Relations-HAQ movement

    Telephone: +447871087060 and +97339668179
    Email: asingace@gmail.com, asingace@hotmail.com

    I suspect that the truth is somewhere in the middle…

    The real question that we should be asking ourselves is when is this shit going to stop? From both sides? How difficult is it to address these frivolous problems?

    If we take the current situation; here’s what I understand:

    • Martyr’s day need to be recognised, select a mutually agreeable day and mark it,
    • Law 56 is clearly not working both internally and externally and is sullying the reputation of this country, get it fixed,
    • Accession day – if it is dear to the country, then celebrate it. Doing it properly and without conflict will strengthen the feeling of nationalism, as does the point above,
    • Aug 14th is supposed to be the official Independence Day, celebrate it. The Accession day and Independence Day could be split too in order to reduce the bad impact on business; how about Independence on the 14th of August and Accession Day on December 16th?
    • “Gatherings Law” impedes basic human rights. It should be every person’s full right to peacefully demonstrate grievances. Get that law fixed.
    • Retool the ridiculous restrictions on creating civil organisations

    I’m sure there are others that need to be fixed to get us out of this quagmire, but even just a couple of the above would relieve the pressure on this cooking pot we call home.

  26. Yousif

    Here is video evidence of the so called “Death Squads” who are masked civilian policemen armed with rifles walking around one of Bahrain’s villages as Dr. Abdaljalil mentioned in his email. It is only a matter of time until we start to see Bahrain on the screens of international news agencies.

  27. Pingback: Global Voices Online » Bahrain: Celebrations, commemorations, and demonstrations

  28. Yousif

    7 Shiite Activists Arrested in Bahrain
    The Associated Press

    Mourners clash with Bahrain police

    Clashes between police and Shiites erupt anew in Bahrain
    International Herald Tribune

    Bahrain: Shiite Opposition Group Members Arrested

    Bahraini Shiites Clash With Riot Police
    The Associated Press

    Scores injured in Bahraini riots
    United Press International

    Bahrain’s entry into 2008 ! Well done!

  29. Jaim

    As usual, some people burn stuff and then when they are arrested thousands other burn and break stuff demanding their release. What troubled times we live in. Remember, other people have rights too and not everything is solely the rioters’ rights. And I agree with “waish”, if you have a medical condition and you KNOW you are going to get hurt, don’t participate. That’s plain suicide. Oh wait, he knows that people will avenge him.

  30. underthedatetree

    I’ve got a relatively simple question – and I’m wondering if there’s a simple answer.

    Why do our GCC neighbors – Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, UAE etc not have the same problems as Bahrain?

  31. mahmood

    They do have similar problems, but on a much smaller scale due to a better (qualitative term) distribution of wealth amongst their citizens and the semblance of social justice amongst the same demographic at least.

  32. Omar

    Me and my wife had a lovely lunch on thursday , we live in sanabis so we were crossing the budiya road on thursday at 3;30. We saw many people going to the Jiddfas grave yard , so I told my wife not to worry as they are probaly burying that person who died of heart attack and I don’t see any police on the roads so Inshalla there will not be any riots today and our guest will able to come to our flat for planned Eid get toghter.

    So I am sure that the police were not at all responsible for the riot, they only came when they start buring rubbish bin.

    I agree with Jett that the marks on the body was not from beating !!!!

    They are doing this where there own family are living and inhaling the somke from buring tires and rubbish bins and offcourse the tear gas .

    I think they should go out in an open area like old days and invite the riot police there.

  33. Jett


    the answer is easy. None..since I don’t live there anymore. I live in a place without protests that turn to violence. I have not been in any violent clashes and don’t not plan on living or visiting a place where it happens. I enjoy the right of free speech and speaking my opinion without the threat of harm.

    I can’t wait to hear who you blame next.

  34. underthedatetree

    I want you guys to read a piece of news taken from today’s GDN. It is either i) An incredibly poor piece of reporting or ii)A carefully scripted and crafted statement released from the authorities. I suspect it to be the latter.

    Makes me sick! 😡

    Police save toddler

    MANAMA: Timely police intervention
    last night saved the life of a
    two-year-old Bahraini boy who
    showed signs of suffocation during
    a visit to his grandparents’
    house in Sanabis, reports our sister
    paper Akhbar Al Khaleej.
    Mohammed was taken to the
    nearest police vehicle as it was
    not possible to summon an ambulance.
    Police tried to resuscitate
    the boy but when their efforts
    failed they rushed Mohammed
    and his three-year-old cousin
    Fadak, who was suffering from
    severe cold and cough, to
    Salmaniya Medical Complex
    where they were treated.

  35. Salman

    Thank you Jett for being honest about not having a clue of what you were talking about.

    Since you do not know how all the violence begins, and which side begins it, then you would not know who is to blame.

    May I remind you that many years ago, the King even removed the Minister of Interior because of the riot police attacking peaceful protesters who had been taking part in a legally authorized and organized march, with women and children in it, about something that had absolutely nothing to do with the government.

    We also want the right to freedom of speech, where voicing our opinions will not end us in being brutally attacked and our families harmed in any way. Or do we not deserve to have such a right? What went on right now, is enough proof to you that Bahraini citiyens do not have such a right.

  36. mahmood

    I applaud the police’s responsible action in saving the lives of these two young boys; however, this report spotlights the failure of the state in providing basic amenities to its citizens and residents alike especially as far as emergency medical attention is concerned.

    This is a situation that merits a parliamentary probe committee in order to arrive at the reasons of this failure and to put in place proper legislation to prevent such a thing from happening again.

  37. milter

    Mahmood’s latest comment has given me an opportunity to, or rather, his comment made it difficult for me not to respond.

    Mahmood writes:

    “….however, this report spotlights the failure of the state in providing basic amenities to its citizens and residents alike especially as far as emergency medical attention is concerned.”

    I agree completely. If a state wants to be seen as a credible provider of the basic needs of its citizens, one of the most important ones is that of providing proper medical care and that includes the access to immediate care in case of an emergency. Taking the size of Bahrain into consideration, it should not take more than max 15 minutes for an ambulance to arrive anywhere at any time.

    I suppose we all agree that the services of ambulances and vehicles of the fire brigade and (in most cases) those of the police, are for the benefit of all. They definitely are in my country (Denmark). Nevertheless, in a lot of cases here, ambulances and fire vehicles have to be escorted by a heavy back up of police cars if they have to go into certain areas in some of the bigger cities.

    I know my next comment may get some of you to react angrily, but, the fact is that the ambulances, fire vehicles and police cars are only attacked in areas with big Arab/Muslim communities. Something like this has never occurred here before during my 59 years of living.

    My impression is that the people that are responsible for these actions are people that bring the attitudes of their homelands to my shores. They all come from an Arab or Islamic background and in a lot of cases (if not all of them) they are transferring their ancient hatreds and dislikes to my soil.

    If you have any explanations to this I would love to see them. To be honest, I don’t see any chances of any progress for peace and progress in Bahrain or other parts of the Arab World as long as support and loyalties are based on religion and clans.

  38. milter

    My last comment didn’t turn out quite as expected.

    The comments after:

    “to arrive anywhere at any time.”

    … are my own comments.


  39. milter

    … and that again leads to another correction from me:

    All after:

    “… as far as emergency medical attention is concerned.”

    … is from me.


  40. Show stopper

    This fuckin mahmood can only post this..what about all the police men who are in icu .. why dont u write about that u pic i donot expect anything better from this bahrani Asshole… I have seen roits and to be frank the gov is not doing anything yet to all the volience that u bring up trust me, the gov respects u , you should respect them if not … for the stability of the country we can wip your asses offf. this guy died of heart problems… if u have guts work hard and make ur self capable and get ur life style better by working hard, you guys want everything for free , at home. There are sheas who i know so rich and they worked hard themselves and the gov is giving what they deserve .. there is no place for u shitters anywhere in the world. U guys are bahrainis .. go to iran and do politics there not there ok…
    we have not used weapons yet… this looser died of few flames.. a gas that is not harmful to health at all .. just peper to disperse ..
    this is how u bridge the cultural gaps mahmood… hehe

  41. underthedatetree

    Show stopper – Sounds like your cake hole has gone off on one! Cudos to the site owner for not removing your post. This is probably the only Bahraini based site/forum where you can truely speak your mind!

  42. Pingback: Bahrain: video testimony of abuses « Sameer Padania

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