Tag Archives: riot

225 Royally Pardoned

This generous royal gesture should be followed up immediately by various other steps to ensure that social justice prevails. His majesty might also consider the fact that without such social justice, many of those release and others might continue to demonstrate to express their chagrin at the iniquitous circumstances they find themselves in.

Wot? No Rubber Bullets?

Rubber bullets don’t inflict enough pain, it seems, so now riot control police in Bahrain have started using live ammunition instead. Much more effective of course, especially if the intent is to kill rather than merely control: «الأهالي سمعوا صوتا لإطلاق النار فاتصلوا بي وبعد حضوري إلى المنطقة أكد لي رجال الأمن أنهم اطلقوا 3 …