
Punishments come in various guises, but the worst of those are the collective and indiscriminate ones.

I think we’re seeing that today levied against the most respected newspaper in Bahrain. Al-Wasat comes to our doors with just 20 pages, and virtually no advertisements whatsoever.

If this carries on, not only tens of families will lose their livelihoods, but much more importantly, a balanced and professional news source disappears for the island to be left with a bunch of ubiquitous yes men.

Is this a harbinger of things to come?

Do the math.


    1. mahmood

      bad choice of words on my part. combining directly opposing adjectives “collective” and “indiscriminate”

      apologies for the brainfart.

      1. Robert

        Actually an interesting area Mahmood. Sadly I do not read Arabic but would be interested to know if you would classify Al Wasat as broadsheet or Tabloid? We have all been used to a distinct differentiation in the European media between the two. News tends to be assimilated according to whether the reader is a tabloid or broadsheet reader. Black and White versus reasoned shades of grey. Does such an animal as a broadsheet exist in Bahrain? – certainly the english language media is 100% tabloid.



        1. mahmood

          It’s a broadsheet. Though they (and all others in this country) could benefit from more professional investigative reporting.

  1. Don Cox

    “Though they (and all others in this country) could benefit from more professional investigative reporting.”

    This applies to almost all newspapers nowadays. There have been big cutbacks in reporting staff everywhere, leading to heavy reliance on cut-and-paste and simple printing of press releases as news.

    The book “Flat Earth News” by Nick Davies examines how this applies to British papers.

  2. peacefulmuslimah

    Unfortunately the activities of the last month have severely impacted many businesses. I know several families that have lost their livelihood 🙁

    1. peacefulmuslimah

      Yes, that’s a shocking video that the international press seized upon. I wonder why they didn’t publish the other view of that event that was filmed from a different angle and shows the man got up and was helped away with some friends, without any obvious injury. Have you seen that one?

      1. RealMuslim

        Yes we saw the clip of them helping up and YES a POINTBLANK shot does cause serious damage and no he was not fine.

        I dont see the point of naming yourself “peacefulmuslimah” when you seem to be supporting a heinous regime.

        *Sigh* waiting for the day of resurrection when you will be punished or rewarded for every deed you do. Should be interesting to see what the punishment is for protecting a murderous regime.

        Worst part is you will probably face the citizens whom you played a role in their oppression. When this occurs God will not interfere to protect you because your deed was between you and a fellow human. The probability of such a citizen of forgiving you is deplorable at best.

        Don’t you love Islam?

        1. peacefulmuslimah

          I realize that it is very difficult for some people to accept differences of opinions but do you really think you should call yourself “real muslim”?

          1. AGA

            Just curious, but what does it mean to “accept” differences of opinion? Perhaps, his opinion is not expressed as you would have him express it, but reading this comment alone along with yours, it seems to me that he is challenging your claim to peacefulmuslimah-ville, so to speak. You have not, at least in my opinion, responded to him substantively, rather, you have have called into question his “acceptance” (whatever that means) of perhaps your opinion as reflected in your chosen name and those bits of wisdom and counsel you deign to drop on those who are “living it.”

            PS Forgive me, I am having a bad evening.:)

  3. Carsten Agger

    New York Times now comes out as pro-Bahraini crackdown and says the Saudi reinforcements etc. was “only option”: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/22/world/middleeast/22bahrain.html

    Ever a contrarian, I think this shows that the Bahraini protesters at (the former) Pearl Roundabout must have been doing something right. Bahraini democracy and freedom is not such a bad thing that the world should fear it, I think. Bahrain needs more people to wear the Just Bahraini badge and less people to talk about the “Shia” this and “Sunni” that. Some people may profit from sectarianism, but Iraq has already shown us to what depths it may lead. Bahrain, from what little I’ve gleaned from news coverage and blogs like this, deserves much better.

    1. Desert Island Boy

      The New York Times REPORTED that “Crackdown was only option” ACCORDING to “Bahraini Sunnis”.

      The New York Times has not chosen sides. It has merely brought a certain view to the discussion. Whether or not such a claim holds water, unfortunately, is left to us to debate over.

      Quite frankly, I think opposing views should see as much of the light as day as possible, if only to be subject to rigorous analysis. I do realize that human nature is such that not everyone wants their opinions (and sometimes facts) get put through the wringer, but the best ideas are the ones that run the gauntlet.

      And for the record, I have yet to hear a convincing argument for KEEPING the socio-economic system that has been tilting the playing field in Bahrain since the demise of the pearl trade.

  4. Suhail Algosaibi

    We’ve been trying to get in touch with them to resume advertising, no one answers. I guess they have the same problem many businesses are having; employees not showing up to work. Possibly some of their staff are arrested.

  5. Suhail Algosaibi

    Managed to reach them. The guy we usually deal with cannot be reached by his office. They don’t know where he is. But we’ll resume advertising with them next week. Lots of people afraid to come to work because of fear of any or more of the following:
    1) Army.
    2) Police.
    4) Vigilantes (from both camps)
    5) Their neighbours.

    1. mahmood

      especially if you hear what sounds like gun fire in the village behind them!

      thanks for the update. it could well be that businesses just simply deferred advertising for the time being, at least I hope it’s the case and not levying punishment against the paper.

    2. exclamation mark


      Could you specify where I could find the vigilantes of the “SH” camp?

  6. Jabarty

    The government has long adopted a strict policy of concentrating power in the hands of royals or of people with unquestionable loyalty to the royal family (hello? BANDARGATE report anyone?).

    Unfortunately not long from now alwasat might find itself facing the same consequences as Bahrain’s only other decent newspaper the now defunct alwaqt…

  7. Abdulla

    Sorry to say that your bucket holds no water, all the newspapers are affected, no one is advertising PERIOD! 1 why would they, 2 if they would, trust me it would start in Alwasat and Alayam. Advertising follows readers with money, we have the readers but none are willing to spend on a new car, a house, employment, luxury, travel etc.. It was a bad situation we were in with the the global markets and credit, just before breaking the fund barrier, in comes the social unrest.. thank you bahrain and bahrainies alike for the difficult times ahead.

    If you want to speak about boycotts and property destruction, put some light on what is happening in residential properties and businesses of both sects. shame on us all.

  8. Jim

    Maybe the advertising team was on strike thats why they couldnt get ads. Plus today even AlMuntazah Supermarket owned my the minbar member had a first page ad

  9. Reader911

    There are only Vigilantes from one camp… dnot be mistaken or fooled

    Please look at the broader picture and dont watch BTV please.

    The vigilantes in UOB… BTV said they were protesters… but in one of the videos they clearly had long beards and short dress !

    1. Robok

      Sadly true. Protesters can’t even be on the streets to do their vigilantism, the pro-government vigilantes however are allowed and even sometimes supplied with weapons.

      BTV will always make the picture worse than it is, they portrayed a Sunni vs. Shia war when there was none, and they’ll continue to paint the protesters as all terrorists and vandals with no actual demands behind their actions except the destruction of Bahrain.

  10. Tariq

    The tragic outcome that will sometimes emerge out of all of this is the loss of Bahrain’s sovereignity to its big cousin to the west, one known for imposing their wahhabi values on the weak and down-trodden. That would be a pity.

  11. Observer

    sticking to the subject,
    ALL NEWSPAPERS were effected, not only al-wasat, Al-Ayam and Akhbar Al-Khaleej were quite thin last week, I thought some of the pages were missing.
    I think the post is irrelevant, please check other newspapers.

  12. peacefulmuslimah

    This is the last time I will comment on this blog, insha’Allah. It is very clear that this blog has now turned into a club for supporting everything the blog owner puts out there with his likeminded ardent followers. In the past, I have agreed with a lot of things he said and his views on many subjects. However, in the past few years I have developed closer ties with Bahrain (which I don’t feel the need to explain by divulging my personal life), and I don’t happen to agree with him or his followers on the subject of the opposition to the government. For me, my opinions are just as valid as all of yours, and yet it is clear that they are not welcomed and this subject is too polarized to learn anything from each other.

    At the same time, I did not come on his blog to ridicule the owner’s views or anyone else’s, nor question their belief systems or challenge their choice of nicknames. I now did, when someone who chose to call him’herself “realmuslim” questioned whether I am peaceful or a even decent muslim by implying on yom al-qiyam I will be awaiting judgment with a group of murderers. I stooped to his/her level and that is something that reflects negatively on me.

    I converted to Islam about 10 years ago and over the years, I have had a lot of negative experience resulting from me speaking my mind, rather than going along with the status quo. Rarely it has been for religious differences but more often it has been because of political differences. I can’t accept what amounts to takfir or even have someone question my faith because we don’t agree on politics. Therefore, what is healthiest for me is to remove myself from the discussion and this blog, and leave everyone to damn the anti-opposition forces together in righteous indignation.

    I will just pray for peace.

    Maa Salaama.

    1. Oh GOD!

      This is my second post in this blog, and I just want to clarify something to you. Bahrain is a very tiny island, in such a way I can guarantee to you that anything happened to anyone will affect the other.

      You can ask any Bahraini (in particularly the Shia as they have a common gathering religious festival) person and you will find that s/he have an injured, killed or detained relative or friend. This is why it is very sensitive to discus these kinds of things.

      By the way the guy shown in the independent news paper link is in serious condition:

      تعرض المواطن عباس أحمد، إلى كسر عميق في الجمجمة، بعد إصابته بطلقة مسيل للدموع في رأسه من مسافة قريبة جداً، قد لا تتعدى متراً.
      وأدخل عباس أحمد على الفور إلى غرفة الإنعاش ومن ثم إلى غرفة العمليات، ووصف أطباء حالته بأنها خطيرة جداً. ويرقد أحمد حالياً في العناية المركزة، كما تظهر صورته وعينه متورمة.
      وظهر أحمد في تصوير مرئي بثته مواقع كثيرة على الإنترنت، وهو يقف بجانب قوات مكافحة الشغب بالقرب من مجمع سيتي سنتر، وهو يرتدي فانيلة حمراء، ووجهت له قوات مكافحة الشغب طلقة، وسقط على الأرض، إلا أنه سرعان ما استعاد توازنه ووقف على رجليه مرة أخرى، وهو يشير بيديه إلى صدره، الا ات طلقة للغاز المسيل للدموع جاءت باتجاه رأسه، وسقط على الفور أرضاً


      You know, even when someone disagree with you S/He can always use the rating button!

      Finally, I hope that this is not your last posts here.

    2. Steve the American


      Why would you assume that everyone would agree with your opinion and why would you flee if you think your positions are valid? Do you think persuasion is a magic trick? A little more perserverance would suit you better.

  13. Seerwan Jafar

    My dear, you are absolutely correct; the issue is entirely political.

    During the October 2010 Bahraini Parliamentary Election, Al Wefaq received 67% of the votes, but was given only 45% of the seats in the Elected Lower House of Parliament.

    Democracy is about Equal Votes i.e. one person, one vote.
    However, in the October 2010 Bahraini Parliamentary Election, in the Northern District which is mostly anti-govt, about 50,000 voters select 9 MPs, while in the Muharraq district which is mainly pro-govt about 17,000 voters select 8 MPs.

    Clearly, the pro-govt votes matter a lot more than the anti-govt voetes; is deliberate; it’s called Gerrymandering.

    So you’re right; it’s all Politics, not religion.

    1. Little Richardjohn

      “So you’re right; it’s all Politics, not religion.”
      Then by implication, it must ultimately be economic. Right?

  14. Mojo jojo

    I beg to differ, it is entirely religious.

    I am a Bahraini and I can attest to the fact that my fellow citizens have not the slightest grasp of what a real democracy is. A real democracy is not about equal seats, it is about equal representations and the protection of individual liberties. Meaning, it should never turn into a ‘tyranny of the majority’ but that is inevitable in a religious democracy that puts the sovereignty of divine text over the sovereignty of the public, hence, the inability to protect individual liberties…

    But what to do with a parliament dominated by bearded salafiis and wannabe-ayatoolahs?!

    1. Seerwan Jafar

      The thing about Democracy, brother, is ELECTIONS.

      I agree with you that Bahrainis currently vote for religious-minded candidates, especially Shia.

      The thing is, if these guys will run the country well, then there wont be an issue, they doa good job!
      BUT if they will run the country poorly, they will be voted out in the next election. =)

      This is what happened in Iraq, brother.

      In the January 2005 Iraqi Parliamentary Election the main Shia Islamist Party won 48.2% of the vote.
      In the December 2005 Iraqi Parliamentary Election the main Shia Islamist Party won 41.2% of the vote.

      The people saw that these guys were OK when you consult them on religious matters, but SHIT at Administering a country!

      I am confident that Bahrainis are smart enough to choose what is good for them. =)

      1. Seerwan Jafar

        I forgot to add; the main reason the Shia parties are popular in Iraq is similar to why Hamas is popular in Gaza or Hezbollah in Lebanon; its their Social Welfare and engagement activities.

        After the fall of Saddam, anarchy reigned in Iraq, so the Religious Parties took over the hospitals, schools, clinics etc. and started to educate children, heal the sick, and give out and pay out welfare to the poor.

        As the country has stabilized and the Central Government re-asserts its authority over the schools, hospitals, etc. the main source of popularity for these parties has decreased from 2005-2010, in addition to them being poor administrators, managers and politicians.

        Al-Wefaqs prime source of support is fighting for the Human and Civil Rights of the Bahraini Shia, rather than providing healthcare, education, etc.

        Once those rights are granted, if they are voted into Parliament and do a poor job, their Political Popularity shall decrease and more natural political parties will rise instead.

        It’s only natural to evolve; Democracy is a long-term method of rule, one or two elections isnt Democracy, its the maintaining of elections over long periods of time.

        1. Mojo jojo

          Confident in a society that denies sectarianism, yet allows sectarian political parties to exist and get a hold of power?! I am not and I stand by what I said earlier.
          If anything you brought an example that perfectly justifies my point of view. In a society that claims by constitution to never discriminate between citizens on the bases of race, gender or religion any excuse for a political party is…quite absurd. You can’t fight discrimination with more of it… there are good reasons why such representations are banned in advanced nations. Why re-invent the wheel?
          Secondly, Iraq’s democratic experience…if we can call it that wasn’t born in a vacuum. Billions of dollars and millions of lives lost to create it under the ever watching eyes of US, to the lament of Arabs around it. The regime we have in comparison to the Iraqi’s previous is not half bad, yes its corrupt and unjust but to wreck the economy completely, sacrifice more lives inevitably friends or family given how small the place is, put the future of the country in the hands of people who think their religious icons infallible for a change that you might never see for whatever is left of your time span?

  15. Shiraz

    I think our friend Mahmood is in a very tough situation. Watching his beloved country fall apart right before his eyes. I know he must worry alot for his country, his people, his family, and his future.

    He’s just one man that started a humble blog to bring people together from all over the world to share his hopes, dreams, thoughts, interests, hobbies, and life with.

    He also opens a door for us westerners to peek into his part of the world and hear what folks are thinking beyond the headlines.

    But Mahmood has always had to step lightly… a balancing act between his feelings for free speech in a part of the world that can be slow to accept new things and ideas.

    Sometimes, a misspoken word or just expressing your mind honestly might be seen as a threat to the status quo. There are risks and Mahmood knows this all too well. His voice has always been a voice of reason.

    I pray for you, your family, your countrymen, your leaders, and your country.

    1. mahmood

      Thank you Shiraz. My concern is for my country more than it is for myself. I do hope that my contributions, no matter how tiny they are, can assist this country and its people to move into a better future.

  16. Michel Kanäda

    Today, a news item (in GDN, quoting BNA… – http://www.bna.bh/portal/en/news/450702) claims 1500 NGOs issued a statement in London to “condemn the terror plot uncovered in Bahrain”. Does anyone know where I can find this statement and a list of these 1500 NGOs?

      1. Reader911

        You should see Akhbar Al-Khaleej first page news, today. And than sourcing it by a British expat who lives in Bahrain for 20 years and apparently is a Cambridge graduate.

        In big bold letters…
        ” محطة البي بي سي.. السقوط الإعلامي المريع ”
        ” The Awful fall of BBC ”


          1. Michel Kanäda

            At the very least, Mr Nigel Goddard’s rant has certainly made a splash, as you can find out by googling his name.

        1. Oh GOD!

          This is the original article from the GDN:

          And just not to be confused with the first “Nigel Goddard” when you google,
          this is Mr Nigel Goddard:

          With full respect to him,but it seemed he is just watching BTV,and taking whatever they shows as the absolute truth,and at the same time ignoring everything else shown on other TVs.It seemed that his Arabic is not helping him in doing so.

          These days the problem is that you need to extract the truth from many sources.

          1. Da Rebel

            So, Oh GOD!, what exactly do you object to about Mr. Goddards’s missive?

            What bits, in your opinion, did he get very wrong?

            I’m just curious to hear your perspective.

          2. Oh GOD!

            My objection is that when you want to write a balanced view of the situation you supposed to criticize all sides in a fair way, and not showing the story form only one side.

            There are many videos showing the antiriot police destroying cars, people with sticks or even one time I remember a person was standing with a sword side by side with the antiriot police, and many-many of the human rights abuse cases. By the way, do you know what they will do to you if they caught you filming them?

            At least he could stated that there are legitimate causes, which ignite the crises from the beginning, and criticize some of the state actions, why did not he do that?

            “Can’t the BBC be more cautious NOT to inflame an already impassioned situation?”
            Can be modified to:
            Can’t the BTV be more cautious NOT to inflame an already impassioned situation?

            لا تنه عن خلق و تأتي مثله عار عليك إذا فعلت عظيم

  17. Tariq

    As recieved

    “The Hidden Truth” – Bahrain

    The government of Bahrain is still hiding from International community, Human Rights Organizations, and world media. This is what the Bahrain government do not want you to see:

    1) During the massacre at Pearl Square, Manama, Ambulances were NOT allowed to pick injured from the massacre location.

    2) Bahrain’s King deceived its population by first giving guarantees of no Military/Police action, and then attacking innocent peace-loving unarmed civilians at 3 am when they were asleep without any warning. The victims include Children, elderly, and Women.
    Proof: Yahoo Images of three dead bodies

    3) Ambulance drivers were beaten up. Doctors, and nursing staff were also beaten up by Bahrain Police on the orders of Bahrain King, and government.
    Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6RCBOC-MAM

    4) Army sprayed peaceful demonstrators with live bullets on the order to kill by the government.

    5) Freezer trucks were sent by the government to collect dead bodies of at least 70 people who were left on the streets to die, and were denied medical treatment (by not allowing Ambulances to enter the square).
    Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ3lF1reLps

    6) Bahrain Government is trying to widen the wedge between Shias and Sunnis in Bahrain. Its based on the old theory of divide and rule. The Wahabi government deceives Sunnis by giving them a false picture of Shia takeover of the country. Fortunately, this has changed as witnessed during latest demonstration, where Sunnis and Shias participated in large number at the Pearl Square. We have to understand, its not a Shia revolt; This is a Bahraini revolution of oppressed people against the atrocities of the autocratic Bahrain regime.
    Proof: http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20110219/wl_time/08599205277100

    7) The government of Bahrain claims to have established democracy. False. The King and the unelected upper house of Parliament still holds the final say on any resolution in the country.
    Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFc_8dRK13I

    8) Several Media Reporters including ABC News correspondent Miguel Marquez were beaten during the 3 am Bahrain government massacre.
    Proof: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thecutline/20110217/bs_yblog_thecutline/abc-reporter-beaten-during-bahrain-crackdown

    Institute of Education,
    Development & Research.

  18. NewSpeak

    Mahmood has been arrested by Bahraini authorities in a night time raid on his house @ 3am Wednesday 30 March.

    Confirmed by his son and brother.

    Please notify any rights organizations you may know.

    keep him and all other detainees in your prayers.

  19. Dan

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking:

    What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?

    Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?…

    The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

    If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “The Gulag Archipelago”

  20. Shiraz


    I have contacted the Bahrain Embassy in DC and the US State Department about this…

  21. SO

    Mahmood’s last tweet was:

    “Police here for me” at around 3am

    strangely someone has removed it from his time line a few minutes ago!

    has he been forced??

    God knows what he is going through right now.

    our thoughts are with him and his family.

    the price of freedom of speech!

  22. Abraham

    I have to apologize Mahmooood! I always thought you were a CID plug-in to contain the youth and report on them…in a way, “Sheikh al shabaab” from the rulers.

    I’m very sorry brother. I hope you’re reading this tomorrow morning without any mental or physical damage. God bless you. My posts have always made it to your screen even if you disagreed with them. You are the real thing!

  23. Shiraz

    I’ve contacted Stephanie Williams – Charge d’Affaires to Bahrain – US State Department to see if she will interceed on human rights grounds, I also have contacted the Bahrain Ministry of the Interior, along with the Bahrain Embassy in Washington, DC.

    Wake up folks. You may not agree with Mahmood but the next time it could be YOU waking up to banging on YOUR door, with flashlights in YOUR face, and then being wisked away to places unknown.

  24. Lizardo

    Free Mahmood! Read his articles, he is even sometimes so Loyal to you.


    for those who still didn’t hear,, Mahmood has been arrested last night. yes for this blog.

  25. Reader911

    May God Free Him

    and may He be with his family at these tough times

  26. Reader911


    You should know the situation is very bad

    everyone is being targeted, the so called hardliners and the so called morderates


    I wonder … will they arrest half of the population ?????

  27. Muizz

    I hope you’re well. It would be a shame to see our country take a direction in which forward looking people are punished for advocating independant, intelligent free thinking.

  28. Sky


    They fear the voices in the middle ground the most because they are the people with the ability to unite people from both sides of the sectarian divide.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your friends Mahmood – this is a dark moment for Bahrain.

  29. خارجی

    I am very sorry to hear about this, and I hope that you and your family come through the ordeal without harm.

    Let us also hope that in targeting someone well known outside as well as inside Bahrain for moderate and reasoned views will raise awareness and will serve at least some purpose towards a united and democratic future for Bahrain.

  30. bahraini

    نقلا عن جمعية شباب البحرين لحقوق الإنسان (محمد المسقطي( المدون محمود اليوسف تم إعتقاله

    Quoted by the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights (Muhammad Maskati (blogger Mahmood Al Yousif was arrested

  31. ahmed4u2

    Mahmoud, hahahaha, just heard that the police caught ur ass, don’t worry u deserve it completely, we all are hoping you stay their for some years

    1. Bernie

      You really are a nasty little man aren’t you and I use the term “man” very loosely.
      Mahmood is one of the voices of reason against what is seen as tyranny and you find his situation and the fear of his family as a joke and a chance to make to make snide little trolling comments.

      You are sir, a coward.

  32. Sky

    Don’t rise to it, Ignore idiots like that- you do yourself no favours lowering yourself to his level. There are plenty of decent honest Baluchis and Saudis, a whole race is not responsible for the actions of the crazies among them. he’s just shown the world exactly the backward mentality moderate, sensible voices are up against- you can’t have an intellectual discussion with people like that they are motivated by deep seated hate alone. Better not to feed it with attention and let the adults carry on debating real issues.

  33. Kate

    Oh God I clicked the wrong button, I did not like the comment from Ahmed4u2. Did not like it at all.

  34. YoYo

    This remind me when the last democracy crushed in bahrain in the 70s. Similar things happened.

    Anybody else remember that?

  35. Ali Hussain Al Khalifa

    1. I saw myself that all cars of the protesters were smashed by security forces one by one, with gusto

    2. I read in Gulf Daily News (aka Good News Daily) that all students abroad who posted anything critical to the government had their grants stopped.

    3. In today’s GDN I read that a “technical glitch” caused that no salaries were paid to SMC Hospital staff were paid.

    This is collective punishment, and very petty behaviour. Does the Govt think they will win back hearts and minds through these actions?????

  36. James

    I hope you get out soon, Mahmood. And I hope they don’t force you to make concessions to leave, such as shutting down the blog, toning it down or anything like that.

    Bahrain drops a few points on the democracy index without this blog.

  37. Abraham

    hahaha seerwan. is that still “halal” in saudi? can’t u do it with a camel if u tie a silk cloth around your knob? i think it was mohammad abdul wahhab who once did it while in hunayna..haha.

    sh. ali, there are many enlightened alkhalifas out there. but, the fact remains that anyone of you who wants to “win the hearts and minds of the people” isn’t given power. the neocons make sure it’s the hardasses who keep arab dignity down that are in charge.

    didn’t u watch syriana? yes, a movie, but reflecting life.

  38. exclamation mark

    Hope to know what Mahmood was accused for?
    Calling for dialogue?

  39. Little John

    What does anyone have to fear from a man that simply asks for tolerance and the right to speak one’s mind without the threat of incarceration or worse?

    What state can be so fearful of providing and defending its citizens the right to freedom of speech and human rights? I can only surmise it must be one that wishes to hurt and oppress its people.

    If I had such power I would want history to know me as the man that brought culture, literacy, peace and security to my people. In my vanity I would want to be loved by my people not feared.

    I am new to the politics and religious issues well known to you all from the region. I came to this blog to learn more. But am I so naïve in thinking that these rights can be given and still the status quo be maintained?

    This sort of behaviour always ends badly for those perpetrating it; history and recent history show this. I try to follow one principle whenever possible, and that is to leave this world a better place than I found it, even in just one small way.

    Along with many of you, Mahmood and his family have my best wishes for a speedy release.

  40. fellow blogger

    According to his son Arif via Twitter – Mahmood just returned back home : -)

  41. Jared in NYC

    Fellow Blogger – that’s great news, and I hope it’s verified.

    Yesterday I called the office of the Bahraini Ambassador to the United Sates and spoke to the secretary there (+1.202.342.1111 option 9). She knew who Mahmood was, and acknowledged having received an inquiry from the office of my US Senator (who I also called), and promised to relay my message to the ambassador.

    I would urge anyone planning to do the same in the US or other countries, please go ahead anyway, even if Mahmood is already back home. It may help protect him in the future.

  42. exclamation mark

    Mahmood just tweeted that he’s been released and is at home…

    الحمد لله على السلامة

  43. milter

    Great, Mahmood.

    You and your family have been in our thoughts for some time.

    And, at the same time, let’s not forget others that are not as fortunate as you.

  44. Dan

    I will believe Mahmood has been released when I see him post here that he is released. I HOPE it’s true.

  45. Mick

    When will the Bahraini authorities stop and see how ridiculous they look to the world community. Arresting people like Mahmood? Idiotic! When will you stop licking Saudi boots and recognising that only people with messages of peace and identities of ‘just bahrainis’ are more important than kissing other crowned cheeks?

    Release Mahmood and stop showing the international community and indeed the whole universe, just how stupid your dictatorial policies are!

  46. JA

    Yes he is back home with his family i hope he can tell us what did they do to him

  47. Dan

    Welcome back, Mahmood. I submit that now it is time for you to update your blog telling your story to the world.

    I for one am anxious to hear what you have to say about this tragic experience. (I surely hope they do NOT have you on some type of “probation” nor other restriction in their mindless attempt to muzzle you.)

  48. خارجی

    Very glad to hear that you have been released!

  49. AbuRasool

    الحمد لله على سلامتك

  50. Tariq


    New Gulf bloc chief lauds Bahrain military action

    The new leader of the Gulf’s main political bloc is praising the military intervention in his homeland Bahrain as a symbol of close bonds among the region’s leaders.

    The state-run Bahrain News Agency quotes Abdullatif bin Rashid al-Zayani as lauding the Saudi-led force that entered Bahrain last month to prop up the Sunni monarchy against a Shiite-led rebellion for greater rights.

    Al-Zayani, a major general who headed Bahrain’s public security, took over Friday as secretary-general of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council at a time when its leaders are facing unprecedented protests calling for greater political freedoms.

    The GCC comprises Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

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