Bahrain Blogging Scene… Where is it?



[updated 5.9.15] I wanted to know what blogs are still being published in Bahrain and I went searching. I found eleven, other than this one. There must be more, surely. In 2006 when I was aggregating all the blogs I remember that the list exceeded 200 at one point. That number has crashed to eleven which are mainly concerned with lifestyle. Food and fashion is the top earner it seems. I remember MyBahrain.ME did a feature on the blogging scene last year with the ladies appearing in the picture above which offered a glimpse of the current blogging scene.

I’m very happy for their success of course and wish them a lot of luck, but am I missing something here? Aren’t there any other Bahraini blogs? If you know of any please contribute. I’d like an updated list to help nurture blogging in Bahrain again.

Here are the ones I found so far:

  1. [Lifestyle] Blonde in Bahrain
  2. [Food] Food and Tools
  3. [Food] The Slice of My Lyfe
  4. [Travel & Photography] Not just a Photo
    1. Rasha Yousif (portfolio site)
  5. [Food] Restless in Riffa
  6. [General] Rantings by Nouf
  7. [Fashion] Mara Mustafa
  8. [Tech] Waleed’s Tipnology
  9. [Tech] A7maDev’s Home
  10. [Fitness] Nerve Bullet
  11. [Photography] Lifeommentory

Know of any to be added to this illustrious list? Please enter the details in a comment below.

Update 29 Aug 2015:

How did I forget Suhail’s blog? It’s the only one currently touching on political as well as entrepreneurship and health topics, so here’s another one you definitely have to have in your bookmarks:

Update 30 Aug 2015:

Update 2 Sept 2015:

Update 3 Sept 2015:

Update 5 Sept 2015:

Update 6 Sept 2015:


  1. The Syeda Sisters

    You missed us! We’re two sisters one in Bahrain & one in Pakistan so we write about both places alot of food and beauty related posts! Do check our blog out! 😀

  2. Jaina

    I’m blogging In Bahrain in a couple of places – and – both newish, but blogging!

    1. mahmood

      Thanks Jaina. Please let me know of any other blogs you know of so I can compile a more comprehensive list.

  3. Tariq

    A bird chirps far more exotically in the wild than behind the bars of a cage…

    1. mahmood

      Yes. There is no questioning that fact. Still, one learns from how journalists allude to things and effect a response, if not change. Maybe a language change might encourage some. Not an ideal situation, but one that might be conducive to chirping without having to suffer a life in a cage?

  4. Rasha

    Hi Mahmood,
    Thanks for including my blog I’m actually blogging about “Travel & photography” 🙂
    Here are other blogs you might find interesting. I have a long list in feedly I don’t know if there is a way to share it.

    1. mahmood

      Thank you Rasha. I too have a very long list of Bahraini blogs, unfortunately less than 5% survive. I’ll add your contributions and amend your entry.

  5. Aisling

    New to blogging. Mother and wife, lover of fashion, art and music. Be great if you could add me to your list.

    Be great to get in touch with some fellow bloggers.

    Aisling in Bahrain

  6. Jaffar

    Salam Alaikum

    أنا مدون منذ أيام الزمن الجميل.. قبل أن تنقض أدوات الوسائط الاجتماعية على التدوين
    أسست مدونات كثيرة ومسحتها بسبب تقلبات البيئة والذروف أحيانا

    التقيتكم ذات مرة في احد اجتماعات المدونين الشهرية التي كنتم يا سيد تديرونها بلطفكم

    عموما، عدت للتدوين وهذه مدونتي الجديددة

    ان كان هناك موقع يجمع المدونات سأكون شاكرا لطفكم بإضافة المدونة أعلاه.

    شاكرا لطفكم

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