I’ve always wanted a small “proper” sitting area in the front garden but never got round to doing something about it. Until now. Thanks to Almanaratain who wanted to parter with Mahmood’s Garden Show and offered to construct it for me using their material, staff and equipment to do so. How can I refuse?
The process I adopted here is quite economical actually because I utilised cement-based tiles made exclusively at Almanaratain through a special process. The tiles are died through and not simply painted. They’re durable and look as good as natural stone because they’re not manufactured using one single mould, but have several types in order to produce the required “natural” variation. I know that these tiles vary in price between BD3 – BD6 per square meter. Check with Almanaratain for the latest pricing. The cost per square meter including full installation won’t exceed BD15, a real bargain in my book, and the results are quite acceptable.
I hope to have a few of you over for teas and coffees on the new patio once the weather changes for the better soon 😉