They’re born and bred for the desert, not people’s homes and most definitely NOT to be kept as pets. Apart from their natural stink, they apparently are very horny buggers! Pet camel kills Australian woman A woman in Australia has been killed by her pet camel after the animal may have tried to have sex …
Filbert!, originally uploaded by malyousif. I saw a commotion through my study window and stood up to investigate. It was two mynah birds attacking something and two parakeets attacking the mynahs and in the middle of this mêlée was a little parakeet which was obviously the centre of attention! The mynahs were intent on killing …
I have no earthly idea what magic my youngest sister Maha uses with cats, but she can do whatever she likes to them and they love her for it! More, with her, cats are like dogs! They follow her around and respond to her commands as if they’ve been to the (dog) obedience school. I …
when I have a minute. Bastards. We went and rescued Phoebe from that decrepit place thinking that we’re doing something good. Well we are, but had we known any better we wouldn’t have risked Gnasher’s life.
Gnasher was in a pretty bad way over the last couple of days poor thing. Because I showered him in the weekend, he apparently didn’t dry enough to go back in the house with the air conditioning on.. and typical of me I blamed Frances for it! 🙁 blaming the tick medicine she’s put on …