No no, this is not a political post. I’m (almost) fed up of that crap. Instead, this is just to share with you what I’ve done to my office today in celebration of a new year and a determination to grab this year and bend it to my will 🙂 I frankly got fed up …
When I open the document, it’s invariably from some twit who somehow managed to scrape through one of the “educational” institutions in Bahrain – yes, some are from Bahrain Uni too – and must be completely spaced out or think that whoever actually bothers to actually open their attachment (disregarding virus warnings) is completely stupid.
Gulf Broadcast, originally uploaded by malyousif. My life. My friends. My joy. My sanity!
I’ll be off to Bangkok tonight for a week on a production job for one of
For the first time in a very long time I actually feel guilty for not updating the blog. I am genuinely busy and haven’t had a day’s rest for a long time. This is Good™ and I’m not complaining. To put you in the picture, I have 8 productions all happening at the same time; …