Amsterdam reflections


Blackcat, originally uploaded by malyousif.


After a very hectic but immensely satisfying week, I am back home again. It’s good to be with your family and good to sleep in your own bed again.

In the week we’ve been away, we produced two news reports [1·2] which were aired on the same day they were shot, while another 3 are in progress and shall be released soon based on the footage we acquired during the Power-Gen Europe exhibition and conference at the RAI.

It was a nostalgic trip as well. I’ve been going to the RAI to attend the International Broadcasters Convention for years. I just missed the last 2 years due to my changing the business direction of the company. It was good to be back in Amsterdam. It was different this time too, Apart form going to the city centre on the first and last day of the stay there, we spent all the other time near the RAI. An expected thing really as we started work at around 5.30 am and didn’t finish until about 10pm every single day!

Just by chance, while the exhibition was being set up in the RAI, a smaller hall there was hosting a Tattoo Convention. I didn’t require much encouragement to take some time off and visit! I met some very interesting people there. Some even allowed me to take videos of them being tattooed and others pleasantly posed for my photographs. Unfortunately all I had with me then was my iPhone. I know. Ironic, considering what we were commissioned to do in Amsterdam! I’ll finish and post the video once I get some time. Enjoy the pictures for now though…

I am absolutely proud of my crew. Every single one of them pulled an ace out of their hats and worked well under immense pressure and succeeded to deliver fantastic products which exceeded the client’s expectations.

It’s fantastic working with clients who continuously challenge us and allow us to innovate and push the envelope. We’re looking forward to two more international productions with PennWell Corp; Doha and Singapore are coming up in October and November this year. We can’t wait!


    1. mahmood

      They are indeed. But wait for the video!

      Haven’t had a chance to cut it yet. Hope it’ll be worth watching.

      1. Steve the American

        Mahmood, I’m assuming, of course, that you got yourself a tattoo as a souvenir of your visit. A windmill, perhaps. Or Elvis.

        1. mahmood

          Seriously considered, but rejected!

          I did wonder what kind of tattoo I would get and ended up with the idea of getting a bar-code representing article 19, the freedom of speech paragraph in the declaration of human rights. That should’ve been enough to circle my upper arm, don’t you think?

    1. mahmood

      IF is a big word… but I’m quite happy with mine as she is with me and I’m not looking for another thanks very much 😉

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