Veiled women allowed to drive

While road-deaths have increased in Bahrain from 54 in 1995 to 81 in 2002, the number of cars increased from 169,318 in 1995 to 250,978 in 2002 and not a day passes without a serious sometimes fatal road accident, we now have a law allowing veiled women to drive!

That is, women who cover their faces completely with semi-transparent cloth. Some I’m sure will say that the cloth does not restrict vision and it’s like sun-glasses. Yeah sure!

This is the result of our infant Parliament. This is their major achievement in their last session. I’m sure that next they will find other very worthy cause to take up. And we all know that we do NOT have any other immediate problems to resolve like unemployment, a high increase in crime, continuing road congestion, etc. Allowing veiled women to drive is of the highest national priority.

Apart from that, now if you are unfortunate enough to get involved in an accident with a veiled woman driver, you have to wait for one of the seven traffic police-women to come to the sight of the accident to resolve the matter, NOT a normal traffic (male) cop.

Here are some recent links so you can form your own opinions:
– Anger over accident blackspot
– BD 200 million to be spent to slash road deaths
– Indian killed in traffic accident


  1. anonymous

    Veiled women allowed to drive

    Its disgraceful allowing veiled women to drive – and will only cause more accidents. Putting a woman in charge of any type of potentially dangerous machinery is simply asking for trouble, and as we can see from examples across the world, allowing women to drive is a failed experiment.

    We shouldn’t be so self regarding that we don’t look to other societies to see how they do things – who knows they might even have something to teach us. And certainly the Saudi example is something we need to consider carefully as we look to meet the challenge of accidents and congestion in Bahrain.

    Mr MPs you want to look at restricting the number of women drivers, not provide opportunities for more of them to snarl up the our already full roads.

  2. anonymous

    Re: Veiled women allowed to drive

    Yes, allowing veiled women to drive is crazy, but the comment above that women should not control any kind of machinery is even worse! I realize you may not be used to it, but it is simply not true and that thinking is only a man’s way to control women because most men feel threatened by women who are equal or better than they are. Well, don’t worry someday you will get used to it.

    It is a fact that the space shuttle is regularly piloted by women commanders. It is also a fact that there are many women piloting airline aircraft. In the US I think it is 20% of the airlines captains and copilots are women. If you fly internationally enough, you will eventually be greeted by a female captain announcement.

    –written by a man

  3. anonymous

    Veiled women allowed to drive

    [quote][color=red]Putting a woman in charge of any type of potentially dangerous machinery is simply asking for trouble, and as we can see from examples across the world, allowing women to drive is a failed experiment.[/color][/quote]

    First of all I am a arab male so let me just are an idiot. I have no idea what kind of women you have ever met ..or even seen for that matter to come up with a statement as stupid as this one. Do you have statistics to back up your statement that women can’t drive as well as anyone else? No..because you obviously are locked up in some sort of room with no windows to come up with drivel like this. Women that are veiled would pose more of a risk ONLY because it restricts their vision. What about old people with thick glasses? Ever been near one of them on the road?

    [quote][color=red]We shouldn’t be so self regarding that we don’t look to other societies to see how they do things – who knows they might even have something to teach us.[/color][/quote]

    Oh wait..your an enlighted guy..sorry. So let me clue you in on a couple things that might help you with other societies. A woman was prime minister of England, women like Danica Patrick of the IRL and Milka Duna of Rolex series would blow your ass off the road in a race. Yes women pilot the Space Shuttle and they also pilot almost every kind of plane in the US Air Force inventory. I bet if you ever travel, its obvious you don’t, that you would see a woman at the controls of your passenger jet. might be better you stay at home.

  4. Aardvark

    Why do most veiled women happily walk around wearing sandals? Don’t they know about foot fetishism?

  5. can we talk now

    I don’t know if that is true, but remember that veiled women are likely to be ones who live their lives according to a set of rules that has been handed to them with a long list of “haraam”s. In that case, everything not on that list is halaal. so if you have to cover your face but there is no mention of the feet, then you can wear slinky high heeled sandals, covered in henna and reeking of perfume and it is ok, so you do it. for some people the perfume is also on the list, so they smell like yestarday’s dinner.
    it also means that she can sit in anightgown with another female she doesn’t even know because that is not on the list.
    A totally veiled woman (even the eyes) woman had just committed a crime in front of my eyes and when I called her on it and asked how can she can cover up and pretend to be righteous when she is stealing? (it wasn’t money and she wasn’t poor. I don’t want to go into details), she turned to me and said with her chin held high, just because i’m covered doesn’t mean i’m religious.
    it might be because they do know about foot fetishes……???

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