Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

In today’s Akhbar Al-Khaleej newspaper, on the front page, the Salafi/Wahabi MP Jassim Al-Saidi proposes the application of Shari’a Law in Bahrain and will table a motion to amend the Penal Law as such in parliament.

His argument of course is that it is a clear text in the Holy Quran, cut off the hands of theifs. End of story. He goes farther by quoting the actual text in the Quran, and the Teachings of the Prophet to support his case.

What instigated him is the abundance and the escalating number of crimes in Bahrain. Thievery is rife, rape and killings have escalated dramatically over the last 10 years. Al-Saidi’s resource to the Scripture and his demand to apply the Laws of Allah as prescribed by the Quran and the Teachings of the Prophet will defintely solve these problems.

Nancy Ajram and Big Brother were only the hours de avors. This is the entree.


  1. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    The dogs are barking, and all Mahmood is doing is giving them a Microphone. He’s giving them the importance they would like to think that they have. Mahmood dont u realise that their bark is worse than their bite.

    So lets move on to the next topic now.

  2. mahmood

    Re: Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    What, already giving in bahrainia?

    This is where you’re wrong, it’s not a topic, it’s the ruin of Bahrain we’re talking about and trying very hard to rescue. Want to join us?

  3. althawadi

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    This is absolutely Abizmal with a capital A. These people are uneducated. Absolutely uneducated. They dont even qualify to be members of parliament with the level of knowledge and thbey have, if any! I dont even think they should be allowed in parliament to start with. Politics and religion dont mix, politics is compromise, and religion is not!.
    out of all people who are supposadely learned in islam they should know this!

    What a disgrace to the word parliament. an absolute disgrace i must say.

    [Modified by: althawadi (althawadi) on March 03, 2004 02:25 PM]

  4. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    No Im not giving in, I just dont wana waste my time. If there is a so-called parliamentary channel that legislates, with 80 members of parliaments, do u actually believe that 2 or 3 members will force through iron-age sharia law saudi style? c’mon. I wouldnt have thought that Mr Mahmood, the the one that has so much faith in this parliament, can think that these ppl have much power in this arena. As you know, they’ll probably just get laughed at by the rest of the members. So why all the fuss? Akhbar Alkhaleej and GDN are all government owned headed by Hamar, which is probably the person who would throttle to death Moawdah if he got his hands off him, so i’d take things with a pinch of salt when reporting on these Salafis. God, ur even making me defend these idiots now!


  5. mahmood

    Re: Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    Politics and religion dont mix, politics is compromise, and religion is not!

    A truer thing has not been said!

    Well said althawadi!

  6. mahmood

    Re: Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    What? Just like the majority thought that the events of Nancy Ajram was a waste of time, thus keep quiet and the events which ensued proved us wrong.

    Just like Big Brother? The majority kept quiet – not because of even remotely liking Big Brother, but the principal of freedoms of speech, live and let live and humanity, and see what ensued. The successful mass migration of funds, jobs, reputation, and tolerance out of the country.

    So you propose that what the honourable Saidi is proposing now is “just a summer cloud” as we say in Arabic and it will be taken care of by default, so we just have to “keep quiet and not waste our time?”

    The majority of the people I have spoken to, the calls I received in support, and the majority of comments entered here say NO.

    Nabeel Al-Hamar by the way owns 40% of Dar Al-Ayam which publishes Al-Ayam and Bahrain Tribune. Both the Gulf Daily News and Akhbar Al-Khaleej are not owned by him nor are associated with him as far as I know.

    If you want to keep quiet, that’s completely your prerogative. I most certainly will not.

  7. adore

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    [quote]Plans are already afoot, never fear! [/quote]

    i need all the HOPE i can get…
    coz these asswipes won’t stop till its Afghanistan.

  8. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    Someone has been digging around and came up with the probable cause of the downfall of the Big Brother show.



    Events took a worrying turn when the Saudi contestant ran around the house shouting:
    [quote]”I am the only one who has been able to get into the women’s quarters. Yes!” [/quote]

    If this is the cause of the cessation of the show, it’s not fair. If the Saudi fellow violated security rules and breached the women’s quarters, then he and he alone should have been penalized. Everyone did not deserve to be penalized. An estimated 85 people working as technicians and in production have lost their jobs and incomes probably because of this kid’s irresponsible and childish prank. But that’s like swatting a mosquito with an elephant gun.

    And, once they had their cause belli, they are poised to go to the max and impose sharia– and all because of this overly-frisky Saudi guy?

    But only people who actually live in Bahrain can know how serious a threat to their freedom this initiative really is. Maybe it’s mostly just bluster.


  9. anonymous

    Re: Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    link corrected

  10. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    Oh my God! You were right Mahmood, they have obviously spent the last few days basking in the glory and power of winning by threats and intimidation! I fear for Bahrain now, seriously I do.

    I hope we do not fail to realise that Jassim Al-Saidi’s proposal is a battle call, if we do not put up a fight now then it will be too late. Are we to be in charge of our own lives or do we put total control of our wellbeing in the hands of this man and his cronies? Oh God help us all because human nature in previous events such as this usually means the moderates do nothing until it is too late!

  11. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    They obviously have a well thought out plan of action, each victory moves them onto the next agenda on their list. They wont win this one, we cannot afford to let them. Can they not see that poverty and upbringing, bad policing and opportunity are the main reasons for crime? NO, its because they still have hands to steal with!

  12. mahmood

    Re: Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    I’ve said before, you cannot employ reason and logic to reason with these people. The only thing they will say to you is that it is a clear text in the Quran, if you dare question that then you are branded a Kafir, an unbeliever and when they do that, then your life is litterally forfeit with anyone killing you is assured of a place in Heaven.

    I would love to see the reaction this will get in the press, the parliament and from the other Islamist MPs in there as well.

    Can we afford to let them have their way? I certainly can’t.

  13. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    dear Mahmood, just passing by to tell you I appreciate your work and I support your fight for a freer Arab society. People like you are the clear demonstration that our two worlds can talk to each other, not only make war. All my best, miic from italy (

  14. anonymous

    Dear …..,

    I received mail from a friend today in UK… How embarrasing!!

    …..”The papers here are all agog with your BB “a threat to Islam” I think is the general consensus in Bahrain by the sounds of the news here? The papers are full of it. Most people are laughing at how ridiculous it all is but I do admit I have had to defend Bahrain on your behalf because more than one person “……..” feels sorry for you living in what is portrayed as the new Afghanistan hehe.. tell me I am wrong, its not changed that much in the 2 years since I was there?”

    On and on it goes, I got 3 Sms’s about it today as well… how embarrasing for Bahrain as well as myself. How can we hope to let the world know that these people are a minority, nothing we can do can gain the amount of publicity this ridiculous bunch of prats have garnered in the name of Bahraini people, we are all going to be tarred with the same brush!

  15. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain


  16. mahmood

    Re: Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    It requires more than that actually to really make a difference. We have to be methodical with an action plan and must get the support of not only liberal/moderate MPs, but even the intelligencia in Bahrain who have already voiced their opposition to this throttling wave of backward thinking.

    Plans are already afoot, never fear!

  17. anonymous

    Re(1): Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    I like your use of the word “Methodical” here because it is exactly what is requied. This needs to be objective and free of emotion. The extremists can very easily cut your argument down at the knees by labeling it unislamic.

    Our approach needs to be comprehensive, allow for Realistic, and Rational thinking, and it needs to happen soon. I´m not talking about just a rally or a march, but a lasting solution and a clear vision of what we want to acheive.

    I´m alarmed people. at first it was just an issue of public image… but now I´m seriously afraid of where this is going and how fast it is escalating.


  18. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    How disgusting. Why don’t they pack their bags and head to Saudi Arabia where thieves get their hands cut off and killers have their heads chopped off? Is that how they would like to see Bahrain? I say it’s time to protest. They are four people. We are a majority.
    – Iris

  19. anonymous

    Trackback :: MP wants strict application of Sharia in Bahrain

    TrackBack from Bahraini.TV

    An Islamist member of the Bahraini Parliament intends to propose the introduction of Islamic Sharia castigations, including amputating the hands of thieves, to the kingdom’s criminal code

  20. anonymous

    what strange people you are 🙂

    Wow!! I can’t seem to figure you guys out!! I would of thought that as Muslims you would be happy with the idea of applying Shari’a Law in Bahrain! It is after all your religion!! I wonder why muslims shy away from what makes them special… ISLAM!!!

  21. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    Not everyone who lives in Bahrain is a Muslim, nor is every Bahraini a Muslim. Bahrain has native Christain, Jews and Muslims and others of different faiths as well.

  22. anonymous

    Off with their heads! Islamists propose Shari’a Law in Bahrain

    you are a little idiot crap web site

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