A lot happen in a garden in two weeks, unfortunately for me; I’ve been really busy in the office that I didn’t have a chance to muck around with it. Last weekend was taken up by motorsports at the BIC – which I thoroughly enjoyed – but am determined this weekend to spend as much time as possible in it… and I started yesterday evening!
Look at this:
I think I might have been a tad generous in my spreading the cauliflower seed. I had to thin them last night and the result was a small bucketful of seedlings. The story is repeated with the onions and cabbages as well. All of those removed seedlings went on the compost pile.
Ah well, next time I’ll take care not to spread too much of the seed, even if each packet is only 300 fils! Maybe I should just take comfort in that old farmer’s saying: one for the birds, one for the pot and one for next years’ seed. I feel quite all right after thinking of it like this, all is not wasted. I even can add “and a whole lot for the compost heap too!“