I’ve been interviewed and filmed by Al-Jazeera’s Hashim Ahelbarra (the English channel) about a couple of weeks ago, the segment is airing in their news program throughout the day today Nov 8th, ’07. If you’re interested in watching, you can do so online (click here or click “watch now” on their front page).
Hope you like it.
update: If the schedule doesn’t change, it looks like they’re rebroadcasting it at around 25 past the hour every hour.
update 2: Al-Jazeera has just posted the interview on their website, and by the magic of YouTube, here it is too:
Way to go Mahmood! … Great interview
Mahmood you are a pioneer of human rights and freedom of speach… I admire your courage and forthrightness.. And even though there will be those who want to remain in the dark so that they can continue with their misdeeds and will try to intimidate or deter you from this admirable work they will not succeed.!! Light will always overcome darkness as surely as the day conquers night every new morning.
Be blessed !!
Phenomenal! You my friend are an inspiration to us all. Now, when are they going to appoint you to the Shura Council!!! 😀
Really nice bro,
way to go!
Good stuff.
Wow! Nice! You go Mahmood! Congrats!
It was strange to see you on video, Mahmood. Oddly enough, I never detected an accent when you wrote, but there it was, a trace of one when you spoke. Didn’t expect that.
Al Jazeera certainly did a nice showcase on you, presenting you like an elder statesman of the blogosphere. I was also interested to see that we both picked the exact same color of desk to do our blogging on. Yours was much neater though. Mine is quite cluttered with Important Stuff.
You’re well on your way to becoming a Media Giant, perhaps even a Media Juggernaut.
Thats great …
Keep it on …
😛 😎 💡
by chance i saw your interwiew in aljazeera, which i watch regularly.
deeeeeeelighted. what an idea in the hands of a highly talented and capable person can do.
allah akbar.god bless and give you energy so you can continue to SPREAD THE LIGHT.
Way to go, Mahmood! I can say I’ve met a TV personality now 😉
I think, however, they didnt do your blog justice, calling it a hastily put together blog. Or were they talking about your first blog?
I do autographs now 😈
Yes, they were talking about the very first one waaay back in pre 2003 times. He did say – if I remember correctly – “what was a hastily put together articles” or something to that effect.
Thanks very much for your support my friends, I really appreciate it. This gives me heart to carry on.
Now I’ve got to carry on to bed… it’s a been a long day, up at 4.45 and other than feeling my eyelids closing, my fingers are dropping off too 😀
Love you all and nighty night.
Wow, the interviewer’s accent is painfully bad…it was embarrassing to watch…you on the other hand did a fine job…since when do “English” news channels hire people who can barely speak the language :S Maybe he’s a great guy, but brush up a little on the language if you please…
Keep up the good work.
You were overwhelmed with excitement your words were racing to come out
You must’ve been so proud of your accomplishment. Who wouldn’t if he was in your shoes?
Continue with your appreciated efforts, because although I sometimes disagree with yoiu, yet still impressed by your intelligence & dedication.
Oh Mahmood thats super man! im happy for you and happy for you , keep you good work im so proud of you … I can imagine how happy must be your family!!
We move to USA 10 days ago … i miss bahrain!
Thanks very much Lorena! I hope you find joy in your new life in the States and do keep in touch. I’m sure you will be quite fine there, and the world being so small, I won’t be surprised if you find yourself back here even if for a short holiday!
Maybe ! inshallah some day .. after i get full recover my friend! im so happy for you ! you deserverd ya mahmood!
But who’s the handsome and smart gentleman?
Congrats – great interview.