Public Private Records

I know, that’s like a definition of an oxymoron, but as far as this situation is concerned it hits the nail very much on the head.

Let me explain: I took my mother this morning to the Salmania Medical Complex for a check-up x-ray for bone density. That section is housed in the very old part of the hospital, a place that used to be the old maternity ward and where I as well as my two younger brothers were born, but now almost completely dilapidated with that old building smell.

The corridors surround a nice area which could be turned into a lovely garden where patients might want to be brought to relax. The shocking thing however is the way that the hospital authorities decided to store thousands of presumably old x-ray films and records at the side of these corridors! Some folders and film envelopes were covered in tarpaulin for protection against the elements I guess.

I couldn’t believe my eyes, I thought these must be just empty envelopes awaiting disposal, but opening a couple and looking in I was aghast; they actually contain actual x-ray films! Some of these files especially the ones on top of the heaps are caked with dust, so these files must have been there for a while. The files had the names of patients, and of course as you can see from the pictures the film itself has the name and particulars of patients imprinted as well.

Aren’t these x-rays very private and are privileged information? Why are these files just thrown there for anyone to rummage through and find the most intimate medical details about people? Doesn’t the Ministry of Health have better ways of storing or destroying old records?

These are patient privileged information for goodness’ sake. Is this what privacy means to the Ministry of Health?

I called the PR section at SMC and spoke to Hussain Al-Mousawi who shuffled this problem on and blamed the Ministry of Finance as (according to him) they are responsible for coming and collecting these files to take them to the Central Stores, and said that these files are very old “anyway” but when I told him that some of those were dated 2003 he promised to take the matter up with the SMC management. I hope he does, and does it very quickly. I don’t have much hope that the management will do anything with this situation any time soon.


  1. anonymous

    Public Private Records

    Welcome to Bahrain … 🙂

    Anon-4 ever

  2. Laura(southernxyl)

    Public Private Records

    It’s a problem everywhere. The people who work there probably walk right past those records without really seeing them. My mom used to work at a cancer treatment center in Mississippi and she constantly pointed out files being left open on people’s desks and things of that nature. They just don’t think about it.

    The privacy thing amuses me. My daughter is 18 years old now. I took her to get a checkup, and went along myself because she doesn’t talk to the doctor unless I prompt her – and that’s a whole other story. Anyway, when they called her back they told me to stay in the waiting room until I was called. Of course I asked her what that was about. They were explaining to her about her privacy, and that they would not tell me what she told them, and that she had to tell them the truth so they could take care of her, so on, and so on, and then – “Are you having sex?” “No.” “Good!” And that was that. But she tells me some of her friends are, and the way their parents find out is that they purchase their birth control pills on their parents’ insurance. Well, while you’re still being cared for and supported by your parents they are going to know your business.

  3. anonymous

    Public Private Records

    This is one of the biggest reasons why Government controled and run Health Care doesn’t work. Lax record keeping.

    What you saw Mahmood was and is a violation of Medial Ethics and poor business practices.

  4. anonymous

    Public Private Records

    What about private files at a private hospital? Two years ago a Bahraini female contacted me on my mobile phone and was sending me flirtatious text messages. She then foolishly thought she’d impress me by texting me all my private info – home address, cpr number etc.
    I wasn’t impressed at all and so filed a police report. I later found out she was a secretory working at private hospital (which I shan’t name) who found me attractive and so thought she’d go snooping in my medical record. What professionalism!! This country is in dire need of a data protection act!

  5. Ibn

    Public Private Records

    They dont respect your human rights so why do you expect them to respect your X-rays?

  6. anonymous

    Public Private Records


  7. mahmood

    Re: Public Private Records

    sorry, parliament is currently too busy to debate and pass such a law, they’re too busy supporting the smart card which will smartly disrobe everyone in society without a single dissenting voice being heard from law makers, or should I say breakers?

  8. anonymous

    Public Private Records

    What the hell is everyone surprised for ??

    You think this is Scandanavia or Western Europe ?

    This is Bahrain you should expect this by now.

    To the people acting surprised here, you must either be new to Bahrain or living under a rock somewhere in Sakheer.

    No seriously, what did you expect them to do with the records ?? Take them seriously ??

  9. mahmood

    Re: Public Private Records

    But accepting it as “correct” and continue to ignore these breaches of privacy is not something that should continue without challenge. If we are to build a modern society, then privacy of information should be one of our highest priorities.

  10. anonymous

    Public Private Records

    I believe that our hospitals should all be privately owned. Only then will you see such matters being taken seriously. You can raise such issues as much as you want, but nothing will be done. Our so-called Ministry of Health should act promptly, but knowing the way it already functions, you won’t see any change soon. My solution is to go to Dubai and have your medical check-ups done there. At least I know that’s what I will be doing!

    Peace Out,

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