Don’t laugh, this is serious:
اØÂتدم جدل بينعلماء دينÙÂيمصر ووصل إلى البرلمانبعد ÙÂتوى لرئيس قسم الØÂديث بجامعة الأزهر، تبيؠ‘’إرضاع الكبير’’، ÙÂيوقت انتقدت صØÂ٠عدة تدريس كتاب ÙÂيهذا القسم يؤكد أنالإرضاع ÙŠØÂلل الخلوة بينرجل وامرأة غريبة عنه ÙÂيمكاتب العمل المغلقة، بØÂسب موقع ‘’العربية.نت’’.
الوقت – ١٨ مايو ٢٠٠٧
What that little gem above states that a brainfartist at Al-Azhar, that “islamic university” which has imprisoned Kareem due to what they categorise as blasphemous comments on his blog which scorned the greatest and last religion on Earth, has done much more to completely insult our religion – you know, the one they are sworn to protect? – by a brainfart of a fatwa (or as we say in colloquial Bahraini – and this is a literal translation of the “fart” part of the phrase: faswa) – which is supposed to help women who share offices with male colleagues. This is in the same stream of “elevating women and putting them on a pedestal” of course.
What the right dishonourable twat issued his fatwa that should a woman share an office with a male colleague, which is haram (verboten, forgetaboutit, nowayjosé, gostraighttohellanddonotpassgo), as unmarried males and females should not mix, she must be accompanied with a chaperon, or she should breast feed that adult male five times in order for their unchaperoned existence together be Islamically lawful, halal!
How about that for flexibility? Who said that Islam was a rigid religion?
Now. I would not be surprised that men all over the Muslim world standing erect while a queue of women pass by, boobs hanging out and breast feeding the line in order to protect their rights and allow them to live in a halal environment with men.
Islam – according to the respected Al-Azhar, that edifice of education and protector of our religion and spreader of blaspheming law suits, not only condones this sort of behavior, but encourages heads of departments to research and produce this sort of edict!
“Don’t laugh” – that’s not easy to me!
Sounds like they are a bit crazy at Al-Azhar’s – I really don’t know where that strange idea could come from, but I think, it’s a mix of chauvinism and living on an ivory tower (and, maybe, some drugs…).
Mahmood, I hope you don’t have anything against me translating this text to German and posting it? It kind of makes me crazy…
Be my guest. The more people know of this stupidity the less likely it is to be repeated!
I think the problem is the existence of some “Hadiths” that supports this Fatwa. The Hadiths have always been there but the mainstream Muftis have ignored them for reasons obvious to us all. There were not officially dismissed, critiqued or taken care of, they still stand as part of the prominent Haidth books such as Moslm – which is believed to contain “Saheeh†or true Hadiths.
â€ÂØÂدثنا †â€Âعمرو الناقد †â€Âوابنأبيعمر †â€Âقالا ØÂدثنا †â€ÂسÙÂيانبنعيينة †â€Âعن†â€Âعبد الرØÂمنبنالقاسم †â€Âعن†â€Âأبيه †â€Âعن†â€Âعائشة †â€Âقالت â€Â
â€Âجاءت †â€Âسهلة بنت سهيل †â€Âإلى النبي†â€Âصلى الله عليه وسلم †â€ÂÙÂقالت يا رسول الله إنيأرى ÙÂيوجه †â€ÂأبيØÂذيÙÂØ© †â€Âمندخول †â€Âسالم †â€Âوهو ØÂليÙÂÙ‡ ÙÂقال النبي†â€Âصلى الله عليه وسلم †â€Âأرضعيه قالت وكي٠أرضعه وهو رجل كبير ÙÂتبسم رسول الله †â€Âصلى الله عليه وسلم †â€Âوقال قد علمت أنه رجل كبير †â€Âزاد †â€Âعمرو †â€ÂÙÂÙŠØÂديثه وكانقد شهد بدرا †â€ÂÙˆÙÂيرواية †â€Âابنأبيعمر †â€ÂÙÂضØÂÙƒ رسول الله †â€Âصلى الله عليه وسلم â€Â
â€ÂÙˆ ØÂدثنا †â€ÂإسØÂÙ‚ بنإبراهيم الØÂنظلي†â€ÂومØÂمد بنأبيعمر †â€Âجميعا †â€Âعن†â€ÂالثقÙÂي†â€Âقال †â€Âابنأبيعمر †â€ÂØÂدثنا †â€Âعبد الوهاب الثقÙÂي†â€Âعن†â€Âأيوب †â€Âعن†â€Âابنأبيمليكة †â€Âعن†â€Âالقاسم †â€Âعن†â€Âعائشة â€Â
â€Âأن†â€Âسالما †â€Âمولى †â€ÂأبيØÂذيÙÂØ© †â€Âكانمع †â€ÂأبيØÂذيÙÂØ© †â€Âوأهله ÙÂيبيتهم ÙÂأتت تعنيابنة †â€Âسهيل †â€Âالنبي†â€Âصلى الله عليه وسلم †â€ÂÙÂقالت إن†â€Âسالما †â€Âقد بلغ ما يبلغ الرجال وعقل ما عقلوا وإنه يدخل علينا وإنيأظنأنÙÂينÙÂس †â€ÂأبيØÂذيÙÂØ© †â€Âمنذلك شيئا ÙÂقال لها النبي†â€Âصلى الله عليه وسلم †â€Âأرضعيه تØÂرميعليه ويذهب الذيÙÂينÙÂس †â€ÂأبيØÂذيÙÂØ© †â€ÂÙÂرجعت ÙÂقالت إنيقد أرضعته ÙÂذهب الذيÙÂينÙÂس †â€ÂأبيØÂذيÙÂØ©
I think this is what happens when Chinese Whisper is the only way of passing on religion from a generation to another. Muslims have had a tendency of not critiquing Hadith texts, and what happened –at best- was to ignore them. The amount of Hadiths found today and their content is a clear indication that a lot of these are bogus, especially with Hadiths having contrary messages, or outrageous messages like breastfeeding adults.
This is just so wrong on so many levels as it contains so many contradictions. If that hadith is actually “sahih” or correct, the break out the wine and togas and let’s just all paaartaay!
WOW. All I can really say about that is WOW.
Can we say “Hello 8th century?” How about we go conquer Al Andalus and set up the Umayyad Caliphate now?
I’m critical of what’s classified as Sahih (correct) of Hadiths today. To what I know it mainly depends on the chain of narrators,the honesty of the person and his known behaviour. If that chain is broken with someone “untrustworthy” then the classification of the Hadith can be degraded from Sahih (correct) to Hasan (good) or Da’eef (Weak).
Obviously that is not enough, hence giving you Sahih Hadiths of this sort. Besides, no matter how much that person wanted to pass on the message in its exact phrasing, there would always be the chance for miscommunication. Let alone people’s various motives of coming up with funky Hadiths, adding up or omitting.
I seriously feel that the way Haidths are classified is like a Telephone game played across 1400 years.
this is just too retarded for comments.
And to think that people complain about Hooters. 🙂
Honey, where are you going? Oh, back to the office.
OK, I can’t help it…HA HA HA HA HA.
So does this make all the sexually active Muslim people out there brothers and sisters????
and AGA: LOL.
Well it is funny, and i read about it earlier some where else, Now the sad part here is that these people thought of a solution for mixed genders in working environment which Muslims don’t approve according to my understanding of Islam (correct me if I’m wrong).
The question here is haven’t they thought that if you breast feed you colleague at the office you risk exposing your BOOB to other employees and by then they might be sexually aroused.
Or in they other hand if you breast feed him, for how long? and will there be breast feeding breaks for these people?
And I just can’t imagine a grown man sucking on a grown women’s ****** in a public place.
Well bottom line here is that you find me anytime soon lying under some women’s boob getting my daily dose of Milk it is disgusting.
ربّنا اغْÙÂر لنا Ø°ÙÂنوبَنا
trying to follow/understand all these rules in Islam makes me feel like I have a bad case of vertigo.
when i first read it i thought it by drinking from a bottle or something, but then i realized that it should be direct from the breast :s
Can I ask the guy who came up with this crap to have his wife’s boobs for a minute or two?
Pingback: Global Voices Online » Egypt: Breast-feeding Adults
Is there an english version of the fatwa?
Salams to all,
Actually any basic explanation of the hadith explains that it was but in a small class for him to drink. Although this might sound strange, this important hadith allows for many Muslim families in the West to adopt children who are older, then the mother can induce lactation through medicine, the young adult drinks it and the Mahram issue is done.
For more on this see Ibn al-Qutayba’s explanation of the hadith. Also, this is not the fatwa of Al-Azhar, but a professor of al-Azhar. Attiyah Sakhr’s official fatwa form al-Azhar follows the logic above.
sorry should be put in a glass! :cheerful:
This eternal diskussion of the “true religious meaning” of some old text reminds me of a Woody Allen film I once saw. His psychologist gave him the Rorschach test. What he saw in the random inkblots was an elephant fornicating with a ping-pong table. :tongue:
Like parables told by Christ, I am likeable to believe that the so called hadith was probably a sarcastic remark to a stupid situation and misunderstood and passed down as a hadith.
If you sincerely consider the Quran as the final word of God, then no hadith can make any difference.
Jeez the limit so people will go to to covet the boobs of the wife of another. :sick: :blink: :angry:
Pingback: And Far Away » Hahaha
What I understand is you can be a brother (or a sister) of someone if you were breast feeding from the same person WHEN YOU ARE NATURALLY IN THE AGE OF BREAST FEEDING. Supposedly as it contributes greatly in the basic foundation of building your body, that is. Hence, brotherhood.
However, if I am at my age (29), and a woman comes to me bearing a boob requesting that she’d be my sister, chances are she’d be my mistress in a second. Oh, and next day I’d have a devorce case pending too.
Seriously Mahmood, don’t you love brainfarts? I mean they are excellent blog material y’know? Heck, I could build a whole blog… nay, a Google size portal even just on that topic alone.
Keeps us busy.
that-is-hila-ri-OUS!!:lol: But I have to say I was referring to your humerous indignation and impatience (with the accompanying choice of words).. not the actual edict..
fatwa-faswa-schmaswa.. isn’t it something?
btw.. is Kareem still imprisoned? I’ve been too busy with family and school commitments to even check with that. (oh ding dong..:silly: you still have the ‘free Kareem’ button, I better check that out this weekend..)
They didn’t have glass in those days, so it must have been direct from the udder, and I demand that right!
Flippancy aside, this is still a brainfart even with your explanation of “this important hadith allows for many Muslim families in the West to adopt children who are older” is crap. Adoption laws in Islam sucks (no pun intended) and all you have to do is visit the many orphanages and peruse the adoption laws, if they exist, in our Muslim countries to see the issue first hand.
It is no wonder that these orphanages are ripe places (and are arguably the only places) where born Muslims get adopted by Christians and get “converted” ultimately to their religion.
That’s how effective your “glass” is.
This is not “in important hadith” but a 5-star brainfart that should be disregarded completely.
But allowing logic to interpret these so called hadiths is not something that is encouraged. Well, this is the result.
Dude, I have a 68 year old lady in my office……do I suck on it or quit?????
What? Well first thing is she should thank her lucky stars that she’s actually still working, because if our dear beloved parliament knew about her they would have thrown her in prison (to protect her of course) as she is contravening the soon-to-be mandatory early retirement for women as they are unworthy nor capable of working the male stipulated 40 years, they get to do only 23 and then they should stay at home!
So, my studied opinion in this manner is stated thusly: QUIT!
OH HANG ON A MINUTE! These two things could be related! You know, they want YOUNGER women in the workplace providing the Shari’a stipulated and mandated male co-workers breast-feeding sessions!
SMART, damn, that’s smart, and using religion to condone it too! :angel:
poor the child whowould be adopted into a family that thinks in this retarded smallminded idiotic way! our religion’s approach to adoption is shameful and should be changed.
and as for the boob thing. well i fear that the thread that still holds many of us to religion may have been sliced off by this last piece of lunacy. it is a true demonstration that religion is used by a retarded bunch of sex-obsessed males whose brains are located between their waists and their knees and for whom women are just objects/cows/vessels/slaves that happen to be there to accommodate them. what a bunch of morons.
maybe it time to start a new religion.. for humans..
OMG!!! I am in HYSTERICS!!! Its been half an hour and i’m STILL LAUGHING!!! Ok, that was my workout for the week…
I mean, i was reading it, expecting “screens in the office”, seperate offices, etc. But THIS! LOOOL
So is it gonna be mandatory in the govt sector all of a sudden? Mahmood, that might also be the reason they will start pushing for equal employment opportunities for women! A female secretary for every man!
Hrmm… maybe the guy who came up with this have a female secretary?!
And if you can drink it from a glass… you know, when women have kids, they do harvest/milk whatever, and store the breast milk, maybe even in the fridge… what if the husband accidentally drinks that?! Does that mean the baby is suddenly the result of incest?! 😯
They DO know april fools is in APRIL, dont they?!
let me get this straight?!
now every time i share my office with some guy i have to conceive?
way to go muslims…
i need more of this insanity to strengthen my lost faith…
“this important hadith allows for many Muslim families in the West to adopt children who are older, then the mother can induce lactation through medicine, the young adult drinks it and the Mahram issue is done.”
From what I understand of the Mahram issue is it pertains to people unlawful for a woman to marry. What does the Mahram issue have to do with adoption? Preventing sex between the mother and older child or older child and siblings? Are you saying that if these older adopted children don’t suckle their mother’s breast (and really, do you think they would even WANT to do that if they are western children? I don’t think so), then they might want to “hit it” with their mother? Gross!
Because the adopted child/young adult would not be eligible to marry the mother or her daughters (if he drank, say, a cup of her breast milk). This would ease the restrictions on the Mahram and enable them to live more comfortably.
Censuring is also a sign of a corrupt, immoral, totalitarian society. Way to censure my comments ya sidi. Thanks for censuring my comments!
I suppose if someone is ultra-religious then yes, they are going to be uncomfortable, but for most Muslims I know they didn’t have a problem adopting childen and not sucking them on their mother’s tit.
Also, how exactly is censure a sign of a corrupt, immoral, and totalitarian society when it is coming from [b]individuals[/b]? Just because you don’t like criticism lobbed at you? Perhaps you should explain yourself before more censuring is piled in you like sand in the Sahara.
Is anyone sure this wasn’t initially an Al-Azhar interoffice memo equivalent to “Dear Penthouse Forum…I never thought this would actually happen to me, but …”
I concede and can sometimes celebrate that this world can be more f’ed up than I, cynic that I am, initially can be capable of believing, but… wow. This bit of “h4141 pr0n” is just too much of a gem to not ask for verification.
For that matter, is thre an Arabic eqiuvalent of to verify urban legends and policy myths?
Also jumping to conclusions and spreading unjust accusations are a sign of a weak mind and an overly sensitive nature normally present in weak personalities desperately trying to hang on to mistaken or weak beliefs.
In this case I would also add a complete ignorance of technology.
Your precious comments were probably held by the spam filter for some reason.
Nothing in the spam filter, just checked, it didn’t find them worth enough to be blocked. So it must be the wee devils put in the server specifically to censure your comments. Go figure.
Want a glass of milk instead?
this has to be inforced 😀 hahaha.
i think the guy was just being creative man, its like if you were dealing with your femail coleagues as colleages, you have to touch their breast and munch on it so you confirm that you will only deal with her as a women, and not any women, a women you forplayed with before, amazing.
Question One: whät are the possible reasons behind this fa*wa?
possibilities include
1) someone wants to keep his women at home and has thought of this creative way to convince them that they cant go to work under these circumstances
2) a sexy bombshell has just started working at the office and someone is dying to get to know her more intimately.
3) someone hasn’t had any milk for a long time
4) someone hasn’t had any nooky for a long time
5) someone cant do it and is looking for a way to get something for nothing
Question two: what does SHE get out of this?
i’m stumped!
I’m Pissed off with these uneducated morons who try to interpret Hadiths or come up with F$%Ked-UP Fatwas (Faswas, in Mahmood’s terms).
I have always believed that the void caused by the non existence of a ‘Religious Institution’, only ONE (not Many, not thousands, only ONE), that represents all Muslims (SHIA, SUNNI and any other branches out there; from all countries) and release unified FATWAs (one that has been discussed by all the representatives of the EDUCATED muslin worlds, logically and agreed upon by all parties, then released), is the root of all our problems.
Too many idiots want to be in the forefront; to represent Muslims and have better and prominent positions in heaven; these jerk offs just blurt out any thing that comes to mind by interpreting HADITHS as their pea brains understand them; and of course it must be to their advantage.
I say, collect them all together in one area; pour gasoline on them and burn the lot.
These idiots will never ever come close to even equaling to the soil that our prophets (PBUT) walked on.
The difference between Man and Animal has been the size of the brain that GOD gave us, PULS ‘the ability’ to understand, interpret, discuss, argue and use common sense & logic.
These, I fear, is lacking in the defective excuses for human beings that release ridiculous FATWAs; Our religion is being given a bad rep..
CX 😳 of shame
Collect them in one area and talk to (or at) them is one thing, advocating burning is another, which I do not subscribe to. Violence only begets violence; the vilification that the brainfartest has gotten so far should almost suffice, what would make it complete, and the thing that we should demand, is his removal from office and not allow him to ever dare issue another fa(t)wa for the rest of his unfortunate life.
That would hold much more punishment for the right honourable gentleman than threats of violence. And be much more painful for them. Holding them to account for their actions/interpretations/fatwas is the key to the reformation of Islam.
I think someone has a fetish for lactating women, and would like to suck on a boob of someone who is lactating with him at work, or have an “adult baby” fantasy, wants to be wrapped in diapers, and breast fed.
Ok. Thanks for the image. You just grossed me out and will be the same for a few days now… such a friend you are. 🙄
so if a woman shares an office with 20 men, do they all get a turn- 5 times each? and what if there’s like… 10 women in that office, that’s a whole lotta suckin goin on in one office! sounds more like an orgy to me! clever those pervy islamists, disguising their horny little orgy plans behind a ‘fatwa’.
Might I also add (the the list of signs of a corrupt society) extreme narcissism.
the ministry of labour and the ministry of health can partner up with a new ‘got milk?’ campaigne…
:devil: Sorry, i meant taking them out and giving them 50 lashes each.
Ok, forget the lashing and i didn’t really mean the Burning thing, i’m not inciting violence here. The fact remains that these twits have made it Halal to kill innocent people, suck on colleagues tits and god knows what other nonsence by using FATWAs.
FATWA should only issued by a ‘Religious Institution’ that represents all Muslims, and only after a unified acceptance by the representatives.
And i do agree with you that the guy need to be booted out of this current position.
Today I’ve grown accustomed to remarks, jokes and comments from my male coworkers, all refering to the infamous Fatwa and stating – sarcastically – how eager they are to the application of such a law in the workplace.
“Then we’ll have a breasfeeding room”. “Then when we get a new female employee, along with creating her email address, we have the breastfeeding procedure to take care of”.
Now this does sound funny- and I laugh, but for once I felt that this Fatwa had put in ideas and head images in the minds of the male employees of sucking the breasts of the female employees.
Thank you very much creative islamic solution. We certainly have a “healthier” environment now.
lol! can you just imagine the conversations when there are no females around??
Sorry mahmood, didn’t mean to
But it is one of those weird fantasies people practice here in the UK.
Now, it has just made its way to the arabian countries.
I’m pretty surprised that many people in are new to this information , eventhough the debate on this topic was present since the the presence of the non-stopping debate between sunnis and shiites.
Actually the shiite have used these hadiths to prove that the hadiths present in Sahih Al – Bukhari – the righteous and wholey correct book after the quran – contradict with the quran’s verses and scriptures that say that breast feeding should be for two years only, and after child birth. Which means no breast feeding after that which includes adults.
Actually the debate on this hadith does not stand at this point, the debate goes to on how the breast feeding should be. One of the most important and dominant Sunni Scholars called Naser el Din Al Albani says that there is no problem to feeding those men directly from the nipple, as it is not considered as ” 3awra” as he says … The other sunni scholar – also a salafi extremist and radical – says that it means that the woman should squirt the milk into a glass or bowl for the man to drink “cheers”
It is really a problem, as some of the Azhar scholar have tried to get around this ” scandal ” by saying that what is meant by Sahih is the chain of narrators of the hadith , but after thinking about it , contradicts with the purpose of writing Sahih Al – Bukhari, where the author have put all his effort to collect the hadiths to follow the right sunna of the Prophet Muhammed … Which means following , working and applying the content of those hadithd ” practically”
At the end, those hadiths really contradict with the verses of the Quran …
😆 😆 😆
After the breast feeding procedure is over and after 5 times , that woman would be the mother of that man ” by rida3a “, and officially …
dont laugh? yea rite…
how am i NOT supposed to laugh…so u expect me to believe that to hang around with guys in co existance i have to breast feed em?
wow..theyll be happy to hear THAT!!
spoil sport! 😈
and of course, this is not the first time that we have been blessed with these ingenius fa(t/s)wa’s…
First we know all the footy around lately, and the premier league is coming up in august, so here are some new footy rules for the religiously concious.
And of course, we cannot forget how open our religion is, and we talk about anything and everything, including intimate marital affairs, with a few guidelines for you to follow!
I had another one relating to John Travolta’s dancing, and the evils of women watching TV, using the internet, and LEARNING!!! I mean, god forbid! 😯
*end of sarcastic tone*
exclamation mark, u just turned women into COWS! loool 😯
the idea of a little boy coming home from school and looking hungrily at mama’s chest disturbs me a little
تÙÂويض جامعة الأزهر بوقÙÂÙ‡ واØÂالته إلى مجلس تأديب
صاØÂب ÙÂتوى “إرضاع زميل العمل” يتراجع عنها ويعتذر للجمهور
Dear Salman,
What I said was incomplete, my bad ..
What I was trying to say is that, during those two years of the baby’s age, when breast fed by another women – not his mother – and for a number of times whether it is five or seven , it is during these two years of the baby’s age, the this woman becomes his mother by ” rida3a ” أم بالرضاعة
And therefore this woman’s sons and daughters they are considered as brothers and sisters of the baby by “rida3a”
Get it ?
In arabic :
الÙÂترة التيتصبؠÙÂيها المرأة أما بالرضاعة للطÙÂÙ„ , هيالÙÂترة قبل بلوغ الطÙÂÙ„ سنتينمنعمره , أما إذا كانت أكثر منسنتين, ÙÂلا تنشر الØÂرمة , ÙÂلو أنإمرأة رضعت Ø·ÙÂلا Ùˆ عمره ثلاث سنوات أو أكثر منسنتين, ÙÂهذه الرضاعة لا تنشر الØÂرمة , ÙÂإنكانهذا ØÂال الأطÙÂال , ÙÂكي٠ØÂال الرجال ؟؟
وَالْوَالÙÂدَات٠يÙÂرْضÙÂعْنَ أَوْلادَهÙÂنَّ ØÂَوْلَيْن٠كَامÙÂلَيْنÙÂ
Dear nadooi,
actually what I’ve written is the ” word by word” translation , and you should actually say that Sheikh Othman al khamees has made women in to cows 🙂
I understand what you mean. Sorry, i wasted your time with the arabic translation, but i have difficulties reading arabic.
I know that the child will be a brother or sister and son by breastfeeding. I did not know the amount of times required for it to fulfill the requirements of becoming a child by breastfeeding.
I think, but not sure (please someone correct me if i am wrong) that you cannot marry your brother or sister in “rida3a”?
Dont you have to be ‘lactating’ in order to breast feed?
What if you aren’t lactating, which most people aren’t? Do men still have a dairy free go at it? and what woman would allow a colleague to go anywhere near her breast or her breast milk even if it’s in a glass (or is it supposed to be in a baby’s bottle??).
I dont understand any of this (not that anyone should try to make sense of it). The whole thing although fascinating is totally twisted, disgusting and disturbing, and lastly i cant believe the guy who’s promoting this as a ‘fatwa’ isn’t in an insane assylum or in jail for pedophilia.
I say to all lactating moms out there- be ware of of the Faswa promoting Al-Azhari’s and keep your boobs and children safe!!!!
I do not see how a single woman nursing one single worker really helps the problem. What about job mobility inside the company? The process would have to be restarted.
It seems to me that a good solution is for each company to employ a ‘wet nurse’, whose job function is to be the company-breast.
The first day of job training, for both men and women, will include ‘nursing’ from the company breast. This way everyone is related and free to move within the company space.
I first read this news on the Italian Repubblica, and I thought it was a misunderstanding on their part. Really I wonder if I should devote more time to deep reading of holy scripts. It seems that with really really close reading they hold unexpected sources of entertainment
I think to be fair we should at least give it a try before we condem it. 😉
Sorry not related to the fatwa, but re: remark 52 breastfeeding is for children only, yes, but 2 years is not the maximum but the recommended time, i.e. the minimum.
Pingback: Global Voices Online » Arabeyes: Breast-Feeding Dilemma
-hi! long time no see.. what’s new with you?
-oh, nothing much, i just got a job..
-really? great, what do you do?
-i’m the company-breast..
!! that’s another fantasy altogether!!
Guys this all is nothing but INSANE, INSANE & INSANE & Thank you the fatwa issuers for trying to prove that Islam is a pathetic religion (I don’t think there is a secondary goal involved here, do you??)
C’mon people, this thing doesn’t even makes sense & is completely insane if one thinks to adopt this as a so called ‘measure’ to secure the image of one’s self in front of society, religiously & morally & your not stopping here are you, you believe that its a part of a religion (any religion) like revealed to us from the Almighty.
Sure you can make up millions of fantasies in your dirty mind but taking your filth & saying its word of God or a Correct Hadith, DAMN you whoever you are.
This is just another example of those ‘Chinese whispers’ a guy mentioned above, not really sure what it means but its going to be that only.
Like, in the Holy Quraan, its mentioned, not to pray, and you thought you will go to hell if you don’t pray five times a day, yes there are these words in the holy book but just after them is a CONDITION stating that ONLY if you are not clean & pure as per the basic requirements to pray in front of the Almighty
You can start a new post and discuss all your fantasies there
Aye Dee
I have been giving thinking about this fatwa for a while, and i have began understanding what they are trying to achieve here.
I think they want women to breastfeed their colleagues so that the woman would become the mother by breastfeeding, and hence it would prohibit the man of lusting or being able to do anything immoral with the woman, because she would be his mother, and it would then be considered incest, and she would also be haram for him to marry as well.
But then again, why would you need such a thing? Why would the man not be respectable enough to not lust for his co-workers? Or why would the woman lust for her co-workers?
Having food in front of you, does not mean you must eat, or does it?
instead of making the woman breastfeed, why didnt bukhari come up with a simpler idea to prevent all things bad and beautiful .. like .. errrm … castration?
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i’m sure the breast feeding woman’s husband will be thrilled to know that his wife’s boob will be sampled by her male colleagues – 5 times each!!!! aaaaagggghhh!!!!! YUK!!!!
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